1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 420: Their respective positions

However, compared to Mr. Sanders who persuaded him to jump to AMD, Su Yuanshan was more curious about why it was Sanders.

He didn't know about other people, but this old man...he knew it very well. Although he said that he has no other hobbies in his life, he only likes vulgar wealthy behaviors such as wearing bright clothes and angry horses, fighting cocks and walking dogs, in fact, what Sanders does can only be done by a real warrior. live.

Faced with Intel's years of suppression, this old man became more and more courageous and never flinched. He even survived batches of bosses of his generation, dragging him until the new century until the K8 platform came out and was able to After fighting against Intel, I retired with satisfaction.

In Silicon Valley, even those who don't like him have to admit that the old man is a person who never admits defeat or gives up. And his spirit undoubtedly influenced AMD, and ultimately led to AMD-YES.

Such a person would actually want to retreat and let Su Yuanshan take charge of AMD.

This was something Su Yuanshan never expected the most outrageous time he drank.

How is it? Sanders looked at Su Yuanshan with burning eyes, his words were sincere and sincere.

Not very good. Su Yuanshan said frankly.


Mr. Sanders, the reason why I am willing to focus on the mainland is mainly because I believe that the mainland will eventually get better - this has nothing to do with national sentiment, but from my purely business perspective.

The ultimate target of any commercial enterprise will be people. And the mainland happens to have the largest population in the world - unless someone can prove that this country will never be able to rise, the next new type of market must be the mainland.

Sanders still said: I said, if you focus here, you can still affect Yuanxin. Moreover, in the future, whether it is the personal computer market or the Internet field, central processing units will It has to be the most important industry.”

I admit this.

So, you don't choose to lead AMD, but choose to defeat AMD, and then defeat Intel? Is that right?


Su Yuanshan was choked immediately.

He was rarely pushed into a corner.

This time, facing Sanders, he was really pushed into a corner.

The old man really lives up to his prestige, and it's a bit of a show-off - don't you want to build a CPU? No problem, I’ll leave AMD to you!

I have to say that this move really disrupted Su Yuanshan's rhythm.

And he can think with his toes that the old man's move is not to destroy the Great Wall, but to hope that AMD will rise from the ashes.

As long as Su Yuanshan agrees, the next step will be that AMD will absorb Cyrix and Yuanxin's CPU team... Coupled with AMD's own patents and technology accumulation, not to mention immediately defeating Intel, at least it will be evenly divided in an instant. no problem.

But even so, Su Yuanshan was unwilling. All I can say is...his goal is not to defeat Intel...

I never thought about beating AMD, or even Intel.

After a pause, Su Yuanshan continued: The law of doubling the number of transistors proposed by Mr. Moore has been confirmed in the past ten years, and looking to the future, it will continue for at least ten years... During this period, it is Our competitive period.”

Although I am an entrepreneur, I am still a scientist at heart. My team has published three consecutive Nature papers on graphene - therefore, what I would rather see is that, driven by science, technology can To achieve greater progress. From this point of view, I very much hope that more companies will be willing to stand up and challenge Intel to promote the development of the chip field faster.

Su Yuanshan looked at Sanders and said slowly: Old man, my wish is that in the future processor landscape, every company can find a suitable position for itself.

Sanders frowned deeply, looking at Su Yuanshan with a trace of regret in his eyes.

Although Su Yuanshan spoke nicely, he was also full of idealistic feelings. But in the final analysis, everyone still has to compete - find your own position. If you don't fight, how can you find a position?

But he soon adjusted his mood, started chatting with Su Yuanshan about Silicon Valley gossip with a smile, and entered a normal state.

This means that although Mr. Sanders still regards him as a friend, he will accompany him to the end in future competitions.

Ye Rudai's company is not far from Xinghai. Because it is in the early stages of starting a business, she only rented a small floor and separated it by a dozen workstations. Then she didn't have a separate office, but just arranged a slightly larger workstation for herself in the corner.

And behind her is an internal server cabinet. As long as the number of visits increases, this thing will immediately turn into a propeller plane, making people want to die.

The main reason why Ye Rudai chose this place was because she didn't spend much time in the office.

Recently, she stayed here every day, partly because Su Yuanshan came over, and partly because there was a lot of work that needed to be finished, but her vacation was about to end, and she had to work overtime.

Dale, I'm going back to school soon. Can you read my paper for me?

Ye Rudai was wearing headphones and staring at the code while debugging, when someone called her from behind.

Yeah, okay. Ye Rudai put down her headphones and stood up, only to see Larry Page calling her. This guy hasn't graduated yet this year, but his thesis is ready. His original plan was to continue his studies, but he unexpectedly met Ye Rudai on the Internet. After chatting for a while, he was fooled by Ye Rudai, and then ran to Silicon Valley.

Ye Rudai left her workstation and walked to a far corner. She glanced at her friends around her and then asked softly: What are your plans after you go back?

I plan to officially join your company after graduation. Page was a little shy, putting his hands behind his back with some discomfort, and said with a smile: Don't reject me then.

How is that possible? Ye Rudai curled her eyes and said with a smile: In the future, when we develop and grow, you will all be the founders - oh no, even if we cannot grow, you will still be the founders.

Hey, we will definitely be the best.

Yeah! Ye Rudai clenched her fist lightly and said like a sunny girl, Come on! I'll find a big boss to read your paper when you get home.

Boss? Is this your teacher? Page became a little curious. The reason why he was willing to give his graduation thesis to Ye Rudai, a college student in the same year as himself, to check was mainly because... this girl is so powerful. Her teacher is even better.

His teacher stayed in Silicon Valley for a year, created the prototype of Xinghai, then returned home, and then became the chief scientist of Yuanxin.


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