1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 702 ATV Storm

HK, Oura.

As a veteran TV station with a history of more than 40 years, from the earliest LTV to LTV and then to Asia Television, ATV's ambitions have gradually expanded, and it has also objectively reflected and witnessed the impact of HK The rise of.

Two months ago, Yuanxin joined hands with Dingxin Media to jointly acquire 51% of ATV's shares held by Lin Baixin. One month later, it also purchased 15.7% of the shares held by Lin Baixin's Lixin Group, gaining absolute control over ATV. Control.

Recalling that Phoenix TV, which was only established two years ago, also has a strong mainland background-Liu Changle himself once served as a senior executive at CCTV. For a time, various speculations in the HK media continued, and conspiracy theories were rampant.

But two months have passed, and the two major shareholders have no idea or action towards ATV. To put it bluntly, they have not even replaced the old man who is the gatekeeper, and they have all allowed ATV to develop on its own.

Of course, the impact of the addition of new shareholders, especially the major shareholder Yuanxin, on ATV is still visible to the naked eye - at the very least, ATV no longer has to worry about toilet paper like it did during Lin Baixin's period. Counted. In addition, advertising orders from Yuanxin and other companies have also poured in, which not only solved ATV's urgent needs, but also objectively stabilized ATV's people.

——With a big boss like Yuanxin who is not short of money for blood transfusions, why do you have to worry about development? And I heard that the second boss Dingxin Media is still actively promoting ATV to be launched on Star Wireless!

This shocked all ATV employees! If wireless access is available, then ATV will not be able to trample TVB under its feet?

Of course, the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

Although the two major shareholders did not interfere with ATV's operations, nor did they put forward profit requirements for ATV, they did put forward development ideas and programs for ATV on how to face the Internet, the 21st century, and the future.

To put it bluntly, I don’t care about you, but I, as a shareholder, you have to reflect on why you have been beaten so hard by TVB over the years, and then think about how to turn around.

So in the past two months, things seemed to be calm within ATV, but in fact, there had been a lot of quarrels.

According to the current general manager, that is, the station director Liu Changzhi, ATV should focus on seeking stability, first rely on the blood transfusion of the two major shareholders, and use Dingxin Media’s artists and channel advantages to create more and better TV series.

Standing on Liu Changzhi's side are Le Yuling, the head of the film and television drama production department, and Wang Weiji, the vice president of administration. It stands to reason that the three of them can basically represent the will of the entire ATV.

After all, we are all old people at ATV, and we know very well the situation of ATV. We know that it will be difficult for ATV to achieve a breakthrough by relying on its own accumulation. Nowadays, the two major shareholders are both rich and have no experience in TV operations...

Otherwise, why wouldn't they dare to make personnel adjustments to ATV?

——And ATV has almost reached a unanimous understanding. As long as Yuanxin and Dingxin Media dare to mess around, they will let the capital of these two continents see what legal HK is and what freedom and democracy are - shareholders are not allowed to interfere. The specific operation of the TV station is written into the regulations!

Therefore, ATV management quickly made a response plan, saying that it would first cry for poverty and then seek expansion.

However, in harmony, there will always be a small group of people who want to disobey the will of the group.

Chen Shanqiang, vice president of ATV's marketing operations department, is such a person.

After the three most core leaders, the station director, administrative CEO, and production department CEO, all came to a unified understanding, he jumped out and sang the opposite tune. He said that he should not fool two shareholders like this and should actively consider the future of ATV in accordance with the requirements of shareholders, especially how to face the impact of the Internet.

If he still submits a cliche and uncreative report, he won't sign it.

A series of senior executives headed by Liu Changzhi and department heads filed into the conference room.

Liu Changzhi walked at the front, followed by Wang Weiwei, followed by Le Yuling, and then the vice president of artist management Wu Zhiyun and the heads of various departments under his subordinates.

Trickhead Chen Shanqiang arrived at the conference room first and was standing at the window looking at the busy traffic below.

Seeing Chen Shanqiang's appearance, Liu Changzhi's eyelids twitched slightly, he snorted slightly and walked towards the main seat.

The rest of the people also glanced at Chen Shanqiang, and then sat down one after another.

When Chen Shanqiang approached the conference table, his original seat was already occupied.

Liu Sheng, are you trying to kick me out of ATV? Chen Shanqiang smiled slightly, but he couldn't hide the anger in his eyes.

Liu Changzhi frowned and pointed to the end position: Sit down first and then talk.

Chen Shanqiang didn't show any courtesy, turned around and strode towards the end of the table, but when he turned around... no one saw the sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that everyone was seated, Liu Changzhi looked around the crowd and said in a deep voice: Today's meeting mainly discusses three things. The first thing is how to hand over a satisfactory answer to shareholders.

Frankly speaking, between the two shareholders, Yuanxin is the leader in mainland China's technology field, while Dingxin invested in Titanic and signed many new audio and video production companies with artists. The two of them, regarding TV operations, I’m afraid they’re not very good at it.”

It is precisely because of this that we must take responsibility and consider ATV's future business.

Liu Changzhi was eloquent and continued talking without even taking a sip of water.

The second thing is about the current internal stability issues of ATV.

In the past two months, any interference by the two shareholders in ATV represents their absolute trust in us. In order to live up to this rare trust and for the future of ATV, we need to bring the changes in equity minimizing the impact while maintaining ATV’s internal stability.”

Therefore, discordant voices are not allowed within ATV.

After Liu Changzhi finished speaking, everyone glanced at Chen Shanqiang at the end of the corner of their eyes.

Besides this marketing director, who else could undermine the stability and harmony of ATV?

In the past, this person couldn't even sell advertisements. He finally managed to sell advertisements in the past two months, and it was given by the major shareholder Yuanxin...

What ability does he have and what qualifications does he have to speak out?

The third thing.

Liu Changzhi finally looked directly at Chen Shanqiang.

We are just discussing the appointment of Mr. Chen Shanqiang, Vice President of the Marketing Department. I personally believe that Mr. Chen Shanqiang has been unable to adapt to the increasingly fierce competition that ATV will face in the future, both in terms of business capabilities and business philosophy during his seven years at ATV. TV competition.”

Therefore, I recommend that Mr. Chen Shanqiang be dismissed from his position as deputy general manager of ATV.

As he spoke, Liu Changzhi looked around and slowly raised his hand.

Chen Shanqiang narrowed his eyes and looked at these former colleagues.

He really wanted to see how much these people liked to add insult to injury.

The office was silent.

Just when Wang Weiji raised her hand first, Le Yuling took another deep look at Chen Shanqiang. After a sigh flashed in her eyes, she slowly raised her hand...

A series of footsteps that sounded slightly heavier gradually approached.

After a while, the conference room door opened wide.

Two fat middle-aged men with big smiles stood at the door of the conference room.

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