1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 408 Return to Silicon Valley

Su Yuanshan has not been abroad for a long time. On the one hand, he is already busy, and on the other hand, Yuanxin and Xinghai did some PY operations. Frankly speaking, Su Yuanshan is indeed a bit timid.

Now, these two technology companies have grown up, and various technology exchanges and cooperation between the companies are on the right track. Yuanxin has also been recognized by peers as a company with innovative capabilities and technological breakthrough capabilities. In other words, they I have a lot of confidence.

Now, in order to officially join the X86 Legion and to visit relatives, it is time to return to Silicon Valley.

Seeing the delay in replying to the email, Su Yuanshan knew that Mr. Gates must be in a dilemma.

In the eyes of others, Gates is a genius programmer and the founder of Microsoft. Now there is one more rich man in the world, but few people will think about it. How can the person who can become the richest man be a genius who only understands technology?

——Just last month, Forbes released its latest wealth rankings, and Mr. Bill Gates topped the list with a personal wealth of US$13 billion.

When he saw the ranking in Fortune magazine, Su Yuanshan inevitably made some calculations silently, and finally felt very good about himself and said that Mr. Gates' wealth was not as much as his own, and he was the one who gave up to Mr. Gates.

In fact, this year Fortune magazine has started to count the rich people in mainland China - which relatively speaking sends a very positive signal, indicating that the mainland has begun to make a group of people rich first in the process of opening up. The deeper significance is that this country, where everyone once lived in a big pot, has begun to allow private individuals to accumulate wealth.

This kind of signal is very important to the outside world.

Compared with some domestic companies that need to rely on fame to increase their influence, Su Yuanshan does not care about this ranking, and under the Yuanxin system, except for EDA, which is preparing to be listed in Hong Kong before the end of the year, other companies have not made any move, and their wealth is not there. Good statistics. Only Su Yuanshan and his uncle Zhang Ke can have their net worth calculated because of Xinghai Holdings.

It's just that both of them stuffed their money...

Although Gates couldn't quite figure out why Su Yuanshan, whom he hadn't contacted for a while, came to help support the platform, he did know the consequences of Su Yuanshan's appearance at the Microsoft press conference.

Yuanxin and Xinghai were created by Su Yuanshan. This young man is even more powerful than he was back then - this is recognized by Silicon Valley.

Xinghai, on the other hand, is going head-to-head with Intel in the CPU field.

You know, the tech business community in Silicon Valley is very gossipy. Back then, Sanders wore a pair of red pants and went to IBM to discuss business. This little bit of gossip spread throughout Silicon Valley within a day, and then became a long-lasting after-dinner pastime.

As the head of Microsoft, of course he hopes that the more X86 platforms that support the Windows operating system, the better, and the more fierce competition among competitors, the better. But as an ally of Intel... he still has to save some face for Mr. Andy.

For example, this time, Microsoft invited Mr. Andy to the Windows 95 conference.

Su Yuanshan was not in a hurry. He made himself a cup of coffee and browsed the news in his spare time.

I have to say that Ding Lei has done a good job and it already looks like a portal. And after half a year of development and three months of testing, the community function is now open. Inside, users can play various mini-games after logging in, such as growing flowers, fishing, etc., as well as improving their level and title.

It is completely a page-based farming game.

Of course, he didn't have time to cultivate the land, he just took a look at it with a critical eye. More energy is still put on the search engine function.

Now, Ye Rudai has officially registered a search company called find at the University of Pennsylvania. The domain name was bought from a dealer. In addition to establishing its own search website, it also provides search engines and technical services to various websites.

From the beginning of renting Xinghai's server to now operating it independently, this girl has become very popular in just half a year, and she doesn't know how many people she has hired.

It looks okay. Su Yuanshan searched the keywords he needed through the engine and found that except for the efficiency of the crawler that needs to be improved, keyword searches are generally very accurate. Moreover, the style of the search results is also very brief, which fits her style very well.

At this time, the mail client flashed again.

It's an honor. The press conference is scheduled for September 5th. You are welcome to come.

Su Yuanshan looked at the email, exhaled frequently, and showed a little bit of pride.

I don’t know what kind of psychological struggle Mr. Gates went through to make the decision. Maybe the management also held a meeting...

But in the end, no matter what, Su Yuanshan's face must be given to him.

On September 2nd, Su Yuanshan and Zhou Xiaohui flew directly from Hong Kong to California.

After landing, Su Yuanshan saw Yang Yiwen and Ye Rudai waiting at the door from a distance.

Sister-in-law. Su Yuanshan greeted Yang Yiwen first, then stretched out his hand to shake it.

Yang Yiwen rolled her eyes, glanced at Ye Rudai beside her, coughed subconsciously, and resisted the idea of ​​teasing this guy - his understanding every time they met was to give him a hug. Now that he saw Ye Rudai beside him, he started to pay attention.

Ziye. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and hesitated a bit.

You said shaking hands is too much. You said hugging... More that in front of Yang Yiwen and Zhou Xiaohui.

So he had no choice but to cough: Good job.

Ye Rudai pursed her lips and smiled: Then do I want to thank you for your praise?

Let's go! We are all acquaintances, let's just say hello... Yang Yiwen smiled and patted him, took his box, and immediately started chatting with Zhou Xiaohui...

After getting in the car, Su Yuanshan sat in the passenger seat. Ye Rudai and Zhou Xiaohui started chatting behind them. Occasionally, Yang Yiwen would turn around to chat, leaving Su Yuanshan aside.

Fortunately, it didn't take long to arrive in Silicon Valley. Carly, who had already been informed, and a group of senior executives were waiting at the door in person.

After staying in the reception room for a while, Zhou Xiaohui and Ye Rudai were taken to play by Yang Yiwen. Su Yuanshan was left to accompany Carly to her chairman's office.

Boss, long time no see.

Carly sat on the sofa and looked at Su Yuanshan with a smile on his face, and there was emotion in his smile.

She thought of what Su Yuanshan said to her at Fields Cafe three years ago - to go public within three years.

Now she has done it, and done it well.

Long time no see. Su Yuanshan was also quite emotional. Since Carly came to China once last year, the two have not seen each other again.

Of course, just because they haven't met doesn't mean they haven't communicated with each other. At least one email a week is inevitable.

You came here this time for Yuanxin's CPU authorization, right?

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