1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 410 Make the world a better place

After two years, Su Yuanshan was quite emotional when he returned to the small villa that he had not seen for a long time.

When he bought it, he just bought it as a dormitory, but unexpectedly, everyone became emotionally attached to it. Even though those early residents now have the ability to buy a house anywhere in the world, they still live there. it's here.

However, as work became busier and busier, the need to work from home was unavoidable, so a few people put together an expansion on the second floor, with a garage below and a large sunroom above as a study. This also retains the original rooms of Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding as well as a special guest room.

Senior brother, you bought a house and still live here?

In fact, before Xinghai was listed on the market, Qin Si and Yang Yiwen bought a vacation villa on the Irvine beachfront. Now that Xinghai is on the market, the two have purchased a property at 17-mile Drive, known as the most luxurious private lot on Highway 1.

Firstly, it is for vacation, and secondly, it is also an investment.

It's not convenient here... Tang Wenjie hugged Su Yuanshan. He was so strong that he didn't look like a PhD student in electronic circuits who was about to graduate, but more like a fitness athlete: We are the real version of Friends.

Haha, what you said makes a lot of sense. After entering the door, he walked to his original room in a familiar way.

Unexpectedly, Ye Rudai coughed slightly behind her: That's... my room.

Ah? Su Yuanshan turned around in astonishment, then blushed when he saw Ye Rudai. Yang Yiwen hugged her and laughed: Who told you not to come and take a look for two years? Dai'er recently I stayed in Silicon Valley for a long time in a few months, so I simply packed up and moved in with her.

I'm dizzy... Su Yuanshan scratched his head: Then where should I live?

President Xi, and then Xiaohui will stay in the guest room. How about this arrangement?


After taking a bath, Su Yuanshan wanted to chat with Ye Rudai, but unexpectedly, the girls were chatting enthusiastically and didn't even bother to pay attention to him...

Fortunately, I still have senior brother. Su Yuanshan leaned on the bedside, set the alarm clock, and smiled at Tang Wenjie: Senior brother, chat with me for ten minutes.

I'm talking about you... Tang Wenjie didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he sat down on the edge of the bed: You haven't closed your eyes for almost 24 hours, and you still can't fall asleep?

Well, it's just right to sleep for three hours, otherwise you won't be energetic when you wake up. Su Yuanshan looked at the time, and it happened to be 2:50 pm. The time he and Gates agreed on was 7 pm.

Then go to bed quickly. I have a lot of opinions to share with you, but what should I say if you're like this?

It's okay, you tell me and I listen. Su Yuanshan half-closed his eyes.

Okay... you said it. Tang Wenjie said and began to tell Su Yuanshan some process ideas about fin field effect transistors.

Because of the relationship between Xinghai and Yuanxin, his partner here was Deyi - the idea of ​​fin field effect transistors was provided by Su Yuanshan, and he completed the design and demonstration theoretically. The only thing left now is the implementation of the experiment.

But the realization of the experiment means craftsmanship, which is not something that Tang Wenjie and the small team assigned to him by his mentor can handle. Therefore, when Su Yuanshan met Vincenti at the beginning of the year, he asked Tang Wenjie to cooperate with Deyi first.

Obviously, this is somewhat contrary to Su Yuanshan's original plan. His initial plan was to let his senior brother return to the mainland before starting to fully promote it. Later, I thought about waiting for him to return to the mainland, fearing that the day lilies would be cold. This would be too unfair to the senior brother.

After all, he was his senior brother, not a tool. He had to consider his senior brother's future and status.

Of course, it wasn't that he didn't have a trick in mind. After his senior brother completed his thesis, Su Yuanshan asked him to join Yuanxin's R\u0026D center in Silicon Valley - yes, it was the optical team in charge of Lin Benjian, and then promoted cooperation in the name of Yuanxin . In this way, if the remote core technology is obtained, it will not delay the future of senior brother.

As for whether senior brother will be disturbed when he returns in the future... that is not among Su Yuanshan's considerations for the time being.

In fact, Su Yuanshan has now realized that it might be better for Tang Wenjie and Yang Yiwen to stay here.

Listening to Tang Wenjie start talking about the technical parameters, Su Yuanshan's eyelids gradually became heavy, and soon his breathing became even.

Tang Wenjie stood up carefully, shaking his head with a smile. After walking out of the room, he carefully closed the door for him.

He smiled at Yang Yiwen and complained mercilessly: Just like a child, he needs someone to coax him to sleep.

Yang Yiwen glared at him: That means your expressive ability is so poor that people fall asleep listening to it.

Nonsense... Tang Wenjie subconsciously wanted to refute, but he saw Yang Yiwen winking at him. When he saw Ye Rudai pouting and smiling at the side, Tang Wenjie immediately realized that this kind of belittling his junior brother It's a joke, it's better not to joke in front of Ye Zi...

But Tang Wenjie can't be blamed for this. The senior brothers saw Su Yuanshan grow up from an eleven or twelve-year-old kid who went to the computer room to fight with them for computers. Even if Su Yuanshan becomes a genius, he cannot become an old man at that age!

When Qin Si comes over, you can drive to pick her up and buy some food when you come back.

Okay... Tang Wenjie agreed and turned to look at Ye Rudai and Zhou Xiaohui: What do you two want to eat?

Fields Cafe.

Mr. Gates was speechless as he watched Su Yuanshan stuffing snacks into his mouth.

Sorry... I'm a little hungry. Su Yuanshan chuckled, swallowed a piece of donut with satisfaction, and then said: I didn't eat much on the plane. The chef's flight was delayed that night, so she just came back when she left... …I’m starving for two meals.”

How about we change a restaurant? Mr. Gates suggested with a smile.

Forget it, I still want to go back and eat boiled fish with my stomach saved - I warmly invite you to join me. Miss Qin's boiled fish is one of a kind, and it's hard for ordinary people to eat.

Gates was slightly startled, and immediately realized who Miss Qin Su Yuanshan was talking about: Is it Miss Qin Si?

Yes. Su Yuanshan took a sip of coffee and nodded with a smile.

When I come here this time, I am also preparing to fully convert Xinghai Holdings into Xinghai Fund, and prepare to accept partners to invest in a small area.

Well... Xinghai Holdings currently has three major holding companies: HK's Xinghai Trading, Silicon Valley's Xinghai Technology, and Xinghai Investment. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips, winked at Gates, and said jokingly: You want Don’t you want to buy some shares? Let’s make the world a better place together.”

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