1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 411 Invitation

There was once a discussion on the Internet - what would you do if you became the richest man in the world.

Obviously, those who can see this discussion are probably the group of people who cannot become the richest people. Therefore, even though there are all kinds of strange answers, it still boils down to the mentality of the emperor is afraid of using golden hoes.

There is no doubt that if anyone can best understand Mr. Gates because of his net worth and the significance of wealth, then Su Yuanshan must be number one.

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world. It's a bit exaggerated to describe Mr. Gates in this way, but Mr. Gates, who is about to reach his forties in the Eastern world, has indeed reached a very high height. This kind of height is enough for Mr. Gates to get rid of his original desire for material things and instead pursue a higher height.

Then didn't Maslow divide human needs into five levels? From the lowest physiological and survival needs to the highest realization of self-worth, one's pursuits are basically clearly arranged.

Su Yuanshan believes that Mr. Gates, who lives in a lighthouse country, has the desire to make the world a better place.

He stared at Su Yuanshan quietly for a few seconds. After confirming that Su Yuanshan's joke was just an illusion and that he sincerely wanted to invite him to join Xinghai Fund, he pursed his lips and savored Su Yuanshan's words carefully.

After tasting it for a long time, he smiled slightly and asked: Become better, for example?

For example, we can invest in small innovative companies that are in urgent need of funds without paying too much attention to the rate of return. We can also allocate special funds to carry out public welfare activities around the world. Of course, the more important thing is to face the future - from Purely an ideal perspective, not a business perspective.”

For example, I want to get rid of poverty around the world, I want to eliminate those vicious diseases, and I want humans to fly out of the earth and into space - you see, the name of the sea of ​​​​stars is that our journey is the sea of ​​stars.

Su Yuanshan's eyes were burning, and he tried his best to describe his feelings as an idealist in the most sincere tone.

If someone else said these words, they would probably call him a lunatic. But for Su Yuanshan, a genius who created several miracles in ordinary companies in just four or five years...

Perhaps the biggest disapproval is as long as you are happy.

After listening quietly to Su Yuanshan's words, Gates remained silent for a few seconds. Then he suddenly smiled: You invited me here today just to talk about your ideals, right?

Su Yuanshan shook his head, and then said seriously: No. It's just... you know, I have always respected you.

Gates: ...

This is the awesomeness of Su Yuanshan that makes several of his senior brothers feel inferior - Su Yuanshan never hesitates to praise, and he is very serious and serious when flattering, just like saying another normal fact. And people don’t even have a chance to be humble.

For example, Mr. Gates was also a little speechless by his words.

But in retrospect, Gates did find that Su Yuanshan did respect him.

That's why I hope that if you are willing, Xinghai Fund will open the door for you at any time.

Gates blinked. He believed that Su Yuanshan was an idealist, but he didn't quite believe that Su Yuanshan's motives were as pure as he said. He asked softly: Do you want to establish an oligarch that controls the world?

No. Su Yuanshan said sternly, I just want to go further.

As he said this, he smiled self-deprecatingly: If it was really for making money and power... I would have gone to Wall Street long ago. Why are you still working hard in the office looking at the code...

Gates laughed when he heard this.

When Su Yuanshan exchanged emails with him before, he mentioned what he was doing, staring at the code, and also discussed certain technical issues with him.

Indeed, no oligarch is still looking at the code.

Not to mention that this guy’s team seems to be constantly releasing nature.

If I had to compare Su Yuanshan with non-existent characters, maybe it would be comic book characters such as Batman and Iron Man.

Your suggestion is good, I will consider it. Mr. Gates nodded.

Although he has become the richest man, he has not floated - the upcoming Windows 95 is the final nail in the coffin for Microsoft. Microsoft's stock price has soared in the past six months, also because in the past six months, Microsoft has invited tens of thousands of people to test win95 and received rave reviews.

But now that the official version has not been released, I dare not say for sure.

This is why he is willing to sit here and meet Su Yuanshan.

Frankly speaking, Xinghai's processor supports Win95 system very well.

Then what?

Then, as you can imagine, I hope to meet with Mr. Andy on a very equal and emotional basis to discuss the cooperation between Yuanxin and Intel in the field of CPU technology. possible.

Su Yuanshan carefully considered his words, trying to make his expressions as accurate and unambiguous as possible.

To put it bluntly, he hoped that Mr. Gates would come forward to invite Andy Grove, and then the three of them would have a private meeting in a controlled atmosphere.

No matter what, Su Yuanshan insists that his group of people are engaged in technology, and going straight is always the most effective method.

Okay. Mr. Gates nodded directly without much hesitation.

Thank you - do you want to go to our place to eat fish?

Definitely next time.

When Tang Wenjie took Su Yuanshan back to the villa, it was exactly half past eight.

In the living room, Yang Yiwen and Zhou Xiaohui were eating melon seeds and chatting, Ye Rudai was helping Qin Si at the kitchen counter, and Chen Haomin was also wearing an apron, pretending to be busy around the counter.

You came back just in time, the fish will be out of the pot right away.

Over there, Qin Si turned around and saw Su Yuanshan, and immediately said hello with a smile - in order to prevent her hair from being stained with oil smoke, she deliberately wrapped a towel on her head. She looked like an Arab man, which made Su Yuanshan happy. no.

Soon after the food was served, Qin Si opened another bottle of red wine - Lafite from 1982 - although Su Yuanshan knew that one bottle of this thing would be enough to drink, but what Qin Si bought must be real.

Over the years, Qin Si has been involved in the investment circles of the Lighthouse Country and has long been famous. I usually live a so-called upper-class life.

As Su Yuanshan said, being able to eat food cooked by her own hands is really not an ordinary person.

But in this house, everyone is like a family. She is the best cook and is the eldest sister, so she should cook by herself.

It's like Friends on TV.

Su Yuanshan knew that it was really rare for everyone to maintain this state even because of himself, so he was quite touched.


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