1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 627 Absolute loyalty to Yuan Xin

Su Yuanshan did not recommend Zhou Xiaohui but recommended Wang Chuanfu. This was unexpected by everyone.

Of course, everyone believes that Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding are not acting - as Su Yuanshan said, Yuanxin's executive board may be related to honor, but it is not actually a power structure organization, and has no leadership responsibilities, nor does it exist who is against whom. Be responsible and will not affect your position.

The sole purpose of the executive board is to propose plans and ideas from multiple angles and fields so that Yuanxin can achieve better development.

As a result, some people who only have technology in their eyes do not seek to enter the executive board of directors, but instead seek to enter the scientific committee, the highest technical organization of Yuexin.

For example, Li Yinan, Liang Mengsong, Gao Xiaodi and others are actively seeking to join the scientific committee.

Therefore, all recommended candidates have only one purpose, which is to consider the direction that is conducive to the development of Yuanxin.

Xi Xiaoding saw that except for himself and Su Yuanshan, no one else came forward, so he had to start with the people around him one by one: Old Tian, ​​where is the person you recommended?

Can you not recommend it? Tian Yaoming chuckled: I originally wanted to recommend Li Yinan, but he said he wanted to join the Science and Technology Committee - this...

Xi Xiaoding nodded: We will discuss the matter of the Science and Technology Committee later.

At this time, Li Mingliu raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Tian Yaoming doubtfully and said, Old Tian, ​​it's not that I have any objections to Li Yinan, but...is he qualified to join the Science and Technology Committee?

That depends on everyone. Tian Yaoming knew that Li Mingliu was very arrogant, so he laughed.

As early as the establishment of the Science and Technology Committee, the five-member group had discussed it. At that time, Li Mingliu said directly that Yuanxin's Science and Technology Committee must be at least a leader in a certain industry field, and it was unanimously recognized by everyone.

After all, the five people on the Science and Technology Committee are Xi, Su, Qin, Tian and Li. He is a boss who will hit a hole wherever he throws it.

From this point of view, although Li Yinan's technical strength is recognized by everyone, his achievements are still a little bit behind.

Okay, let's not talk about the Science and Technology Committee. Lao Qin, what about you? Xi Xiaoding didn't want to discuss the Science and Technology Committee here, so he interrupted the two of them and looked at Qin Weimin.

How is Lao Wan?

As Su Xinghe's eldest disciple, Qin Weimin's status in Yuanxin is extremely transcendent. If there is someone who can be compared to Mr. Xi, then this person is probably Qin Weimin.

However, Qin Weimin's status is aloof and aloof, but his behavior is very low-key and friendly. He and Tian Yaoming are the most talkative among Yuanxin BOSS-level figures.

Seeing Qin Weimin propose Wan Yongliang at this time, even Su Yuanshan was a little surprised.

Lao Wan, of course, has qualifications, but in terms of ability...

Su Yuanshan looked at Chen Jing. Apparently Chen Jing did not expect Qin Weimin to recommend Wan Yongliang.

It's like this. I just think that Lao Wan has been working hard since the establishment of Yuanxin until now. He has worked hard even if he doesn't have credit. It's not easy to give him a higher level to take care of more things administratively, so let him come to the executive board of directors... …”

Qin Weimin stated his reasons honestly: Of course, it's not just compensation, but Lao Wan also has advantages in some aspects. For example, when dealing with officials and leaders, or where to encounter certain policies. Lao Wan is quite sensitive.

I thought about it. It seems that many of our people have technical backgrounds and have never been in officialdom. If someone like Lao Wan is here to consider all aspects at any time, it may be more beneficial to our routes and policies. .”

After hearing what Qin Weimin said, everyone present nodded.

Indeed, Lao Wan's ability is not very good, and his foresight is not enough. But when it comes to his dealings with officialdom, he is very clear - he has relatives in the government department, and it is said that he was recently promoted.

It's just that Lao Wan needs qualifications, income, and shares in Yuanxin... Naturally, there is no need to participate. Moreover, the title of Vice President of Guangyuanxin is enough for him to enjoy the respect and courtesy he deserves.

Chen Jing glanced around and said with a smile, Looks like you've seen me.

Actually, I originally wanted to recommend Zhou Xiaohui.

Chen Jing looked at Su Yuanshan, blinked her eyes, and showed a hint of playfulness that no one else could detect: And my vote seems to be crucial. If I also push Zhou Xiaohui, then she is basically stable.

But I just saw that Xiaoshan didn't recommend it... I suddenly felt a little hesitant.

Everyone knows that Mr. Shan never avoids relatives when promoting talents. Chen Jing looked at Su Yuanshan who kept smiling bitterly, pursed her lips and said with a smile: It seems that the people who know Zhou Xiaohui best do think that Zhou Xiaohui should not be here. One round of the executive board. So, I abstained.”

Su Yuanshan smiled bitterly again: Yes, we must issue a complete gag order today, otherwise Zhou Xiaohui will have to tear me apart.

Everyone laughed together.

After thinking about it, Su Yuanshan said sternly: It is true that Zhou Xiaohui has grown enough in terms of ability and vision. But the growth is still not enough... Moreover, she is a secretary, and she has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that she can stand up quickly. The shortcoming of looking at overall issues from the leader’s perspective is that we stand from the leader’s perspective instead of our own perspective.”

Although what Su Yuanshan said was a bit difficult to pronounce, everyone still understood.

Zhou Xiaohui grew up with Su Yuanshan, and she was deeply influenced by Su Yuanshan - if she had not completed the transformation from studying and imitating Su Yuanshan, she would obviously be a bit redundant when she came in, and would not be able to put forward constructive suggestions.

Next is Duan Yongping.

Duan Yongping was very happy and asked: Mr. Chen from the special zone, does he have Yuanxin shares?

Chen Jing was sitting next to him. When she heard this, she asked in confusion: Which Mr. Chen?

Your brother.

... Chen Jing was speechless for a while, but still nodded: Yes.

Then I recommend Mr. Chen Daohua and Mr. Chen. Duan Yongping didn't mind the attention of everyone at all and said with a smile: Mr. Chen and I... are harmful! What do we call this?

Mr. Chen. Su Yuanshan reminded him with a smile.

Yes, Mr. Chen.

Old Duan, can you change someone? Chen Jing never thought that her brother would be recommended by Duan Yongping - you know, her brother is a hard-nosed technical person, and even if Chen Daohua was because of the major restructuring of the factory, , handed over the shares of the factory here, thereby obtaining the shares of the foundry, and then transferred them to Yuanxin, but Meijie itself has always maintained its independence.

It's not that Chen Jing has to let her brother remain independent and leave a retreat for herself.

She just felt that...it was enough for her to do her best for Yuan Xinxian, and it would be a bit too much to bring her brother in as well.

Apart from anything else, I instantly became the little Mr. Chen, which was also unpleasant.

Mr. Chen, listen to me. Duan Yongping said with a smile: Meijie seems to have nothing to do with our business... But in fact, as the processor responsible for Yuanxin and the most powerful market promotion weapon for Xinghai GPU, we We really need a strong motherboard manufacturer to guide us and develop our business.

Next, Yuanxin will start a GPU project, right, Mr. Qin?

Qin Weimin nodded.

When Yuanxin started the GPU project, it was natural to get the architecture authorization from 3dfx. It would first test the waters with Sony's PS2, and then launch a desktop graphics card.

Of course, these licenses are not free, but require sharing.

You see, GPU, CPU, and the domestic PC industry are booming... If Mr. Chen can come, he can really save us a lot of detours.

Su Yuanshan nodded slightly when he heard this.

But Mr. Chen Daohua has never participated in Yuanxin's meetings... Is he afraid that he won't adapt? Chen Jing still insisted.

Well, we'll discuss it then. Duan Yongping didn't say much, he smiled and then closed his mouth.

Afterwards, many people chose to abstain. After all, recommending is not about forming a clique to cultivate one's own strength, but a heavy responsibility. This can be seen from the fact that these few people did not recommend the people around them before.

Finally, everyone looked at Wang Rui.

Wang Rui is still the powerful global president of Yuanxin.

In addition to being members of the executive board, the people he recommends are also likely to be his successors.

Wang Rui had been listening and watching quietly before, trying not to sigh in discomfort - anyone would find it unacceptable to think that he was about to leave a giant aircraft carrier like Yuanxin that could shake up the industry.

Seeing everyone looking at him, especially Duan Yongping, with complex expressions and even a hint of gratitude, Wang Rui smiled slightly.

Everyone in Yuanxin knows that Wang Rui is known to be a gentleman.

If I were asked to recommend a global president, I think Carter is competent. Wang Rui picked up the teacup, took a sip and said with a smile: While I was recuperating in the hospital, although I couldn't see the overall situation of Yuanxin, Carter still reported the progress to me once a month. Of course, he probably got the instruction from some classmates and never talked about business or plan deployment.

Everyone then glanced at certain classmates again.

Su Yuanshan could only smile and spread his hands.

Judging from the progress, at least last year we achieved what we expected. So this person must have the ability - and to put it bluntly, if Yuanxin wants to internationalize, the global president must be a foreigner.

Everyone nodded.

Because it is the new fiscal year meeting, Carter also brought half of his team to the headquarters this time. As global vice president, he will summarize the global business of the past half year.

At this moment, this man is staying downstairs, learning Chinese with the people from the marketing department.

Then the question comes. Regardless of the business field involved, the vision, or the importance, the global president must join the executive board. This candidate is irreplaceable. Wang Rui frowned as he spoke. He frowned and looked at everyone: I'm worried that you won't be able to accept him.

Everyone was a little surprised to hear that Wang Rui seemed to want to push Carter to the executive board.

Chen Jing was the first to hesitate and said: He hasn't even reached the stage where he can get Yuanxin shares...Isn't that bad?

Just give me options. This is easy to handle. Wang Rui said with a smile: Our executive board of directors mainly considers the development of Yuanxin, right?

At this time, Su Yuanshan, who had been frowning in thought, suddenly said: Senior brother, what you said just now is that you are worried that we will not be able to accept him - does that mean that you are very optimistic about him?

Brother, think about it... Su Yuanshan stared at Wang Rui and said: I admit that I am biased against the Lighthouse Country, but it does not mean that I am biased against a specific person. I can accept people of any nationality appearing here, but you also know , that has a prerequisite.”

When you appear here, you must be absolutely loyal to Yuan Xin.

After Su Yuanshan said this, Wang Rui's expression suddenly became serious.

After a few seconds of silence, Wang Rui pursed his lips and said slowly: Carter is an ambitious person. This ambition is not only reflected in his pursuit of position, but also his pursuit of career.

Before, I asked him if he was willing to work at the headquarters, which would be equivalent to moving his family to the mainland.

He nodded in front of me without thinking for long and said that if possible, he would take his children to work at the headquarters - you may not know that he is divorced and has three children.

The eldest son and the third judge followed his mother. He finally persuaded the judge to keep his ten-year-old son. But now he is too busy with work, so his son is temporarily fostered in his sister's home.

Everyone was a little stunned when they heard Wang Rui tell Carter's family situation.

Everyone is smart, and they obviously understood the meaning of Wang Rui's words.

Being willing to bring your children to work at the headquarters means that you are willing to take root in Yuanxin.

This alone means that this person is unlikely to be disloyal to Yuan Xin.

Su Yuanshan nodded slowly.

Well, as for the global president, let's just make the decision here and don't go through any more procedures. Su Yuanshan said, looking at Chen Jing and Duan Yongping: Sister Jing, Lao Duan, what do you mean?

I have no objection. Chen Jing nodded simply.

Duan Yongping also smiled and said: Anyway, I admire Lao Wang's vision.

Everyone smiled knowingly - isn't it? He was recruited by Wang Rui. Not only did he recruit him, but he also gave up his position to him.

Then the global president will decide.

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and looked at Xi Xiaoding.

Xi Xiaoding understood and counted those who abstained and those who supported, and found that a total of six people had been recommended today.

They are Zhou Xiaohui, Chen Daohua, Wan Yongliang, Gao Xiaodi, Wang Chuanfu and Carter.

Among them, Gao Xiaodi was recommended by Li Mingliu - because Gao Xiaodi wanted to join the scientific committee, and Li Mingliu thought Gao Xiaodi was still a little behind.

Gao Xiaodi is nominally the head of the CPU department, but this identity can fool others, but not Li Mingliu...

CPU, that was built by Mr. Shan himself... This function cannot be attributed to Gao Xiaodi.

If he wants to join the Scientific Committee, he has to figure out the structure himself.

Everyone's votes are very even, so let's vote - let me say it first, I don't listen to what Mr. Xiaoshan says. Anyway, I support Zhou Xiaohui. Xi Xiaoding said cheerfully.

Su Yuanshan smiled bitterly.

Among these six people, in his opinion, except for Zhou Xiaohui who was slightly deficient, the rest had their reasons.

Especially Wang Chuanfu, he must push forward.

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