1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 419 Became the target of poaching

Although Sanders' tone was very relaxed, Su Yuanshan still saw the red bloodshot eyes on the old man's eyes that had shrunk a bit.

Obviously, the old man didn't get much sleep last night.

Since Su Yuanshan met with him two years ago to jointly promote the USB bus and establish UBBIF, AMD, Xinghai and Yuanxin have actually cooperated in many fields. Even in the CPU design, there is cross-authorization of each other.

Take MMX, for example. As early as the end of last year, when Xinghai tape-out was successful, Yuanxin licensed the MMX instruction set to AMD. Then, AMD recently added more 3D instructions based on MMX, and in return, AMD also licensed the relevant technology back.

This kind of cooperation is extremely valuable for defeating the Great Demon King, two opponents who have a common goal and are naturally competing.

But the two sides just cooperated.

Sanders is very satisfied with this cooperation model. Although the CPU on the Xinghai side has made him a little passive, no one can say anything about this purely technical lead. Moreover, we will soon launch a new CPU with K-7 architecture that supports MMX2.0, has high-speed L2 cache, and has a core frequency of up to 200MHz.

When the time comes, it’s still unclear who will win.

However, all this beauty came to an abrupt end yesterday.

It was clearly agreed that the three parties would fight the landlord together, but one teammate secretly contacted the landlord...

what is this?

Sanders stared at Su Yuanshan, the stubborn little old man looking forward to Su Yuanshan's answer.

Su Yuanshan sighed secretly in his heart.

Although he is not an AMDyes party, he has always admired AMD's indomitable spirit. This old man who seems cynical and says I started a company just to make money and have fun is actually very stubborn in his heart.

Old man, I also want to make a CPU. Su Yuanshan smiled and said, You can't let me do it, right?

Aren't you doing it? Sanders was startled subconsciously.

I said, it's Yuan Xin.


Sanders raised his eyebrows and almost couldn't sit still.

Su Yuanshan has a team in Yuanxin, of course he knows it. But he has always believed that Yuanxin's CPU team is an independent department like Intel's Haifa team. Although they belong to Xinghai and Yuanxin respectively, they are both companies under Su Yuanshan, and there is no need to separate them. each other.

Even when Gao Xiaodi authorized the instruction set in the name of Yuanxin, Sanders did not think about Yuanxin going to do it alone.

Damn it, Yuanxin will become a patent and technology provider.

And to put it bluntly... Sanders subconsciously believed that even with Su Yuanshan, Yuanxin would not be able to design a desktop processor on its own.

Well, when I met Mr. Andy, we actually talked about this. Yuanxin needs the authorization of the X86 instruction set. Su Yuanshan paused and said with an almost imperceptible apology: In fact, we have already followed the Sol architecture. We have designed a CPU and it has been successfully taped out, and it will be released on the Shanghai stock market in a week.”

Sanders took two deep breaths and stared at Su Yuanshan silently.

Gradually, Sanders calmed down his breathing: Did that guy Andy promise you?

Agreed. But there are conditions that prohibit any cooperation between the three of us.

Haha... little trick. Sanders waved his hand disdainfully, but the regret in his eyes could not be removed.

He has lived for most of his life, and he came from a sales background - which is simply an anomaly in Silicon Valley. You know, all the big guys in Silicon Valley are from a technical background, but he is not the only one.

Sanders, who comes from a sales background, naturally has his own set of standards and standards for looking at people.

As early as a few years ago, he had noticed that Su Yuanshan was extraordinary, and from a personal perspective, Su Yuanshan's personality was also to his liking.

Otherwise, only a ghost would agree to cooperate with Su Yuanshan.

And now, time has proven his original judgment. Xinghai has risen, and so has Yuanxin. This guy even has a hand in chip design, and he forced Cyrix to come up with an architecture like Sol that directly sends the CPU into the second-level cache era.

Frankly speaking, Sanders really hopes to continue to cooperate with Su Yuanshan. Even if he defeats Intel, he is not willing to fight to the death with Xinghai, but is willing to maintain a tacit understanding and divide the world.

But now... Su Yuanshan is willing to agree to Intel's conditions, and is even willing to abandon Xinghai and design CPUs on the mainland...

This reminds Sanders of what Wall Street is saying about this guy.

Su, when you acquired Cyrix, I said that if you want to engage in CPU, you might as well acquire us. Sanders laughed: Now, I'll say it again, but it's not an acquisition - I hope you end the relationship with us. Intel's agreement. Then you join AMD.

Su Yuanshan was slightly startled and looked at Sanders in surprise.

Did the old man drink too much?

I'll hand over AMD to you. How about it? Sanders said cheerfully, regardless of what Su Yuanshan thought of him: I'm almost 60, and it's time to retire. I know you are actually a very good main architecture designer. Master, you have all kinds of wild ideas in your mind...

No... old man...

Listen to me. Sanders waved his hand, signaling Su Yuanshan not to interrupt: After you join AMD, it still does not hinder your control of Yuanxin and Xinghai. And as far as I know, even in Yuanxin, your actual There’s not a lot of work.”

After hesitating for a moment, Sanders continued: I even suggest that if you can jump out of the continent and come here, you will find... the world is so big! Why do you want to stay in a poor place? ?Is your ideal to pursue excellence in technology or to eradicate poverty?

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and looked at Sanders calmly.

He didn't expect that the old man actually wanted to entrust AMD to him... Not to mention, he also wanted to persuade him to come to the lighthouse country.

Only in the land beneath our feet can a genius like you receive the best treatment and shine the brightest!

Sanders stared at Su Yuanshan and slowly began to spit out names one by one.

These names may not be clear to other people, but to Su Yuanshan, they sound like thunder.

Indeed, they all joined the nationality of the Lighthouse Country and have far-reaching influence and achievements in their own fields.

Although with the reform and opening up, some of these people have returned to China, engaged in various exchanges, and arranged for outstanding talents to study abroad.

But so far, none of them is willing to give up their Lighthouse nationality.

Even if the standards are enlarged, no one will even give up their green card.

——If there is anyone who gave up his green card, Su Yuanshan knows one.

Mr. Xi.

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