1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 416 Official Challenge

——Su Yuanshan means, are you afraid of me?

——Andy means, you little brat, am I afraid of you?

The two of them had such a strong smell of gunpowder when they arrived. In fact, this was not part of Su Yuanshan's plan.

But having done research on Andy Grove, he knew that he must not give in to Mr. Andy. This guy is a typical example of bullying and shying away from the strong. Or to put it more respectfully, if you beg for mercy, you will basically ignore it. If you insist on being tough, you might even look down upon you - in fact, the same goes for Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips. He looked directly at Andy Grove and slowly looked away, avoiding any more tit-for-tat glances.

Frankly speaking, the current Yuanxin does not have an advantage. Especially psychologically, Mr. Andy is particularly confident because Intel has recently released the powerful Pentium Pro. Yuan Xin, on the other hand, knows nothing about it now.

But Su Yuanshan dared to come, which meant that he also had confidence.

In front of you, I won't talk about ideals, Mr. Andy. I'll talk about benefits. Su Yuanshan looked at Andy again and said softly.

Is there any benefit? Andy Grove looked at Su Yuanshan with a half-smile, and shrugged humorously: I don't think there will be any benefit.

Andy said this a bit against his will.

In fact, the reason why he is willing to appear here is not just to give Mr. Gates face. Mainly because he wanted to see what chips Yuanxin could offer to make him relax.

As for commercial authorization, it must be given.

The reason is very simple. Intel needs to find a long-term stable opponent, instead of facing AMD as it is now, it also has to face Cyrix who has joined Xinghai, as well as China's Yuanxin and even other enemies that are ready to move.

Only stable opponents can defeat those soldiers and generals in the competition.

When Xinghai launched the Thunder series processors at the beginning of the year, it seemed that Intel was affected, but in fact, the impact on Intel's business was not great. On the contrary, AMD was the most affected.

This is a typical fight between the boss and the second child, and the third child is accidentally injured.

Now that the creator of Xinghai is also announcing his entry into this field, for Intel... this is simply pie-in-the-sky good news.

——You don’t need to do anything yourself, Yuan Xin will differentiate yourself from Xinghai himself.

As for the tacit understanding of cooperation between the two parties and the manipulation of the market... Andy is not worried at all. Firstly, neither of these two families have the strength now, and secondly, there are various clauses and laws restricting them.

During this period, Intel only needs to maintain its technological leadership.

First of all, based on the strength of Yuanxin, it is difficult for us to have the opportunity to enter your current market area. And as you can probably see, our eyes have always been on the mainland and surrounding areas.

Andy nodded and smiled faintly: But that is an emerging market.

We can't talk about it if you always have this mentality of eating alone...Mr. Andy. Su Yuanshan complained with some annoyance.

Andy shrugged: You continue.

Secondly, although Yuanxin has many ideas per second in terms of architecture, our logic design capabilities and implementation capabilities are very poor. This is a fact that I have to admit.

Andy exhaled without leaving a trace when he heard this, nodded and said: Let me also say that your Thunder architecture is indeed good, especially the micro-architecture concept and the design of the second-level cache.

Su Yuanshan immediately noticed the flaw in the old man's words.

First of all, this means that the old man obviously did not study the technical indicators of the Thunder series processors. He may even have encountered Yuanxin's patents on some technologies and patents!

The reason why Mr. Andy is so calm is entirely because Intel has a long history of criminal record. They have always been good at wielding patent sticks and often turn a blind eye to other people's patents.

In later generations, this was known as the double-standard dog.

In addition, Mr. Andy did not mention the MMX instruction set!

You know, in the memory of the previous life, the MMX instruction set has actually been proposed at the Haifa Research Center in Israel as early as now - the Haifa team suddenly jumped up, which is quite like President Xi Pandora - but according to History actually appeared two years later.

At the beginning, Intel attached great importance to MMX, so much so that even the processor models were named after MMX. Among many instruction sets, this one was the only one with no semicolon.

From this we can see the importance attached to the MMX instruction set.

Of course, another important reason for the emphasis on the MMX instruction set is that Intel is cooperating with Microsoft in the final battle of the X86 desktop platform - the debut of win95, which is named after multimedia. This means that this is an operating system truly geared towards consumer users. The biggest function of MMX is actually in multimedia.

Nowadays, Microsoft's win95 conference is just around the corner, but Andy didn't mention MMX...

This is a bit interesting.

Did they copy it?

Su Yuanshan changed many thoughts in an instant, so he looked at Andy with some suspicion.

Andy still looked back at him without any guilt - of course, it might be that the old fox was hiding it too deeply for Su Yuanshan to see.

After thinking about it, Su Yuanshan decided to go straight to the point: What about the MMX instruction set? Don't you think that in the future, as PCs become more popular and the Internet grows stronger, desktop computers will take more responsibility for people's entertainment outside of work? ?

Only then, Andy's eyes flickered slightly.

Although it was only a moment, Su Yuanshan still captured it.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the years I spent at Intel in my previous life were not in vain.

It seems that the people at the Haifa Research Center were caught off guard just like the original ARM team.

After gaining some confidence, Su Yuanshan laughed: It seems that there is a gap in judgment between Mr. Andy and me. It seems that Intel's strategic direction is in terms of servers.

Andy glanced at Su Yuanshan with an itchy look.

This guy is simply a genius...

Not to mention that he avoids the MMX instruction set, it is indeed because Intel borrowed many commands and technologies from the MMX instruction set.

And because Xinghai and Microsoft have had a cooperative relationship in advance, Intel's Pentium Pro, which is about to call itself a multimedia CPU, is actually based on the Xinghai Thunder CPU - the Windows 95 operating system has already supported it in advance.

There is no need to use this kind of language to test, Su. Andy quickly regained his composure and said with a smile: Continue, by the way... I don't think the two points you said are beneficial to us. point.


Su Yuanshan thought to himself that the old man was quite tough.

In the end, we have one more opponent...perhaps for Intel, it means one fewer opponent.

Su Yuanshan looked at Andy and said seriously: On behalf of me, I formally challenge you.

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