1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 409 Going to the meeting alone

Because it involves trade secrets and the two companies have different systems, after the first phase of cooperation between the two parties, Carly is not very clear about the subsequent progress of the Yuanxin CPU department. And Su Yuanshan didn't mention it in the email.

All she knew was that Yuanxin's CPU tape-out was successful. And we also know that Yuanxin’s CPU involves patent issues of the X86 instruction set.

Although it is said that Xinghai has licensed all CPU technologies to Yuanxin - and vice versa, Carly, who participated in the original lawsuit with Intel, knows that according to the agreement with Intel, Xinghai is licensing X86 Strictly restricted. In short, Xinghai's authorization is invalid authorization.

Intel can cause trouble for Yuanxin at any time.

Yes. Facing Carly, Su Yuanshan had nothing to hesitate on this point. He nodded and said, Has Microsoft invited you?

Not before, but after I invited you, I invited me. Carly smiled playfully: The attitude of Mr. Richest Man is very ambiguous, and we can't guess what he thinks. Do you know what he thinks? ?”

I don't know either, but I will ask. Su Yuanshan chuckled: Come and ask.

Carly was startled for a moment, then laughed loudly: Okay, your identity is very suitable.

Indeed, Su Yuanshan's identity is very suitable.

He has a personal relationship with Mr. Gates, and although it is known that he is the boss behind the scenes, in fact, he does not hold a position in Xinghai, and is even only a small assistant to the chairman of Yuanxin.

No one can find fault with this.

But I guess, since it was him who invited you later... I'm a little suspicious. He's going all out to do it. After all, we are all respectable people, and we won't get into fights when we meet, right? By the way, you have met An in the past six months. Didn’t Dee?

I've met. We had a few chats at the semiconductor conference last time. Carly chuckled and said, We all believe that competition is a good thing.

Although this sentence was outrageous, Su Yuanshan really believed it.

He also believes that competition is a good thing, and it is the source and motivation for an enterprise to not be lazy and unwilling to make progress.

But that requires a prerequisite—the existing competition system.

In other words, we will not mention the previous conflicts after we have resolved them. In the future market, we brothers will compete with each other.

I won’t say who wins, but there is only so much meat. If other people want to enter the market... then forget it.

——This was Intel’s attitude towards AMD and Cyrix in its previous life.

If it were Su Yuanshan, he would have the same attitude. If he had that ability, he would definitely eliminate the enemies who tried to become his opponents and enter his territory at the budding stage.

If it can’t be eliminated, then let’s compete!

Therefore, sometimes the boss and the second child fight, and the ones who are often eliminated are the third child, the fourth child, the fifth child... and the seventh and eighth children who are behind them.

Since Andy said competition is a good thing, I have to ask him for a ticket.

After hearing this, Carly just shrugged and said she was helpless.

Next, the two continued to chat about the future development of Xinghai. When it came to work, Carly became serious and handed Su Yuanshan a summary of meetings and long-term plans in recent months.

We have decided to continue to develop in-depth on the Internet in the future. According to the survey report, investors are optimistic about Xinghai mainly in the long-term Internet direction.

Su Yuanshan was reading the report and listening. At this time, he raised his head and asked: Don't investors realize that the current popularity of the Internet has actually gone too far? It's okay for small investors to take advantage of the stock market fluctuations to make some money. After all, it's nothing like It’s almost like gambling. But do those investment banks think so?”

Investment banks naturally have risk mechanisms to judge. They also believe that the Internet has a tendency to bubble, but they also agree that as the semiconductor industry continues to heat up, as well as the popularization of personal computers and the birth of Internet technology facilities, concepts and related applications, this temperature will It will continue to rise. Even if it is a bubble, it will take a long time to burst.

After saying this, Carly smiled: Besides, maybe the Internet has enough potential that it can't be broken even by blowing it hard?

That's not necessarily the case. Su Yuanshan paused, pointing to a page of the report and continued: But this report is quite good. The reason why Xinghai is worth investing in is mainly because it is involved in basic Internet technologies. To put it bluntly, Gao If the website goes bankrupt, none of us will go bankrupt.

Carly nodded with deep understanding: That's right! Our main development direction in the future is to develop basic Internet technologies.

Su Yuanshan hummed and looked at her again: Well, what about the semiconductor industry?

I have to leave, and I have considered making the CPU and graphics card departments independent into subsidiaries, and then seek separate listings in the future.

After hearing this, Su Yuanshan immediately looked at Carly in surprise.

He knew that this woman was ambitious, and as Xinghai became increasingly powerful, her ambition gradually expanded, and she even had the idea of ​​building Xinghai into the next IBM...

But now, she actually wants to separate these two semiconductor departments?

Why do you think so?

Because I have carefully considered that these two departments are currently mainly focused on technological breakthroughs. In Xinghai, it is not very beneficial to their growth. If they are separated, they can focus more on their own fields, including the market.

After a pause, Carly asked: Isn't this the same as your plan for Yuanxin?

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips, pondered for a few seconds and then nodded slowly.

If this is true in terms of development and breakthroughs in the field. In this case, do you mean to put the future of Xinghai on the Internet?

It's based on the Internet and mobile communication devices. Carly's eyes were burning: Didn't you say that?


Su Yuanshan smiled and shook his head.

I have to say that Carly really doesn’t mind bowing her head in front of her...

Indeed, both are the future. And from a capital perspective, if done well, it will surpass CPU and GPU.

Okay, I support you. Moreover, with the continuous birth of games and various applications, the graphics card market will occupy an increasingly important position. After these two departments become independent subsidiaries, they must also pay attention to controlling every point. Equity.”

This is natural.

Okay, I'll go back and take a rest first. I have an appointment with Mr. Gates tonight.

The two walked out of the office together, and after meeting Chen Haomin and Tang Wenjie and others who came after hearing the news in the reception room, Su Yuanshan drove to the villa to rest with his senior brother, sister-in-law, and others.

As he said to Carly before, if you can't guess Mr. Gates's thoughts, then ask him in person.

Su Yuanshan planned to attend the meeting alone and directly asked Gates to be his peacemaker.

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