1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 413 Wall Street’s old-school elites have fallen behind

Then, Su Yuanshan discussed his thoughts with Qin Si in detail.

Facing Qin Si, it is impossible for him to talk about idealism like fooling Mr. Gates. Of course, he doesn't want to be an oligarch.

He just wants to take advantage of the fact that the new giants of Internet companies have not yet emerged, or even taken shape. Although Pony and Ding Lei seem to be developing very fast and already have the aura of dominance, no one is better than Su Yuanshan. It is clearer that the higher we stand now, the more miserable we will be when winter comes.

Moreover, these two senior brothers had to go through some hardships to understand the dangers of capital.

At that time, Xinghai Fund will be the representative and backer of the entire Internet companies - relative to Wall Street.

To achieve this wish, Su Yuanshan obviously cannot rely on Xinghai alone. He also needs to bring in a big boss who will never be absent in the future IT field.

This big guy is none other than Microsoft.

As long as Microsoft is willing to enter the Xinghai Fund system, it will be equivalent to an insurance policy for Xinghai in the entire Western market.

You know, Mr. Gates really doesn’t just know how to write code! Over the years, Microsoft has grown from a small team that Steve Jobs could summon to his office with a phone call to a giant with a market value of over 100 billion U.S. dollars. It's not just the market value that has grown. And its influence and connections.

This kind of relationship may not be comparable even if Qin Si spends a lot of money every year to support consulting companies composed of former government officials.

But Mr. Gates may not agree. Although Qin Si was shocked and excited by Su Yuanshan's ideal, she quickly calmed down, expressed her obligations as an executor, and began to analyze the actual difficulty: We have discussed Microsoft and Mr. Gates a long time ago...well, Mr. Buffett said this.

Oh? What did Mr. Stock God say? Su Yuanshan suddenly became curious.

Mr. Buffett said that he only gets involved in areas that he can understand. This is the most valuable experience he learned from Graham. But he has his own understanding of Mr. Gates, saying that this man is an idealist. , and also ambitious.”

Of course, entrepreneurs all have ambitions, but Mr. Gates's ambition is not limited to expanding the company. It lies at a higher level, to be precise, at the level of personal influence... Qin Si paused as he spoke. Dun: I'm afraid it won't work if you let him retreat to the background.

Well, it's not like retreating behind the scenes. Su Yuanshan smiled and said: He can still be his richest man, and he can still release his influence - I have to say one thing about this, although I am the same old man. Very admired.”

Silicon Valley, at best, is the Garden of Eden for creating dreams and realizing ideals. At worst, it is the latest and largest gold rush in this century, a paradise for venture capital and speculation.

As a veteran Wall Street elite, Mr. Buffett can't understand... I can only say that he is behind the times. Su Yuanshan said and shrugged: Just like playing cards, old-school elites like them will play Texas Hold'em, Texas Hold'em, Blackjack and the like. Now a very popular Doudizhu has suddenly come out. Many people play it, but they just can’t understand it and can’t learn it... Do you think this is a problem with Doudizhu? Obviously not, it’s theirs. question.


Including Soros. Su Yuanshan laughed and said: A group of old-school elites headed by Soros saw the flaw in the pound and immediately pounced on it. Although they made billions in the end, in addition to causing a lot of trouble, Apart from that, is there any other meaning? Of course... As you study finance, you will definitely be able to find the meaning and value of the existence of this kind of hedge fund. But in terms of making money... Sister Qin Si, tell me. Who in the world is better? Am I stronger?

Did I touch stocks and bills of exchange with that hand again?

Qin Si was stunned when he heard this!

When it comes to Su Yuanshan's ability to make money, she is convinced - this is the fundamental reason why she has always warned herself not to be proud, to keep a low profile, and to remain calm and original.

Because Su Yuanshan is too strong.

Seeing Qin Si looking a little dumbfounded, Su Yuanshan smiled: So, Soros and others can't imagine that in the not-too-distant future, with billions of people in the world, almost everyone can live at a very low cost. It costs nothing to connect to the Internet, and it can be online anytime and anywhere.”

“At that time, the global village will be truly a global village, and it will have real voice and influence.”

Qin Si was a little dumbfounded when she heard this. Although she also had confidence in the future, she still couldn't believe that the future described by Su Yuanshan would be not far away.

How long are you talking about in the future?

Only ten or twenty years... Su Yuanshan smiled casually: Sister Qin Si, based on this, you must believe me - because all of Yuanxin's efforts have pushed the future in this direction. Even if you don't Believe me, you also have to believe Yuan Xin...

Yes. Qin Si took a deep breath and said to her heart, it is precisely because she believes in you that she believes in Yuan Xin.

When the two of them went downstairs, Chen Haomin and Tang Wenjie had already washed the dishes, and a group of people gathered around the sofa, eating snacks and watching TV.

Now Su Yuanshan was not polite. He sat down between Yang Yiwen and Ye Rudai: Friends, what are we talking about?

Let's talk about what conspiracy you are planning up there. Yang Yiwen pinched Su Yuanshan's arm, and then patted Tang Wenjie on the thigh, motioning for him to sit further away.

There is no conspiracy, I just want to get Microsoft to join in.

Oh? Is it a share exchange with Yuanxin?

Not He Yuanxin.

Yang Yiwen became interested as soon as she heard it: Tell me about it.

At that moment, Su Yuanshan simply said a few words. As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately started discussing...

Ye Rudai did not discuss it. She was the youngest and had the lowest status from the perspective of the company, so she could not participate in discussions at this level.

She just took the opportunity of looking at Qin Si to secretly look at Su Yuanshan's profile that looked perfect to her with the corner of her eye.

No...can't worship him, she told herself in her heart.

But I can’t help but worship... Another voice in my heart told me again.

Su Yuanshan noticed Ye Rudai's gaze. When he turned around, he saw the girl's eyes dodge. He couldn't help but smile and asked softly: What's wrong?

It's nothing, I just heard everyone talking a little too...that.

Too ethereal?


Haha, it's not a mystery, it's all man-made. By the way, how is your company?

At this moment, Yang Yiwen and Qin Si were chatting about Microsoft, and even gossip about Gates. Su Yuanshan asked Ye Rudai about her.

After all, once her career is launched, she will become a dominant giant.

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