1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 417 You are the senior

Andy Grove looked at Su Yuanshan quietly.

He knew the meaning of Su Yuanshan's last sentence - just as he thought, when Yuanxin joined the desktop processor market, it was not Intel that was affected. After all, Intel has a long history and strong R\u0026D capabilities and technical reserves.

As for Yuanxin, although Su Yuanshan is a genius who can create miracles, designing a chip is far from a genius's idea. It requires countless engineers to work day and night and some luck.

——For example, the floating-point division error like last time cannot happen again.

In other words, if Intel is confident enough, it should accept FarCore's authorization request at this moment.

What conditions can you offer?

Su Yuanshan suppressed his mood and said with a smile: Cross authorization.

Similar to AMD? Andy smiled and shook his head: Mr. Robert has passed away.

Robert Noyce, the founder of Intel, Fairchild and even Silicon Valley, is one of the greatest personalities in Silicon Valley, perhaps none. It was he who convinced everyone to let Sanders' AMD obtain the X86 license.

Now that Andy said that Noyce has passed away, it means that you can't be the same as AMD.

Mr. Robert is my most respected ancestor. Su Yuanshan looked at Andy Grove and said seriously: Mr. Andy, although Mr. Robert has passed away, his spirit should not disappear in Intel. The eight of you back then I believe I left Fairchild not for the market and money, but for the pursuit of technology and ideals.

It was your original ideals and pursuits that made Intel and Silicon Valley possible. And because of this, Intel is heading towards a great company.

Your stories inspire us younger generations - not just Silicon Valley, but the younger generations of the entire world. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and looked directly at Andy: Now, you are unwilling to give us younger generations a chance.

Andy Grove was slightly startled, his eyes flickered for a moment and then returned to normal.

Yuanxin cannot share the architecture with Xinghai, otherwise, we will unconditionally obtain all the patents of your architecture.

Andy Grove raised his finger and said word for word: AMD can't do it either. This is the premise.

Su Yuanshan gritted his teeth, closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.


Let's talk some time. Let's go downstairs and have tea.

Andy smiled slightly and stood up first.

Su Yuanshan shook his hands lightly, and then stood up.

Andy's voice came from the front and became much gentler: What is your prediction for the future development of personal computers? I would like to hear it.

Well... the whole thing is mainly related to the global economic recovery. I am more inclined to think that the Internet and personal computers are a pair of spiraling twins... and I think that there will also be a larger wave of growth in the peripheral areas of the PC industry, such as storage. Revolutionary innovation.”

for example?

For example, the hard drive you launched based on flash chips, this technology that is significantly faster than existing hard drives, is definitely a revolutionary innovation. It will definitely become a strong competitor or even substitute for existing hard drives in the future.

Su Yuanshan chatted while walking. When they walked down the stairs, the tone of the two became as normal as friends, and there was no more flash of swords.

When they saw the two people coming downstairs, Mr. Gates' coffee had just been brewed.

As soon as she returned to the villa, Zhou Xiaohui couldn't wait to sit across from him.

How about it?

Relax, set a bottom line for me. Su Yuanshan glanced at the kitchen and saw that everyone was at work, even Ye Rudai was not there. Only Zhou Xiaohui stayed at home and surfed the Internet.

Bottom line?

Well, the old man is very bad. Su Yuanshan breathed out and said with a wry smile: I guess we have to sign an exclusive agreement. He won't allow us to cooperate with Xinghai, not even AMD... What an old fox.

Zhou Xiaohui was slightly startled, and immediately realized that this move completely separated Yuanxin and Xinghai, and entered the X86 battlefield as independent opponents.

In that case, it’s up to you who will be defeated first.

——Performance and pricing strategies are not subject to personal will, and the same is true for users' purchasing choices.

What about Xinghai? Zhou Xiaohui became a little worried.

Although Yuanxin is still borrowing the power of Xinghai, Zhou Xiaohui has no doubt about Yuanxin's strength.

The reason is simple, she has absolute confidence in Su Yuanshan. She believed that Yuanxin with Su Yuanshan would not be a loser.

On the contrary, it is Xinghai, because Cyrix started from a copycat workshop, although it has good capabilities in floating point arithmetic units. But in terms of overall structure and foresight, they are indeed a little short of success.

Without Su Yuanshan as the architect and leader, who knows if they could keep up.

As for AMD... Zhou Xiaohui has received the invitation email from Sanders, and she is waiting for Su Yuanshan to come back to discuss the visit.

After all, Su Yuanshan has not been to Silicon Valley for two years, so he has to pay a visit to all his old friends.

But even old friends have now become enemies.

Here at Xinghai... I don't have any good ideas. I can only hope that they will grow up.

The saying that the palms and backs of the hands are all flesh is true, but in Su Yuanshan's eyes, Yuan Xin is really his biological son - he can't just leave Yuan Xin alone and come to Xinghai, right?

And after Cyrix joined Xinghai, the speed of growth is also visible to the naked eye. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips, but he didn't believe himself a little, and said with a self-deprecating smile: Damn... I can only say that there is growth.

Zhou Xiaohui chuckled.

Indeed, the Thunder architecture was created by Su Yuanshan, the MMX instruction set was created by Su Yuanshan, and the L2 cache was created by Li Mingliu...

Xinghai has not used any of the three magic weapons of Thunder series processors.

However, although they are lacking in creativity, their design capabilities and implementation capabilities are actually far superior to the Yuanxin team - otherwise they would not have successfully tape-out nearly a year in advance.

In that case... what would Carly think? After laughing, Zhou Xiaohui became a little worried again.

As the most beautiful female CEO in Silicon Valley, Carly is now a flag. He has continued to receive honors, and has even become a representative of women's rights...

In this case, the management team headed by oriental women such as Chen Jing, Yang Yiwen, Qin Si, Zhou Xiaohui, etc. actually did not have much contact with Carly.

But they knew that Carly was ambitious, or ambitious.

When Su Yuanshan gave up Xinghai, who knew what Carly would think.

Su Yuanshan's eyes flashed and he breathed out softly.

Perhaps Carly had already realized this.

Only then did he say that the CPU and GPU teams should be separated.

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