1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 412 Investing in Microsoft

After a meal of boiled fish that no one dared say was not delicious, Su Yuanshan and Qin Si went up to the study on the second floor alone.

It's not that the people downstairs can't hear what he and Qin Si are going to talk about next, but it's just that there are too many people and it's always a bit awkward to talk about arrangements.

After closing the door, Qin Si picked up the coffee pot and said, Would you like a cup?

Forget it, I want to rest early. Su Yuanshan shook his head and looked at the study again. This sunroom covers an area of ​​thirty to forty square meters. It is surrounded by glass, even the roof. When you look up, you can see the bright moon and starry sky above your head.

Of course, there are still light-blocking curtains all around, including the top of the head, and the design is so clever and elegant that a lot of thought is wasted just by looking at it.

There are four computers in the four corners, a sofa and a coffee table in the middle, and a bookcase and a small bar against the wall.

The bookcases are filled with professional books from several people, but there are also a few classics of Chinese Studies used to make face such as the Four Books and Five Classics mixed in among them.

Who designed this study? You can also help me build one when the time comes. Su Yuanshan praised it and then sat down on the sofa.

Li Fei Daniel. He is a relatively famous interior designer. Qin Si answered, sitting next to Su Yuanshan, and handed him a bottle of milk: The fish is a bit spicy, drink some milk.

Yes. Su Yuanshan inserted the straw, took a sip of milk and looked at Qin Si: Sister Qin Si, how many Microsoft stocks do you have in your hand?

When Qin Si heard this, he coughed slightly and said with some embarrassment, Not a lot.

...be precise.

Qin Si thought for a while and gave the answer: I can control it at about 0.00%, about 0.5%.

Su Yuanshan nodded.

Because she left Xinghai very simply, Qin Si did not have the founder's shares of Xinghai - to make up for her, Su Yuanshan also treated her very well.

Qin Si, who has been in charge of Xinghai Venture Capital for a long time, has been influenced by Su Yuanshan. Not only in terms of ability, but his understanding and confidence in technology companies have indeed reached a level far beyond his peers. Since Xinghai Venture Capital is committed to investing in technology companies, especially Internet companies in the incubation period, even though Su Yuanshan knew that Microsoft's stock would rise, he still did not speculate in stocks.

——That thing makes money quickly, but it goes against his original intention of establishing Xinghai Venture Capital. And once you make quick money, even with Su Yuanshan's power, I'm afraid he won't be able to win back the hearts of his elites.

But Su Yuanshan does not allow Xinghai Venture Capital to get involved in the stock market and futures market, which does not mean that he also has to control his subordinates not to play in this field. In fact, Qin Si judged Microsoft's potential and trends through Su Yuanshan's emphasis on Microsoft a long time ago, so she began to continuously buy Microsoft's long-term stocks.

Now she has teamed up with many investment banks to buy a lot of Microsoft stocks. According to the current market value, she has almost 5.6 billion in hand.

If you want to cash out, get rid of it as soon as possible. If you don't want to... then you will probably hold on to it for a long time.

Qin Si hummed softly.

Su Yuanshan didn't give her too many details on the phone, but she could probably guess that perhaps Xinghai Venture Capital would cooperate with Microsoft at the capital level.

I plan to turn the earliest Xinghai offshore parent company, which currently has only two shareholders: me and my brother-in-law... into a holding private equity fund. Your identity will jump directly from the current Xinghai Venture Capital and become a private equity fund. Fund manager. What do you think?

Qin Si was dumbfounded for a second - she was really dumbfounded, and then swallowed hard.

How else could she see it? Of course I agreed!

Although her identity is in charge of venture capital here, she is actually responsible for all the overseas bills of the largest parent company of the empty shell.

No one knows better than her how much wealth and influence there is in the name of Offshore Xinghai, which is actually a shell company.

In ordinary people's perception, Su Yuanshan's biggest reliance is Xinghai Technology and Yuanxin Technology. But in fact, the one on the same level as Yuanxin is Offshore Xinghai. And in terms of capital control, Offshore Xinghai has far surpassed Yuanxin.

Now that Su Yuanshan has to take charge of offshore Xinghai, it means that Su Yuanshan really needs to pay attention to this huge empty shell from the capital level.

Okay! Qin Siyan said concisely and to the point. But she immediately asked: Are you planning to invest in Microsoft?

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: I have this plan, but I don't know if Gates is willing. Moreover, there are many technical and policy problems involved, which I don't quite understand...

Qin Si nodded immediately: Yes, it is difficult. But if we can persuade Microsoft's management, then all problems can be overcome. We have close relationships with several consulting teams - you know, our annual business funds are It’s a huge investment. Most of it is spent on these lobbying teams, so our investment here is so smooth.”

Well, you are an expert in this area, and you will do it when the time comes. Su Yuanshan said with a smile: But in this case, I'm afraid your founder's bonus from Xinghai Venture Capital will be reduced a lot...

Qin Si breathed out softly, paused and looked at him with a smile: Mr. Shan...

No, sister Qin Si, just call me Xiaoshan.

Well, Xiaoshan. Do you know what has made me most tired these past few years?

What is it?

It's not about work, it's about controlling wealth and status... the change in mentality after the change. Qin Si looked at Su Yuanshan calmly: We have vacation villas everywhere, but in the end we all lived here. That's hope We can still maintain the original state of life and mentality, and not be enslaved and tempted by money.

Su Yuanshan was suddenly surprised. He stared at Qin Si for a long time, and finally said with a long sigh: Sister Qin Si, I really admire you - very few people can do this.

Qin Si smiled and shook his head.

She told the truth, but she didn't finish it.

The reason why the four of them still live here, in addition to the above reasons, is also because Silicon Valley has never been a place that advocates pleasure-here, the pursuit of dreams and technology is the only political correctness, and enjoyment is despised. of.

In addition, the more important reason is that Su Yuanshan is not a person who advocates enjoyment.

And they, as the people closest to Su Yuanshan, of course cannot transgress.

Moreover, Su Yuanshan is still a very nostalgic person.

As long as everyone lives together, their status is unbreakable.

This is tacitly understood by everyone.

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