1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 628 Thirteen Taibao

Seeing Xi Xiaoding raise his hand, still supporting the candidate he recommended, Zhu Yuanxin, who had not given a recommender, suddenly raised his hand to support him.

Everyone looked at Zhu Yuanxin, a little surprised.

Zhu Yuanxin smiled: What Mr. Shan just said makes sense, but from my perspective, I did experience some initial discomfort when I joined the executive board.

Zhu Yuanxin paused, spread his hands, and smiled with a temperament like a hob: I still have a little stage fright when I see all the bosses.

Lao Zhu, what you said is meaningless. Li Mingliu took out the cigarette case, touched Zhu Yuanxin again, motioned to the other person to take one and smoked the cigarette in a circle.

Well...nearly half the people here smoke.

No, no, no, that's what I really thought at the time. Zhu Yuanxin lit up his cigarette and said with a smile, But later, when I talked about it, my horizons opened a lot.

President Shan just said that Secretary Zhou didn't look at the problem comprehensively and from an insufficient perspective. But thinking about it, who of us can prove that Secretary Zhou is still not comprehensive enough after joining the executive board of directors?

The responsibilities on your shoulders are different, and your considerations are also different, Mr. Shan.

Seeing that Su Yuanshan was slightly startled, Zhu Yuanxin closed his mouth: So my attitude is to support.

Following Zhu Yuanxin's words, Zhang Rujin on the side slowly raised his hand and said with a smile: Mr. Zhu is right. If there are two people, I also think Secretary Zhou is more suitable. Not only did she lead Yuanxin She is responsible for all administrative affairs and is also responsible for the development of specific business. This status is destined to make her able to provide constructive opinions on the development of Yuanxin.”

Now Su Yuanshan really fell into thinking and reflection - was he too strict with Zhou Xiaohui?

Everyone present knew that Zhou Xiaohui was Su Yuanshan’s secretary.

But not everyone can realize that Zhou Xiaohui is the successor trained by Su Yuanshan...

In other words, she was trained by Su Yuanshan as a backup CEO.

Because of this, Su Yuanshan was very strict to Zhou Xiaohui - this strictness was of course not reflected in daily life, but in the requirements for work and the way of thinking.

Su Yuanshan nodded: Well, I admit, what you said makes sense, I did not think carefully.

But I still reserve my opinion because I have two more suitable candidates here.

In addition to Wang Chuanfu, who he will definitely recommend, Carter recommended by Wang Rui... he will naturally support it.

Putting aside the old-fashioned and effective political tactics of employing people with no suspicion and buying horse bones with a thousand dollars, Wang Rui must support this just because he specifically recommended this before his temporary retirement.

Not to mention that Carter has already expressed his determination to Wang Rui.

At this time, Wang Rui suddenly laughed: Let me tell you, since the purpose of the executive board is to propose considerations for the future of FarCore, which is similar to the role of a think tank. I think there is no need to be so serious about the number of people, right?

Seeing everyone looking at him, Wang Rui continued: How about we form a customization in the future and add one or two more places every year - we must also give others the opportunity to display their talents.

When Xi Xiaoding saw this, he coughed lightly: Mr. Wang, we originally wanted to increase the number of places, but we just thought about taking it slowly.

Then it's up to you to think about it. Anyway... I think expanding the number of candidates for the executive board will at least allow more department leaders to look at the problem from a more overall perspective.

To put it bluntly, this will help break down the isolation between departments and avoid the formation of mountainous doctrine. After Wang Rui finished speaking, he closed his mouth again.

Xi Xiaoding pondered for a few seconds, looked at each other again with Su Yuanshan and Chen Jing, then looked at everyone, and finally his eyes stopped on Duan Yongping's face: What do you think?

I agree with Mr. Wang. Duan Yongping said neatly.

He joined Yuanxin because of Wang Rui, and now that Wang Rui is about to recover from his illness, he naturally wants to support Wang Rui - not to mention that he also agrees with Wang Rui's reasons.

Although the executive board has no actual power, everyone knows that... it is not only a symbol of status, but also more like an advisory committee, and it has an influence that cannot be ignored.

In this case, someone must be pursuing a position on the executive board.

Regardless of whether these people have the ability and vision, at least there must be an upward path - even if they are a donkey, don't they have to hang a carrot on their head?

Well, let's just choose three candidates this time. The number of places will be increased in the future depending on the situation. Xi Xiaoding briefly observed everyone's attitude and found that almost everyone agreed, so he stopped going through the motions and said with a smile: Continue to vote.

Now that there is one more spot, it is not so confusing to vote again.

Finally, Carter, Zhou Xiaohui, and Wang Chuanfu entered the new executive board of directors without any suspense.



Marketing department conference room.

Although Carter is the global vice president in charge of actual business, in theory, global business still needs to be guided by the marketing department - especially the marketing department has continuously launched strategies in the past two years, which not only supports Yuanxin's market advancement, but also provides guidance. After acquiring the business of other affiliated companies and achieving great success, the marketing department finally returned to its rightful place.

Not to mention, He Wei herself was a talent digged by Su Yuanshan. Yuan Xin is the only one who has such a share.

At this time, the discussion between the two departments on the market plan has ended.

Carter was sitting in front of He Wei, touching his mouth as seriously as a child.

He Wei: m, we read mo.

Carter: mu.

No, it's mo...you have to open your mouth roundly. He Wei instructed, while smiling at the colleague next to her: Well, our Vice President Carter seems to have no language talent.

Who said that? Carter responded in a strange tone: I just don't have enough time to learn.

Okay, then I suggest you buy a learning machine. He Wei replied with a smile in English. She looked at her watch again and found that it was almost time to get off work, so she stood up and invited Carter: Would you like to have dinner together?

I want it.

Just when several people were packing up their files and getting ready to get off work, Wang Rui's figure suddenly appeared at the door.

Mr. Wang. He Wei quickly stepped forward: Is the meeting over?

Well, it's over.

Your body looks much better. He Wei looked at Wang Rui, with sincere joy flashing in her eyes.

Haha, if you don't work hard, it's really easy to gain weight.

Wang Rui smiled and greeted everyone. In addition to Carter, there were also subordinates he had brought out before.

Carter, let's talk alone.

He Wei was extremely smart and quickly asked everyone to leave, leaving the office to Wang Rui and Carter.

Carter's face was extremely calm, but he looked at Wang Rui uneasily in his heart.

He could guess with his toes that Wang Rui was here to tell him Yuan Xin's arrangement for him.

In the past six months, since he served as global vice president, it can be said that he has never been idle for a day. He is as busy as a spinning top flying around the world.

In addition, he also tried his best to use all the resources and relationships at his disposal to triple the channels for Yuanxin Vidoo series mobile phones.

The expansion of channels naturally also means the expansion of sales. After he took over last year, the cumulative sales of Yuanxin Vidoo's full range of mobile phones reached 500,000 units!

In addition to the mobile phone business, he also negotiated a complete PC cooperation agreement with HP, which can be regarded as the first shot for Tamron processors to enter the North American market.

Therefore, Carter believes that he is qualified for the position of global president.

But he is no longer just a stupid young man who thinks I am the best in the world. He deeply knows that it is useless to think that he is good.

Big bosses such as Yuan Xin, Mr. Shan, Mr. Chen, and Mr. Duan also think that their talents are useful.

Carter, let me tell you about the executive board.

Wang Rui saw through Carter's anxiety hidden deep in his heart at a glance. He held a tea cup filled with wolfberry in both hands and said cheerfully: Because of Yuanxin's special structure, the executive board does not propose and implement specific policies and policies. Decision-making, but the overall planning and discussion of Yuanxin’s business. In essence, it has no power.”

You can understand it as a think tank composed of senior executives from Yuanxin.

I understand. Carter nodded.

He has been with Yuanxin for so long and is surrounded by management from Yuanxin's headquarters. If he still can't figure out the structure of Yuanxin, then he might as well stop messing around.

This executive board is said to not provide decision-making. But it dominates the direction of the entire Yuanxin... It can be said that it is the highest strategic line-making organization of Yuanxin and the real brain.

Of course, Carter naturally never thought about the executive board.

The executive board of directors should start more from its own departments and fields, focus on the overall development and deployment of Yuanxin, and put forward opinions based on this, so that the giant ship of Yuanxin can always maintain its leadership and vitality.

Carter nodded again, but then doubts arose.

——Why are you telling yourself this?

Wang Rui smiled slightly: Today, the discussion on your position as executive director and the appointment and removal of the global business president have been approved. A little later, Mr. Shan, Mr. Xi, and Mr. Chen will talk to you and ask you to sign the option. protocol.


Wang Rui stood up and gently patted the other party's shoulder.

Take your child over. There is a bilingual school here in Yuanxin.

The next day, the first round of the new executive directors’ meeting was officially held.

At the meeting, in addition to welcoming three new executive directors, a new executive chairman was also elected.

The executive chairman of this round is the experienced and prudent Zhang Rujin.

This also means that in everyone’s minds, in the coming year, Yuanxin’s most critical business will still be in the semiconductor industry.

At the meeting, the most discussed topic was how to complete headwind investments amid the recession in the semiconductor market caused by the Asian financial turmoil.

Compared with the ten old people, the three newcomers unsurprisingly chose to wear ears first, especially Carter... Although he can already understand a little Chinese, it must be in daily conversations and the other party speaks extremely slowly. Only under certain conditions.

So, in order to take care of him, Zhou Xiaohui temporarily acted as a translator for him.

January 6th.

Qin Si arrived at the provincial capital from Bangguo.

Also on the same flight as her was the person in charge of the SK family.

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