1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 407 Yuan Xin wants to be a mistress

Su Yuanshan asked Director Zhang for praise, and Director Zhang in turn brought glory to his face.

Yuanxin has produced a world-class desktop CPU, but there is still some frustration within the Yuanxin team. But in the eyes of the outside world, it is another zero breakthrough.

And as soon as he broke through, he stood at the forefront of the world.

Su Yuanshan saw this clearly. Then Director Zhang also saw it clearly.

Rather than saying that Su Yuanshan asked him to praise him, it would be better to say that Su Yuanshan gave him a great political achievement and gift package. Moreover, this gift package will directly stabilize the Shanghai stock market's position in the domestic semiconductor field.

What is a dragon head?

Very good, very good! When Secretary Chen left, Director Zhang said two very good words in succession. He picked up his tea cup and took a deep sip before bursting into laughter: The most advanced process wafer factory plus The most advanced chip - the world’s most advanced chip, right?”

Yes. Su Yuanshan said, feeling a little embarrassed: Actually, internally, we don't want to use the vague term world's advanced level. We prefer to describe it in terms of generation and mainstream.

For example, the current wafer factory process is generally 6 inches and 0.8 microns - which occupies the production lines of most mid- to low-end wafer factories. But Deyuan's is 8 inches and 0.5 microns. This is the most advanced process currently in commercial use. . But in terms of breakthroughs and reserves of high-end technology, we are at least a generation to a generation and a half behind foreign countries.

For example, for 12-inch wafers, foreign laboratory technology is now very mature and is preparing to go online. In addition, in terms of manufacturing processes, foreign countries have already been making breakthroughs in the direction of 0.35 microns or even 0.25 microns...

Director Zhang nodded: Well, it means that we are still lagging behind in cutting-edge fields that require a lot of talent and funding research, right?

Yes, that's what it means. Su Yuanshan smiled and said: We can't always count on importing it - you know, in order to introduce technology, the hardships we went through are comparable to learning from the West. The signed agreement is comparable to losing power and humiliating the country...

Director Zhang nodded with a smile: Indeed, scientific research is very important. The domestic government, including the above and our local governments, are increasing investment and support for scientific research year by year. But after all, we are lagging behind for too long, and we have to take our time.

Well, the main thing is that while we are 'making up lessons', we must also grasp the key directions of the future. Su Yuanshan said, giving an example: For example, the Internet is a good direction. Our Yuanxin has hatched two The company is extremely competitive in the world and can even be said to be an Internet company that dominates its own field.

These two companies are naturally talking about Ding Lei and Pony.

After the two separated, they quickly became popular with capital. Within half a year, the first round of external financing reached an astonishing US$80 million and US$100 million respectively.

With the money, the two of them did not engage in such frivolous operations as raising their own wages or buying a BMW villa, but invested all of it in operations. Now the two companies have established branches in Silicon Valley, Europe, Japan and Hong Kong. These branches are not purely operational enterprises, but R\u0026D units that follow Yuanxin and aim to attract talents from all over the world.

It can be said that these two people did better than Su Yuanshan imagined, and even better than they did back then.

Well, this proves that we are not stupid! We were poor before just because we had no opportunities! Director Zhang didn't know much about the affairs of these two families, but he had heard about it, and he said with emotion.

Su Yuanshan also sighed: Yes... the main problem is that it is too difficult to seize the opportunity.

Don't worry, the Shanghai stock market can seize the opportunity. Director Zhang looked at Su Yuanshan with a smile and said: I don't know if I can see with my own eyes the full realization of industrialization you mentioned, but at least on my watch, Let’s build up the semiconductor industry in Shanghai!”

Su Yuanshan was startled, then immediately smiled and said: Director Zhang, of course you can do it! Check your body more often, quit smoking and drinking, and you will live a long life.

Then the two talked about inviting experts to come to Shanghai for acceptance inspection - according to Yuanxin's current size, these can theoretically be completed by Yuanxin. However, Su Yuanshan still asked Director Zhang to come and help with it. The main reason for Su Yuanshan's intervention was to do what he wanted. On the one hand, he helped the Shanghai stock market become the leading city in semiconductors and defeat the so-called core city. On the other hand, if nothing else happens, his CPU will probably only be able to enter the domestic market, and it will be difficult to enter overseas markets. Therefore, we need to “borrow” government resources, especially publicity resources.

Even if Intel doesn't cause trouble, it will be difficult for domestic high-end entities to enter the international market at this time, especially the European and American markets. This is indeed a bit helpless.

For example, despite the many efforts of Chen Jing, Wang Rui and Duan Yongping, the globalization of Yuanxin Mobile Phones is still somewhat difficult. In the final analysis, this is due to the current international perception of China's stereotypes and deviations.

On the contrary, in the surrounding Southeast Asian countries, Yuanxin has gradually shown its influence since the beginning of VCD. In addition, Yuanxin has good cooperation with telecommunications companies in many countries. Therefore, whether it is a multi-core mobile phone or Both vidoo mobile phones are selling well.

Last night, Zhang Rujin reminded Su Yuanshan of what he said. He said that if this CPU has trouble with patents, it would be best not to wait for Intel to release it first.

After leaving Director Zhang's office, Su Yuanshan took the evening flight and rushed back to the Special Administrative Region overnight.

As soon as he got back to his dormitory, he turned on his computer and opened his email.

Even if Su Yuanshan plans to adopt Zhang Rujin's opinion and release the CPU on Teacher's Day, September 10th, he still needs to contact some parties first.

For example, Microsoft.

Microsoft's win95 has been delayed, which made him a little wary.

Even if the Wintel Alliance is planning to create a perfect match, Su Yuanshan will still try to pry a gap between the two.

To put it bluntly, Yuanxin wants to be a third party.

And Su Yuanshan has long wanted to be the third party between the two.

After writing the email and clicking send, Su Yuanshan went to wash up. When he came back from the shower, he saw a new reply email in his mailbox.

Good evening, Sue.

We haven't contacted you for a long time. Your first email in the past six months was actually asking about the release time of our operating system... This makes me really unable to answer you. And I highly doubt that you have any intention of taking advantage of me.

Seeing that Mr. Gates simply refused to disclose the release time of win95 and even made a joke to himself, he laughed. After looking at the time in the email, he found that Gates should be in front of the computer at this time.

So Su Yuanshan replied again.

I wonder if I would be honored to participate in your press conference?

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