1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 398 It’s not an obligation

When did I get this nickname? Why didn't I know it...Uncle Zheng, hello everyone.

Su Yuanshan had a cheerful expression on his face, waving as he walked over. When he was done, he saw Qu Hui who was getting up. He was startled at first, and then he felt happy: Sister Qu Hui, are you here?

Why can't I be here? Qu Hui shook her head cheerfully, but she didn't explain why - she was wearing a dust-proof suit and her hair was wrapped in a dust-proof cap.

Haha, I can come if I can. What's going on? Su Yuanshan didn't dare to talk back to Qu Hui, and now is not the time to argue: Is it because you can't move? Or what?

It can move, but the tolerances of the components in the planning process are correct, but the error is too big. The knitting factory said with a smile: Now it can really only be considered as being able to move...

Su Yuanshan felt relieved upon hearing this.

If it can move, that's more than half the success. The rest is just to find the problem - he understands this stuff. If the data of all the parts can be matched, then dismantle and reassemble. If disassembly and reassembly still doesn't work, then replace it. Reinstall the item.

This is how designs made out of nothing are created.

Zheng Zhenchuan handed him the notebook with the data on it: How about you analyze it?

Don't... I don't know anything about this, so don't be ashamed of me. Su Yuanshan was not fooled, and he did not have any talent in mechanics - no one is perfect, this must be admitted.

Of course Zheng Zhenchuan was joking. He knew that Su Yuanshan was smart, but a precision machine like a lithography machine could not be accomplished by just being clever. It also required experience.

The lithography machine is encountering difficulties now, and he is not worried at all - because for a precision instrument that is fully independently developed from design to construction, all difficulties are valuable experience in the future.

After staying in the dust-free workshop for less than half an hour, Zheng Zhenchuan invited Su Yuanshan to leave the workshop and go to the office.

After all, he didn't invite Su Yuanshan to see the construction site.

If the several problems we predicted are correct, it will only take one or two months to solve them all. Zheng Zhenchuan lit a cigarette and happily said to Su Yuanshan: I have a hunch that this time it won't happen. It will be like the one three years ago.”

Su Yuanshan: ...Don't be too happy too early. I actually had hope for that one three years ago. But when I pulled it back, I left it in the laboratory for you to use as a training device...it's not even qualified for experiments.

Hehe, there will always be growth. Zheng Zhenchuan felt a little embarrassed. Su Yuanshan spent a lot of money to buy this lithography machine, which was ranked first among the Top Ten Scientific and Technological Inventions in the Country that year.

But looking back now...especially after Zheng Zhenchuan and the others have seen Nikon's most advanced UV lithography machine imported from Deyuan...

What the hell is that!

And this photolithography machine can theoretically increase the process to 0.5 microns.

That's different, Uncle Zheng. For a new photolithography machine, many processes and processes must be improved around it to truly form productivity. Su Yuanshan replied with a smile.

Of course it's not that he doesn't understand the meaning of this lithography machine, but he understands Zheng Zhenchuan's thoughts better.

Zheng Zhenchuan has finally built a lithography machine that is only one to one and a half generations away from foreign countries. He is very happy and eager to find a good home for the lithography machine in order to obtain the maximum benefit - both in terms of honor and reputation. other.

This is just human nature.

Of course, Su Yuanshan couldn't grant his wish so easily - after all, Zheng Zhenchuan still represented Chengguang Institute.

The two parties are in a cooperative relationship.

... Zheng Zhenchuan was speechless for a while, then laughed and scolded: As you say, the results we spent more than 200 million yuan on here are not marketable?

You also know that we spent more than 200 million yuan? Su Yuanshan laughed and said: Uncle Zheng, I don't want 0.5 micron in theory. What I want is a photolithography machine that can easily realize the most advanced technology.

Zheng Zhenchuan also said cheerfully: Then wait for the next one.

It's okay, I can wait.

What about this one?

This one will pass the results acceptance first. After that, Hou Deyuan will organize a group of engineers to come over. Su Yuanshan said seriously: Uncle Zheng, you know my attitude. I support top-notch lithography machines like this. I can invest in sophisticated machinery regardless of cost when it comes to China, but the technology must pass the test.

The meaning behind Su Yuanshan's words was obvious. What happened would have to be decided by Deyuan and Zhang Rujin, the old semiconductor people in the wafer factory, and not by the experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

After all, Yuanxin is a company, and the premise of supporting domestic production is that it has sufficient capacity and does not affect its own development.

Zheng Zhenchuan smiled and nodded: I understand. But according to the original plan, this type of lithography machine should be launched on the market... Do you really not care, don't you?

——This is Zheng Zhenchuan’s true purpose, or in other words, it represents the purpose of Chengguang Institute.

After spending so much money on Yuanxin, even though Chengguang Institute took it for granted, Zheng Zhenchuan, the person who actually spent the money, always felt a little embarrassed.

Therefore, Zheng Zhenchuan is eager to promote the marketization of photolithography machines.

At present, the one that can best protect the lithography machine is Yuanxin - as long as Yuanxin is willing to take the lead, everything will be easy to say.

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: Yes, but Deyuan doesn't want it for the time being.


Because Deyuan still hopes to maintain a friendly cooperative relationship with Nikon. Su Yuanshan spread his hands frankly: We have finally established a relationship with Nikon, and you can't let us retreat all at once... right?

How should I describe the relationship with Nikon - Yuanxin and Nikon have been in contact very early, as early as the EDA period, but at that time Nikon did not look down on Yuanxin at all... plus the business of the two There was no direct connection, so it wasn't until Zhang Rujin arrived that the relationship was rekindled.

Nowadays, Nikon and Canon are at their peak in the field of lithography machines. Su Yuanshan does not have to make people laugh by supporting the backward generation of domestic lithography machines.

But this lithography machine embodies Su Yuanshan's expectations and efforts after all, and he had even made arrangements as early as the development stage.

——Sooner or later, FarCore will establish a professional NAND chip fab, and it will also be established in the special zone. It is used to support various USB flash drives, MP3s, solid state drives, mobile phone storage and many other enterprises that will surely arise in the SAR in the future.

However, as the country implemented Project 909 last year and increased support for state-owned wafer fabs headed by Huajing, Su Yuanshan felt...

The obligation to support lithography machines in the market field should be borne by the state.

No matter how good Yuanxin is, no matter how profitable it is, it cannot compare to the country.

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