1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 626 Backstab from Mr. Xi

A garbage truck roared out of the school, and Su Yuanshan quickly pulled his father to the side of the road and stood a little further.

Dad, it's okay to repair the house. But can the school be built by repairing the house? Su Yuanshan asked his father with a smile while pulling the zipper of his jacket.

...Hey! You kid. Su Xinghe patted Su Yuanshan on the back: This is to satisfy your vanity, don't you want it?

Uh... Actually, for me, it doesn't matter where I study. Su Yuanshan squinted and looked at the campus again.

Although several main buildings have been completed, they are still far from being put into use. There is no greening, no facilities, not to mention decoration - of course there is nothing to decorate in the school.

Are you ready to enter school next year and put it into use?

Yeah. There are still nine months, so time is a bit tight.

Okay... I'll make a call. Su Yuanshan said, taking out his mobile phone and dialing Qin Si's number against the wind.

Although father and son have decided to fight for the future of Electronic Science and Technology, neither of them interferes with the other's thoughts. As a result, Su Xinghe doesn't know how much money his son plans to donate and how to arrange it. Su Yuanshan doesn't know what his father will do. What measures to launch.

After all, this is their respective careers.

So, Su Xinghe heard that Su Yuanshan asked Qin Si for 200 million US dollars on the phone.

Twenty million US dollars?? Su Xinghe looked at his son in shock - he knew that his son had money, but he didn't know how much.

But this did not hinder his understanding of the US$200 million after he began to shift his energy to the development of electronic technology.

Converted into RMB, this is close to 1.6 billion!

This is enough for another electrical engineering branch...

Are you showing off a little too much?

Dad, it's not like everything was donated to the Electrical Engineering Department. Su Yuanshan hung up the phone, knowing that his father would have misunderstood. He pursed his lips and said with a smile: For libraries and gymnasiums, just donate in the name of Yuanxin - the gymnasium is not a professional gymnasium, right?

Of course not. Su Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it wasn't all for the Electrical Engineering Department, and shook his head.

A professional gymnasium would cost hundreds of millions to build. Not to mention a technical school like Electrical Engineering, even a professional sports university would not have the courage to build it.

But Su Xinghe immediately realized that the money was not used to build buildings: Wait a minute, you said you would donate money in the name of Yuanxin to build the library and gymnasium? What about the money you just asked for?

Donate part in the name of each electrical engineering senior from Yuanxin. Part of it will be used to set up a fund, and the remaining part will be given to the development zone.

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips again and said after a few seconds of silence: Dad, if a school wants to become international, it must have academics, and these achievements need to be recognized by peers and the world.

Yeye and the others have been cooperating with major academic journals since last year. Over the past year, they have almost sorted out the weight of each journal and the statistics of citations of papers - after combined, they can intuitively judge whether The influence and weight of this paper have increased.”

Su Yuanshan said as he looked at the campus again, thinking of the university rating system of later generations.

Frankly speaking, this ranking is really subjective.

But no matter which ranking it is, academic influence is an extremely important part.

Take the QS ranking, which is the most Anglo-Saxon, for example. Its academic peer review accounts for 40%, the per-faculty citations and the teacher-student ratio account for 20% respectively, followed by employer evaluation, and finally the international teacher-student ratio.

Establishing a fund, whether it is used to reward scientific research, introduce talents, or upgrade experimental equipment, dad, this is your business. I just want to say that since we want to internationalize, we still need to pay attention to some formalities. of.

In the future, if the electrical engineering department can achieve first-class infrastructure, scientific research conditions and environment; then the school's teachers will include returnees and foreign professors from abroad - not the kind who teach English. At the same time, international students will come here... …”

Then when students graduate, whether they start a business, enter a large international company, or continue their studies, the electronic science department will become the capital for their promotion. They are proud to be from the electronic science department. The world also knows that they are from the electronic science department. Take a look at the electrical department...

That's it.

When Su Xinghe heard his son's longing for the future of electrical engineering, he suddenly smiled bitterly: Boy, aren't your demands too high?

Hey, it seems a bit high in the short term. But it can be regarded as a long-term goal!

Su Yuanshan smiled as he spoke and pointed to the dormitory building in the distance: Now let's set a small goal.

What small goal?

Install the air conditioners in the student dormitories first.

*//It’s really annoying to be blocked if you write too much.

Of course, installing an air conditioner is trivial.

Su Yuanshan knows very well that for a school to be famous internationally, it is necessary for its teachers to frequently appear in the international academic circle.

So he also suggested that his father see if he could come up with some policies to hire some big names from Yuanxin to the school.

Just like him and Mr. Xi, both of them have the status of electronic science department, and the papers they issue are counted as the electronic science department. Coupled with the series of achievements achieved in previous teaching and research, if we start to calculate the international ranking according to the QS method now, the ranking of the Department of Electrical Engineering will probably be among the top three in the country.

As Fu Zhenghua and others also drove over, Su Yuanshan and his father walked half a circle around the campus. Then Su Xinghe returned to school, and Su Yuanshan returned to the Giant Hotel.

He didn't expect that Shi Dazhu actually set up a bonfire on the roof to roast the whole lamb.

With the renewal of the calendar, it is announced that the time has entered 1998.

After the New Year's Day holiday, Yuanxin held the first quarterly meeting of the new fiscal year. Due to time constraints, this meeting was mainly a summary of the business and finance of the past year, as well as prospects for the future.

As for work planning and arrangements, they need to be completed before the Lunar New Year. The reason for this arrangement is that in addition to traditional accidents, it also leaves some time for the heads of various departments to deploy plans.

Before the fiscal year meeting, the executive board of directors of Yuanxin was held first.

To be precise, an informal meeting was held first.

After half a year of recuperation, Wang Rui's complexion is much better now. Not only is he not as thin as a bamboo pole like before, but he has also gained a little weight.

In the sun room on the roof of the building, Wang Rui met and shook hands with everyone one by one, and then sat aside, quite far away from everyone.

Seeing this, Su Yuanshan smiled and said: Brother, I am the one with the lowest education here. I don't even have a high school diploma. But even so, I know that liver cirrhosis is not contagious. Why are you sitting so far away?

Um... Wang Rui was touched by Su Yuanshan's words and felt a little embarrassed. He moved his chair and chuckled: It's okay. Anyway, today is all about bragging and chatting. It doesn't matter where you sit.

Su Yuanshan shook his head.

After my senior brother was forced to recuperate in the hospital, he really didn't feel comfortable coming back.

Of course, Wang Rui's current physical condition cannot support him to fight like before... Therefore, Wang Rui's future work arrangements are still a bit of a headache.

First of all, the position of global president is definitely not acceptable. It is a high-intensity job that most people cannot handle, let alone patients with liver cirrhosis. Secondly, because Yuanxin itself is a young company that is still in the period of rapid expansion and growth, even if it wants to dawdle, it will be dragged forward unknowingly.

This is determined by the atmosphere and is not transferred by anyone's will.

Precisely because Yuanxin is young, there are no jobs that can support the elderly - especially for a leader with Wang Rui's status, there is no suitable position.

You can't set up a trade union and let him take charge, right? Even if it's a trade union, Yuanxin's stall is so big, I'm afraid there will be a lot of worries in a day.

According to domestic and foreign medical advice, the best solution for Wang Rui's situation is to recuperate at home, be optimistic about everything, and don't think too much to avoid deterioration.

Therefore, this executive director meeting will probably be the last high-level meeting that Wang Rui will participate in in the short term.

After seeing everyone sit down, Xi Xiaoding crossed his legs and said with a smile: Our executive board of directors has been established for almost two years... I, as the executive chairman, seem to have been an extra year?

Since May last year, first, mobile phones were stabbed in the back by international brands, which affected the whole body. Then came the Southeast Asian financial crisis, and the telecore market shifted... Therefore, Xi Xiaoding has been the executive chairman and has not continued to rotate.

In fact, the executive board of directors only met three times last year. The three meetings were all about understanding national policies and adjusting the direction of FarCore. No one cares who the executive chairman is.

Then you go ahead. Tian Yaoming sat closest to him. He also loved to joke, and he immediately said with a smile.

Forget it, don't bother me, I'm lazy. Xi Xiaoding opened the notebook on the desk and smiled: But today is not about who should be the chairman, but about adding candidates for executive directors.

Xi Xiaoding said and looked at everyone: We were called the Twelve Knights the year before last, but last year Mr. Jiang went solo. So this year we have to choose a new knight...

Because Hongyuan went out independently and actively prepared to go public, Jiang Qingchuan focused all his energy on Hongyuan. In addition, Hongyuan's stall itself is extremely large, and the relationship with Yuanxin is currently one of cooperation and holding. Therefore, it is inevitable for him to leave the executive board.

After all, the executive board of directors at this stage is mainly focused on the overall future and direction of Yuanxin. It needs to be extremely familiar with Yuanxin's business, or it must be deeply involved with Yuanxin - such as a wafer factory.

Choose two. Wang Rui chuckled from the side: Mr. Xi, as everyone knows...my body...although I don't think it's anything...but my wife really can't pass the test.

Xi Xiaoding was slightly startled, and then he laughed: Old Wang, let's talk about your business later, let's take care of one thing first.

No need to wait, now I am blinded by the far core business - I stayed in the hospital for half a year, and the far core business I came into contact with was from the media. And, look at... Xiaoshan's eyes, he You look like you won't give up until you lock me up at home. Wang Rui sighed with a smile, and pointed at Su Yuanshan with his finger.

Su Yuanshan also smiled helplessly: Senior brother, everyone in Quan Yuanxin knows that I am afraid of death. I don't want anything to happen to everyone here...

Hey! Wang Rui wiped his hair, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

But there is nothing you can do no matter how unwilling you are.

Su Yuanshan's attitude is very clear, he must leave the front-line work - and Wang Rui fully believes that Su Yuanshan is not out of other considerations, but truly considers his own body.

In addition, his parents and children begged him all day long, fearing that something would happen to him...

Really, Mr. Xi, let's discuss two places. I'll take a break from illness first.

Xi Xiaoding glanced at Su Yuanshan and Chen Jing, saw both of them slightly tilting their heads and smiling: Okay, let's wait until you recover.

There are only two places this time. Everyone can propose a candidate. If there are only two, it will be decided directly. If there are three or more candidates, the three candidates with the most recommendations will be voted on.

Xi Xiaoding paused as he spoke and looked at everyone: Then I will use the last privilege of being the chairman first.

I recommend Zhou Xiaohui.

After his words fell, everyone was stunned for a moment, then a strange smile appeared on their faces, and then they all secretly glanced at Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan's face was also full of astonishment.

Depend on! Senior brother actually pushed his people!

Xi Xiaoding didn't care about Su Yuanshan. He chuckled and continued: The reason is as follows.

Zhou Xiaohui has been Xiaoshan's secretary since the days of Jiangdu Building. She has never missed any of Yuanxin's large-scale external cooperation and international conferences.

After serving as the assistant to the chairman, I have read many of the documents she approved, and also sorted out the decisions and plans she made, and found that she did not make any decision-making mistakes.

Su Yuanshan immediately murmured a little unconvinced: Who among us made a decision-making mistake?

Xi Xiaoding ignored him!

Then from the year before last when she started assisting in the cooperation between Unisplendour and Canon, to the establishment of the Tianju Automotive Research Institute last year, she has always been solely responsible. To put it bluntly, she is responsible very well.

So, I think Zhou Xiaohui has her own insights and grasp of Yuanxin's overall business.

After Xi Xiaoding finished speaking, he finally glanced at Su Yuanshan: I'm done, you continue.


Everyone looked at Mr. Xi with a smile, and then at Su Yuanshan who looked deflated, but no one continued to speak.

Okay, senior brother, you are giving me eye drops... Su Yuanshan was a little embarrassed by being stared at, and said with a wry smile: I will not evaluate Zhou Xiaohui until the candidate is confirmed, but she is not the one I recommend.

The executive board may be related to status and honor, but it is indeed not about power or intimacy. Everything is from the perspective of the field and the perspective of Yuanxin.

So, the candidate I recommend this time is Wang Chuanfu.

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and continued: Wang Chuanfu is the person in charge of Soxin Lithium Battery, and lithium batteries are one of the foundations of future mobile digital and even the entire energy field.

With the advent of the digital age, the lithium battery industry will become more and more important, and it will become more and more closely integrated with Yuanxin's various businesses. Therefore, I recommend him.

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