1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 421 Enduring hardship

Ye Rudai smiled and shook her head.

After staying in Silicon Valley for a long time, she also discovered a problem. Su Yuanshan's reputation among ordinary employees in Silicon Valley is now becoming more and more inclined to be a genius business leader, and no one is willing to mention him too much. On the contrary, Xi Xiaoding was mentioned more. In particular, Xinghai is growing day by day, and Mr. Xi is becoming more and more mythical.

After all, Xinghai was brought together by President Xi.

As for Su Yuanshan, it is more of a myth among the big guys in Silicon Valley.

Who is that? Page was a little disappointed - Mr. Xi was his idol.

Uh... Ye Rudai was considering whether to tell the truth, when suddenly her eyes lit up. Just for a moment, his eyes fell on Su Yuanshan who came in from the door.

You're in such a small place?

Su Yuanshan didn't ask until he left the office and walked on the refreshing streets of Silicon Valley.

After all, he still had to give her face... he couldn't say it in front of so many partners.

Poor. Ye Rudai put her hands behind her back and said with an unabashed smile: Sister Xiaohui told me that if you don't know how to control costs, just use two words: save.

Su Yuanshan was delighted: Pfft... You are not saving, you are enduring hardship.

Fortunately, there are more teams who are suffering than us. There are several teams above us who come down every day to enjoy our snacks - I always thought that everyone in the Lighthouse Country was a rich man. Now it seems, I can only say Their society as a whole is more progressive and developed...

It's not just some... If we go by the average social and technological standards, they can probably be several decades ahead of us - at least fifty or sixty years.

Um, is it that exaggerated?

Yes... you will know it after watching World War II movies. Su Yuanshan said in his heart that if we go by average standards, it would be after 2000 that China would not catch up with the life of the Americans during World War II. The next twenty years were the moment to witness the miracle. In twenty years, we had completed the journey that others had taken in seventy years, and even surpassed us in some areas.

Okay, you have the final say. Ye Rudai nodded happily: But you have never lived a serious life here... I still remain skeptical.


Su Yuanshan coughed lightly.

He wanted to say that not only did I live there, but I also lived with you...

It's just that the house they rented was demolished in the past two years for unknown reasons, and a new commercial building was built. This made Su Yuanshan a little depressed. If he had known about it, he would have bought it first so that he could feel nostalgic.

Su Yuanshan changed the topic: By the way, what are your arrangements here after you return to school?

I plan to hand over the company to Stephen first. Although he is not very good at technology, he is still very good at managing the team. And he will respect people - our team is a partnership, and we don't really need Carly's tougher methods. Ye Rudai stuck out her tongue slightly as she spoke: I'm not saying anything bad about Carly... I just think that our company is small and there are few people... it would be better to be warmer.

Su Yuanshan was startled for a moment, then laughed: But I listened, and I will suggest it to Carly.


Haha, I'm just teasing you. Su Yuanshan shook his head with a smile and breathed softly: Xinghai, if it weren't for Carly, the business would not have developed so fast. Therefore, she has the biggest contribution to Xinghai's listing.

Ye Rudai nodded immediately: Yes. It is said that she will be on the cover of Fortune magazine next month - if that is the case, then she will be the first female business leader to appear on the cover of Fortune magazine.

That's because the big guys on Wall Street have made money from Xinghai. Su Yuanshan said with a smile: Also, although she is a woman, she is not a representative of women's rights, or in other words, a representative of moderate women's rights. This point , is very important in a lighthouse country - although women’s rights are politically correct here, if they are too radical, capital will immediately abandon them.”

...Say something understandable.

Haha, you don't need to understand. You just need to know that Carly is very powerful. Su Yuanshan smiled, thinking that Carly will announce her candidacy for president in the future: But what you just said is right, Xinghai will be listed on the market After that, Carly’s methods and style should really change.”

Before, she had the pressure and ideal to promote the listing, so it was okay to take tougher measures. Because even if everyone feels a little miserable or even a little depressed, it is acceptable. After all, there are various options - there is a future in work and life. ,Right?

But after the listing, what should be taken will be taken, and what should be divided will be divided. If we continue to work hard... these white gentlemen may have objections.

Hearing Su Yuanshan talk about the white man, Ye Rudai glared at him gently.

She has been in the Lighthouse Country for more than half a year, and is very familiar with the word racial discrimination.

After all, ordinary employees have no pressure from stock prices. And with the development of the PC and Internet industries, job opportunities will show explosive growth in the future... By then, I don't want Xinghai to become the Whampoa Military Academy of Silicon Valley.

Ye Rudai understood this sentence.

What this means is that if Xinghai cannot retain its employees, then it will become common for them to switch jobs in the future and become a base for cultivating talents for others...

Of course there is no problem with normal job-hopping, but if many people change jobs because they can't stand Xinghai, that would be a big problem.

The two walked into Xinghai, Ye Rudai went directly to Yang Yiwen, while Su Yuanshan walked directly into Carly's office.

Just as he said just now, he repeated Ye Rudai's original words.

Of course, it was impossible for Carly to argue with a little girl like her.

But Carly has her own views on the tightness of Xinghai's management.

Boss, I know what you mean.

Carly played with the signature pen and said with a smile: I have also been to Yuanxin, and I know the working status of Yuanxin, and I also know your ideal - to create an Eden-like environment for the technical staff of the R\u0026D department.

But boss, you are a continent without competitors. According to Yuanxin's strength, no opponent can catch up with Yuanxin.

But it's different here. This is Silicon Valley. Dozens of companies are registered every day, and double-digit teams quietly close down...

Su Yuanshan was speechless: Not that many, right?

It's a bit exaggerated. I understand the spirit.


And, look at the sea of ​​stars. Carly opened the curtain across the glass door.

Her office is made of pure glass, so you can see the outside at a glance from inside the office, and vice versa - she has no single-sided visible glass.

Outside, everyone lowered their heads and worked seriously.

I'm not racist, but I still think that the current ethnic composition of Xinghai is relatively hard-working.

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