1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 415 Let’s get straight to the point

The meeting will take place at Mr. Gates' home.

Although he had the idea of ​​buying a piece of land and building a mansion at this time, he had to deal with too many things, and Microsoft was not yet in absolute dominance, so the castle in his dream was still just an idea.

Since the location was set at home, it meant that this was a very private meeting. Or put it this way - you can release a signal to the outside world, but the specific content has to be guessed.

It was exactly three o'clock in the afternoon when Su Yuanshan arrived.

Isn't Mr. Andy here yet? When Su Yuanshan saw Gates standing at the door, he got off the car from a distance and asked Tang Wenjie to go back first, while he walked towards Mr. Gates alone.

He's already here, drinking coffee on the second floor. Gates joked with a smile, You don't think he's coming to greet you, do you?

Uh... Then I don't dare. Su Yuanshan stood on the steps and exhaled softly. Then Gates walked through the door.

Gates also lives in a villa in Silicon Valley. When he was approaching the stairs to the second floor, Su Yuanshan suddenly stopped and asked as if inadvertently: Bill, how are you doing?

Gates was slightly startled, and he immediately realized that Su Yuanshan was asking him about the Xinghai Fund he talked about yesterday. So he also stopped, walked down the first step, looked at Su Yuanshan with a smile and said: Unlike Yuanxin, Microsoft is not my Microsoft alone. Even if I am willing, I still need to communicate with the company.

No, it's not Microsoft. Su Yuanshan also realized that Gates' mentality was that he did not recognize the Xinghai system, or there were other reasons, so he immediately corrected him: It's you.

why me?

Because... Su Yuanshan lowered his eyes and seemed to laugh at himself: Because in life, you must have a few like-minded friends.

Gates was startled again.

After being silent for a few seconds, he smiled and shook his head. He didn't answer or refuse, but he stretched out his hand to lead Su Yuanshan upstairs without comment.

The stairs are wide enough for two people to walk side by side, but Gates still lets Su Yuanshan go first - after all, he is the master and this is how he treats guests.

Therefore, he could see Su Yuanshan's somewhat thin back.

Last night, Gates couldn't sleep for a long time.

As he said, Microsoft is not his alone. When the market value is about to reach the $200 billion mark, even he, the powerful founder, cannot make such a major decision.

But as far as he is concerned, his free will can determine any of his actions.

Frankly speaking, he was a little tempted by Su Yuanshan's suggestion.

That's not for profit.

Or to put it more vulgarly, it is not to make the world better. It's about being able to do what you think is right.

For example, as Su Yuanshan said, investing in certain areas without considering the returns so that those poor places can have enough food to eat - these may sound like making the world a better place, but in fact, as a benefactor, it is not a kind of benefactor. hapiness.

The only thing he was not sure about was why Su Yuanshan did this.

Gates has analyzed Su Yuanshan very seriously - in fact, Wall Street bosses have already analyzed him. The conclusion is that this guy is a complete patriot and a supporter of the regime there, and he and Yuan Xin should be restricted.

In Gates' view, the following suggestions are nothing more than the result of the Wall Street bosses being frustrated because they can't find a place to bite on Yuanxin's greedy piece of fat - if Yuanxin is really listed on the New York Stock Exchange , even if it is listed in HK, they will immediately promote Yuanxin to the sky.

But Gates still agrees with the previous analysis.

Not to mention that Yuanxin has never planned to go public, and it has always been rooted in the mainland. It even did not come to Silicon Valley for two years, but personally sat in Yuanxin - there is no doubt that Su Yuanshan's focus is on the mainland.

Microsoft is a company that is bound to go global. From a business perspective as well as from a personal perspective, I hope Su Yuanshan can transcend his current identity and set his sights on the world.

Then, Su Yuanshan told him yesterday that his eyes were on the whole world.

The human mind is so wonderful. When you want something to happen, you think it will be wonderful once it happens. But when it happens, you feel a little regretful, a little bit like this is too fake.

Mr. Gates has this mentality now. He agrees with Su Yuanshan's idea, but he wants to determine whether this guy is real or fake.

When Su Yuanshan walked into the study, Andy was holding a book and reading it. Because of his age, he had to hold the book farther away.

He was holding a book at this time, obviously not to read, but to calm down.

He knows about Yuanxin's CPU tape-out. Yuanxin's CPU uses the same architecture as Xinghai, and he knows that. He still knew why Su Yuanshan came.

But he didn't know that Su Yuanshan used his trump card to find him.

Hello, Mr. Andy.

Su, we meet again.

Andy didn't put down the book until Su Yuanshan approached, then stood up and stretched out his hand: I thought you would come directly to my office.

I'm afraid your security guards will beat me.

Su Yuanshan joked humorously and also named today's theme.

He came as an infringer, hoping to obtain the owner's authorization.

Mr. Andy, Sue, you guys chat, I'll give you some snacks.

After Gates finished speaking, he closed the door thoughtfully.

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips, exhaled softly and looked at Andy Grove head-on.

The other person also looked back at him.

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly and got straight to the point: Andy, Yuanxin hopes to obtain commercial authorization for the X86 instruction set.

I can't give it to you. Andy answered simply: We already have enough enemies, and the mainland market is also our future market, even one of the most important markets.

Why? Su Yuanshan became a little curious and immediately added: I mean why is it the most important market?

Because people like you have confidence in the mainland, I should also have confidence. And... you are right in saying that population is the future. Any company that ignores a population of more than one billion is a short-sighted fool. An Dee Grove said bluntly.


Su Yuanshan was a little speechless. If this old man doesn't engage in technology, why does he study on himself all day long?

His sentence about whether the population is the future seemed to have been casually said during a speech at P University or T University or some other school...

On the one hand, he said this to cheer up the students present, but in fact, he also wanted to cooperate with the country in publicity and reminder.

Unexpectedly, Andy really listened.

It means that under fair circumstances, are you worried that you can't compete with us? Su Yuanshan looked at Andy and said seriously: I mean, from the purely technical field.

Andy Grove stared at Su Yuanshan and laughed after a moment.

I admire you very much, but that doesn't mean I can accept all your arrogance, Su.

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