1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 704 The most awesome laboratory

The current giants in IGBT (power semiconductor) are mainly international rectifier companies, and then Mitsubishi, Siemens Semiconductor and other juniors are catching up. Of course, Mitsubishi Siemens and others came from behind and quickly completed the market division by combining it with high-speed rail, subway and other technologies. In the end, International Rectifier was acquired by Siemens Semiconductors, later Infineon.

If Yuanxin wants to get involved in the power semiconductor industry now, it obviously can only do so by promoting its own application scenarios - it can't wait until the rise of CRRC in 20 years, and then acquire Danix in the UK to achieve self-production, right?

The current power semiconductor market...according to the generation division between the United States and Japan, it has just reached the fourth generation of NPT-type IGBT. The surface process is similar to that of MOSFET. At the same time, the backside process is developed, thinning first, and then ion implantation, metallization, etc. Collector - this is exactly our advantage...

Su Yuanshan and Wang Chuanfu chatted along power semiconductors and gave a general direction at the same time.

By the way, Lao Wang, this new company needs to be run by you and Deyi.

Huh? Not Yuanxin? Wang Chuanfu was jotting down the key points that Su Yuanshan said while saying, A good memory is not as good as a bad writing. He was startled when he heard this: If we... would it be inconvenient to carry out cross-department cooperation?

——Since Yuanxin is known as a chaebol enterprise, it naturally has the advantages of a chaebol group. Cooperation across departments and even across enterprises can be actively and effectively adjusted—after all, we are all one family.

But if the holding company Suoxin takes the lead, future cross-enterprise cooperation will obviously not be as convenient as Yuanxin's leadership.

Well...it is indeed a bit inconvenient. But there is no way, Deyi is also having a headache now. Su Yuanshan smiled bitterly: Vincenti is about to end his term. I have told him several times to invite him to come to Yuanshan. He doesn’t even dare to come if Xin Xin serves as a consultant – if we continue to promote the cooperation between Yuan Xin and Deyi, then he really won’t be able to come.”

So TI's cooperation must be with us. But the method will change. They will first separate the analog electronics department, and then establish a new company with Suoxin. In this way, they will avoid There is a direct relationship between Yuanxin and Deyi.”

... Are you trying to cover it up so much? Does it mean that the United States is beginning to be wary of us like the Ni country? Wang Chuanfu scratched his head: But that's not it, how big are we now? And our influence is only in the country. Just one piece...

It's not that we are too vigilant. Last year, Laos and the United States reached a constructive strategic partnership. This year, various exchanges between the two sides have been very frequent and smooth. Under this general trend, the two countries are tending to cooperate.

//Note: In October 1997, China and the United States issued a joint statement announcing the establishment of a constructive strategic partnership. The accelerated pace of the WTO in the book is also based on this.

But I can't stand a bunch of idiots who still have a Cold War mentality holding them back, so to be on the safe side, it's better to avoid it.

That's okay. Wang Chuanfu nodded.

After seeing Wang Chuanfu off, Su Yuanshan returned to the office and continued to check Yue Hongyi's papers.

——It’s embarrassing to say that he brought three graduate students, almost all of whom were in a pure state.

Yue Hongyi was a little better, and stayed with him in his office for nearly a year, and then spent almost the rest of the time in Shanghai. Even this paper on the improvement of the microarchitecture of 64-bit processors was written by Gao Xiaodi Completed under the guidance of...

As for Lin Kesong and Gan Xiaoyu, because they both studied applied physics, in addition to theory, they also needed to do a lot of experiments - so they were herded for a longer time.

However, as the first batch of direct disciples of Mr. Shan, the three of them really have nearly unlimited resources in Yuanxin as long as they are used for academic purposes. Whether doing experiments or seeking help from seniors in related majors, I have never encountered any difficulties.

So much so that Li Mingliu joked that Su Yuanshan’s graduate students graduated from hundreds of families.

While looking at the paper, Su Yuanshan nodded.

It can be seen that Yue Hongyi does have his own experience and understanding of 64-bit processors - Gao Xiaodi called him early and told Su Yuanshan where he helped.

After reading the thesis, Su Yuanshan only corrected a few points and marked some places that needed to be cited. He wrote a brief attachment to Yue Hongyi, saying that Yue Hongyi would polish this graduation thesis again and then try it. Check out ISSCC, and if you get rejected instantly, then change to a less watery journal - you won’t get pregnant anyway if you give it a try.

As for graduation defense...

Just kidding, Mr. Shan’s disciple has been polished by the architecture department of Yuanxin CPU for two years. If he can’t write a paper that passes the defense, he will probably laugh out loud.

After replying to Yue Hongyi's email, Su Yuanshan opened Gan Xiaoyu's paper again.

Compared to Yue Hongyi, Su Yuanshan has less to worry about Gan Xiaoyu and Lin Kesong - these two people had used He Chunhua's team to win a second Nature article on the preparation of graphene two years ago.

Not to mention domestically, even in the world, Yuanshan Laboratory is the most awesome in the field of graphene.

After all, it is the laboratory founded by the discoverer of graphene.

If you include Su Yuanshan's two nature articles, Yuanshan Laboratory has produced five nature articles of high quality and quantity.

These five nature articles cover the birth of graphene, the Hall effect of graphene, the preparation method of graphene, and the doping characteristics of graphene...

After approving the paper, Su Yuanshan stretched. Just as he was about to stand up and do a set of radio gymnastics, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Eh? Principal Su, what are you doing?

When Su Yuanshan saw his father's name, he simply lay down on the chair and joked with his father with a smile.

You brat, are you very happy recently?

Academician Su Xinghe's laughter and curses came from the phone.

Hey, it's okay. What's wrong, Dad? What's the matter?

Su Yuanshan's personal mobile phone received the most calls from his mother. Although his father occasionally called, it was always because of business, especially business.

Well... I want to tell you something. Professor Su Xinghe didn't waste any time and said straight to the point: Can Yuanxin convince a group of technical experts with teaching capabilities to teach in the Electrical Engineering Department?

When Su Yuanshan heard this, he immediately sat up straight: Dad, are you trying to trick me? How can I have time to go to class...

...How could I not talk about you? I was talking about Gao Xiaodi, Tian Yaoming, Weimin and the others.

Su Yuanshan's mind turned several times, and this time he slowly turned the corner.

The emotional father is using himself as a weapon...

——Senior brothers Tian Yaoming, Gao Xiaodi, and Qin Weimin are all graduates of the Department of Electrical Engineering. And his father is the founder of Yuanxin, especially Qin Weimin’s mentor...

If their father opened his mouth, these people would never refuse.

But in that case, it might not be a bit that.

After thinking about it, Su Yuanshan asked with a smile: Dad, why do you suddenly think of asking the seniors to go back to school?

Because we realize that what our students, especially undergraduates, learn in school is disconnected from the work needs of society.

Especially since this year, the state has increased investment in education and expanded enrollment quotas. This will inevitably lead to a shortage of teacher resources, especially excellent teacher resources...

Professor Su Xinghe began to talk about his concerns about talent cultivation.

Well... let's do it, dad, we don't have to worry about this for now. We'll talk about it when I get home at the weekend.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan smiled and shook his head.

At present, domestic education, especially in the field of semiconductors, is indeed lagging behind the development of domestic semiconductors.

But this is not entirely caused by teaching quality and teaching resources, but also related to students' learning methods and models.

——To put it bluntly, the school is still following the same old teaching plan.

It seems that Academician Su cannot escape the shackles of the times... Su Yuanshan smiled and teased his father.

Then, he opened the document, thought for a few seconds, and started writing the title.

Imagination on guiding and encouraging college students to start their own businesses

At this moment, at that moment, let’s not talk about the encouragement of college students to start businesses in later generations - in the final analysis, it is to relieve employment pressure.

Now, it is a golden age when hard work will pay off.

It's a good time to start a business.

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