1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 701 If you want to copy it, copy it from Bugatti

Gong Sun, Yuanxin has never been a company that only values ​​immediate investment benefits and effects.

Su Yuanshan looked at Sun Xiaochuan, then at Li Junyou, and patiently explained for the two of them: We are not afraid of not having technology, but we are afraid of not having direction - technology can be broken through, but the direction needs to be forward-looking. Looking into the future.”

Boss Wang Chuanfu and I firmly believe that in the future, the density of automobile power batteries will become higher and higher and safer, and then the global power system... at least, the power systems of developed countries will become more and more perfect. Here I Let’s not talk about the environmental problems caused by fuel vehicles.”

Even if the time span in the future is still very long, doesn't it just fit in with our actual situation? Su Yuanshan chuckled: Right now, only General Motors is engaged in electric vehicles in the world, and they are doing very poorly. The way of thinking is still the same as that of fuel vehicles...

Speaking of this, Su Yuanshan thought of Tesla...

GM's electric vehicle division is now struggling to support itself, and will eventually announce the official closure of the electric vehicle project four years later because it has sold less than 2,000 units.

At that time, some media even claimed that General Motors had personally killed the future of electric vehicles.

Shortly afterwards in the same year, Al Cocconi, an engineer who participated in the development of GM's EV-1, founded AC Propulsion, an electric vehicle company in California - more like a small workshop than a car company, and electric motor power was still used. Lead-acid batteries, and can only pull one person.

It was not until later that a Silicon Valley engineer who also had the same dream funded Al Cocconi with US$150,000 and gave him the suggestion to try replacing the lead-acid battery with a laptop lithium battery. This time, Tesla's first electric car named T-Zero has a range of 480 kilometers - unfortunately it can only seat one person, and it is purely an experimental product.

As for later generations, some people say that Tesla used GM’s EV-1 technology to start...

——Let’s put it this way, the electric vehicle technology in the 1990s was not much more advanced than “Laotou Le”.

When Su Yuanshan said that General Motors was developing pure electric vehicles, Sun Xiaochuan was surprised: Why haven't you heard about it?

Su Yuanshan chuckled: We haven't sold even 500 units a year. Where did you go to listen? And to put it bluntly, GM's EV-1 is just an electric motor with a few lead-acid batteries, and then it is mounted on four wheels and starts driving. Run - Suoxin wanted to do some business with them and let them replace lithium batteries, but GM was reluctant and now they are in a dilemma.

Moreover, battery, electronic control, and electric drive. These are the three core technologies of electric vehicles. As an old car manufacturer, even if GM has some technical advantages in chassis and transmission, they are blank in the other two fields. We need to Afraid of them?

Hearing this, Sun Xiaochuan felt relieved.

Since Shantong and even General Motors know that they are developing electric vehicles, they have also proposed three core technologies. It was obviously carefully thought through and not just said casually on a whim.

Okay, let's get the design team together first!

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile, then took out a folder from his briefcase and handed it to Sun Xiaochuan.

Sun Xiaochuan was startled for a moment, and immediately wanted to open it to see what it was.

Take it back and look at it again. The design drawings have the highest confidentiality level and must not be leaked. I have no time requirements for you, but the first car must look like what is in the document.

This shape has not been subjected to any aerodynamic simulation or verification. It can be adjusted and modified according to the various needs of the sports car, but the shape should generally be maintained.

Su Yuanshan paused as he spoke: This is what I drew, it's just one of my thoughts.

As soon as they heard what Su Yuanshan said, everyone's eyes suddenly turned to the document in Sun Xiaochuan's hand.

Even Sun Xiaochuan suddenly felt that the folder was as hot as fire.

By the way, the content of today's meeting is confidential and no publicity will be made.

After sending Audi No. 001 out of the door, Sun Xiaochuan hurried back to his office.

Behind him, Li Junyou followed closely - even if it was kept secret, Li Junyou, as the person in charge of the entire automobile research institute, still had the qualifications to inspect.

Gong Sun, please take it apart and take a look. Li Junyou thoughtfully closed the office door for Sun Xiaochuan.

As a down-and-out private car company CEO, Li Junyou never thought that he would one day build a supercar.

Mr. Li, I really don't dare to open it now. Is this what Mr. Shan is doing for us? Sun Xiaochuan took a few breaths, put the document bag on the office surface, and said with a wry smile: Listen to what he said Meaning, if he draws a tank for us...then we have to build it too.

Li Junyou laughed: If you really want to build a tank, you will have to leave get out of class. I am the only one who has seen the real thing.

The two joked and looked at the document bag at the same time.

Indeed... Su Yuanshan's move made the two of them feel a little uneasy.

When it was confirmed that Mr. Shan was determined to build a supercar, even an electric supercar. The two of them went through all the current supercar shapes in their minds like a movie.

For your first sports car, you always have to have a reference.

But Mr. Shan is so nice, just say I drew it...

I don't know what Mr. Shan's aesthetic level is.

Finally, Sun Xiaochuan smiled and pulled away the thread of the folder.

A hand-painted sports car that was beyond imagination appeared in front of them.

It has shark-like perfect lines, air intake grille, radiator grille, and headlights, creating a perfect front. The doors, windows, rearview mirrors... and even the entire body designed to comply with aerodynamics are all arranged according to an indescribably beautiful layout, which is pleasing to the eye.

Su Yuanshan even gave it a name - Divo.

The two of them watched silently, and it took them a long time to wake up and take a breath.



Su Yuanshan looked away from the window. With a sudden glance, he saw that the people inside were empty, and he couldn't help but smile.

Mr. Shan, what are you laughing at? Wen Xiaoqian glanced at the Internet cafe curiously, but only saw the door of the Internet cafe that was quickly moving away.

I thought about whether our overseas teams are like the team here at TI, skipping work and playing games when they are bored.

As foreigners who came to cooperate with the TI team, they also went to a foreign country with unfamiliar places, so Donald managed his team members very loosely. As long as it did not affect the assigned work, he would turn a blind eye even if he went to an Internet cafe to play games. Close one eye.

Wen Xiaoqian pursed her lips and smiled: Then we have to conduct a surprise inspection.

Haha, but they will be busy next. Su Yuanshan put his hands behind his head and said with a smile: As soon as Lao Wang comes here, we will focus on cooperating with power integrated circuits and poaching people everywhere...

Oh, car manufacturing is such a money-burning industry.

It's okay. As long as we build it, we will definitely make a profit! Wen Xiaoqian's eyes lit up and she clenched her fists gently: That car is so beautiful!

——As Su Yuanshan's full-time secretary, of course she had seen the concept drawings drawn by Su Yuanshan.

Of course the painting I drew is beautiful. Su Yuanshan chuckled and closed his eyes to rest.

The concept drawing he gave Sun Xiaochuan was based on what he remembered about the Bugatti Divo.

That car is really good-looking and stylish.

Especially suitable as a starting point for far core super running.

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