1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 414 Don’t do evil

We have just started business. Ye Rudai was like the kind of student who wants to write a perfect test paper, but is asked about her status by the teacher while she is still answering the questions. She is quite embarrassed. And for her personally, when Su Yuanshan suggested that she implement the technology herself, she began to consciously follow Qin Si, Yang Yiwen and others on how to manage a company.

But she still feels that compared to simply immersing herself in the code, managing a company with more than a dozen people is too difficult - even though almost all of her team members are poached from forums, news groups and around her. Acquaintances are like-minded people.

Now we are seriously lacking talents for technical promotion. Ye Rudai secretly glanced at Chen Haomin opposite, and whispered: Brother Haomin is helping us now...

Haha, it's okay. Xinghai's resources can be used. After all, they are also shareholders. Su Yuanshan comforted him with a smile: Your main target now is to serve various websites. For the time being, you don't need to consider the experience for end users - If we have to talk about experience, then, as a tool-based website, the most accurate search results you can produce are the best experiences.

Yeah! Ye Rudai nodded: So we have two teams now. I am responsible for hyperlink analysis. The other team is led by Page... Oh, you don't know him.

Larry Page? Su Yuanshan was stunned and asked.

Ye Rudai was immediately surprised: You know?

Su Yuanshan said in his heart: I know it all too well... But this guy should still be a child now, right? How could she be tricked into joining the team?

I met him on the SChub forum and I know this person is a fan of yours.

Ye Rudai coughed lightly.

A talented girl from the mysterious East, she studied under Mr. Xi, one of Yuan Xin and even the direct creator of Xinghai. Coupled with the fact that he has mastered key search engine technology as soon as he debuts, I have to say that this is indeed fascinating.

Moreover, she was very forthright in setting up the company, and all her employees were contacted by her personally and scouted everywhere. It is said that if you want to join her company, you must first become her friend...

Haha, as the Internet develops faster and faster, there will be more and more content on the Internet. These contents include but are not limited to news pages, and even include the output of each of us. Su Yuanshan thought for a while and said: Nowadays, many people are used to comparing the Internet to a public wall. Anyone can leave marks on it, publish information, and see the information. But in fact, we know that this is not a public wall. This is It’s a maze.”

Ye Rudai thought so.

So, how to accurately find the content you need in the future is the bounden duty of search engines. Only by doing this first can you consider other things.

Hearing Su Yuanshan's warning, Ye Rudai blinked and immediately realized that Su Yuanshan might be worried about something because he had predicted something. She bit her lip gently, thought for a while and said, You mean, we don't need to develop other aspects of business?

No...well... Su Yuanshan thought for a while and decided to give an example: Let me tell you this way, a search engine is like an enthusiastic person who stands on the street and answers people asking for directions at any time. Right?


What if someone asks you, what if you deliberately pointed in the wrong direction? Will the consequences be serious?

How could it be possible? Ye Rudai couldn't laugh or cry, and immediately retorted: It was all done by the algorithm itself.

Okay, let me give you an example. If I get sick... I want to search for what I should do.

You should go to the hospital when you are sick...

... Su Yuanshan coughed: I am far away from the hospital, and it is inconvenient, and I know that there are various explanations about these diseases on the Internet. Can I find out first... Or, do I have it... ...Um...it's not me, it's someone who has cancer, and he happens to be a user who believes in the Internet, so he searches on your search engine for how to deal with it. Even if he wants to go to the hospital, he still wants to know which hospital is better at it. , which hospital should I go to that’s better—there’s nothing wrong with this, right?”

Ye Rudai nodded slowly: Well, this is possible, and it should be one of the functions that the Internet should have.

That's right. But you can't expect everyone and all companies to be noble and moral people. There are always some companies or individuals who shout slogans and brag about their awesomeness and try every means to make unconscionable money. So, there is a hospital Just find you and say that if a user searches for a certain keyword, I hope to be able to provide advertisements and even improve the weight and ranking of his website.

Su Yuanshan paused as he spoke: I know, you are doing this, right?

Ye Rudai hummed.

Although it was purely technology-driven, she still considered the profit model very early - especially after communicating with senior brother Ding Lei.

A company does not need to make profits, but it must consider profits. This is inevitable.

Otherwise, if there is no profit-oriented business model, even if you spend money to attract thousands of users, it is better to just send money - that will come faster.

So Ye Rudai considered providing advertising positions based on keywords. And in terms of providing advertisements, independent search engine websites have natural advantages. After all, they are targeted customers.

Then, if the situation I just mentioned happens... because people find a scam hospital or a hospital that is not popular at all through your search function, then all the money is spent and the people are gone. Su Yuanshan looked at Ye Rudai asked seriously: What should I do?

Ye Rudai bit her lip and thought for only a second before answering: We don't provide this kind of service.

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: As a guide, you must not do evil.


Ye Rudai nodded heavily.

At this time, Su Yuanshan turned his head and found that the few people around him had stopped chatting at some point and were staring at the two of them with smiles. He immediately coughed: You guys continue.

No, you continue. Chen Haomin was chewing gum over there and resisting the craving for cigarettes. He chuckled and said, This is the first time I've seen love talk like this. I think it's quite novel.


Ye Rudai was made red-faced. Although Su Yuanshan was thick-skinned, he also knew that his love was too innocent... So he laughed and immediately changed the topic to Microsoft and Intel.

He believes that even if Mr. Gates does not agree to join his great ideal, he will definitely successfully connect himself with Mr. Andy.

At this moment, Chen Haomin's cell phone buzzed. He took a look and immediately handed it to Su Yuanshan.

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