1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 399 Teammates can’t do it

Next year to the year after tomorrow, we will build a wafer fab in the Special Administrative Region.

Su Yuanshan took a sip of tea, smiled slowly at Zheng Zhenchuan and said: When the time comes, whether it is the next generation of lithography machines or this generation, whether it is 0.5 microns or 0.8 microns - in short, By that time, the technology must have matured. By then, Yuanxin will come back to purchase it step by step.

Before this... Frankly speaking, the road to localization of domestic semiconductor components is still long and production capacity is still scarce. If this photolithography machine can pass Deyuan's acceptance, then I believe that relevant companies will definitely purchase it. . Su Yuanshan paused as he spoke, and added: I will help sell it then.

When Zheng Zhenchuan heard this, he immediately said: This is what you said.

Yes, I said so. Su Yuanshan chuckled.

Zheng Zhenchuan also smiled, but shook his head: Xiaoshan, if we don't purchase mainly Yuanxin... I'm afraid we won't be able to take the lead.

If Yuanxin only purchases one unit symbolically, it will have a negative effect. Su Yuanshan also shook his head: Don't worry, Uncle Zheng, I will ask Deyuan's craft team to come over to help. And as long as it can pass After checking and improving the yield, I believe it will be able to be sold.”

Deyuan's goal is to manufacture CPUs and 'ultra' large-scale integrated circuits. But in China, even diodes and transistors are still in short supply! Not to mention various small chips - a bus card costs 180 History has only passed a few years, have you forgotten it?”

Hearing what Su Yuanshan said, Zheng Zhenchuan felt like he had suddenly come to his senses.

After staying in Yuanxin for a long time, Zheng Zhenchuan subconsciously ignored the fact that he was used to seeing the cutting-edge technologies in the world and the young people leading these technologies.

That is, there is only one company like Yuanxin in the country.

Compared with Yuanxin, other domestic wafer fabs, whether it is Huajing, Shougang NEC, or Shanghai Belling, as well as various well-known and unknown wafer fabs... They are technically , whether in terms of equipment or funds, they are incomparable with Yuanxin.

Most of them still use second-hand or even third-hand goods with 1 micron or even 2 micron or above.

The main target customers of this domestic lithography machine should be them, not Yuanxin.

A flower blooming alone is not a spring. Other domestic wafer fabs also need to be upgraded simultaneously. Only in this way can our components be truly domestically produced as a whole, Uncle Zheng.

Yes, I am narrow-minded. I only focused on Yuan Xin. Zheng Zhenchuan also readily admitted his mistake with a smile.

Haha, then I will hold a celebration banquet when the results are truly realized.

Su Yuanshan was replying with a smile, and the office door was pushed open. Qu Hui was seen to have changed into normal clothes, and she still had neat neck-length hair.

If you weren't in a meeting, you wouldn't be able to come back, right? Qu Hui walked up to Su Yuanshan, curled her fingers, and tried to knock Su Yuanshan on the head.

Sister, please don't accuse me wrongly. Su Yuanshan hurriedly hid with his head in his arms, and Qu Hui took advantage of the opportunity to sit next to him and looked at him with a smile.

Hmm, have you gained a little weight? Are you supported by food in the Special Administrative Region?

As one of the first batch of graduate students in electrical science to enter Yuanxin for support, Qu Hui is one of the few female employees of Yuanxin who regards Su Yuanshan as a younger brother - oh no, she is no longer from Yuanxin in name.

To put it bluntly, she watched Su Yuanshan grow from a young boy with just hair on his mouth to a young man in his early twenties now.

Su Yuanshan also knew this, so he always respected Qu Hui. He smiled and said: The main reason is that there is no place to walk there. I just sit after eating... and there is no laboratory to worry about.

Well, it's good to gain weight, but be careful to keep in shape and don't gain weight at a young age.


Haha, let's get down to business. Qu Hui glanced at Zheng Zhenchuan, who was looking at the two of them happily. Knowing that this was not the time to chat, she immediately got down to business: You know I have been working at the Capital Precision Instrument Factory. Stationed at the factory?

Yeah, I know. What's wrong?

After Qu Hui was responsible for designing mechanical CAD, she changed her direction and went back to study for a Ph.D. in mechatronics—of course on the job, but she did not study for a Ph.D. to get a degree, but to study for real work.

So last year, when Professor Xiao from the Precision Instrument Research Center and the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University came to Yuanxin to establish a precision instrument factory, Qu Hui chose to work in the factory as a mechanical and CAD expert to assist in the production and research and development of workpiece tables.

The core of research and development is naturally the dual workpiece stage technology proposed by the Precision Instrument Research Center.

This is also one of Su Yuanshan's focuses.

Regarding the dual workpiece table, Su Yuanshan's prediction is not very optimistic. Because as far as he knows, the real technical accumulation of this thing takes a long time. It is purely an empirical product, not an intellectual product. To succeed, in addition to having an idea, you also need strong experience, technology and capital.

Sure enough, Qu Hui encountered a setback.

Last year, they tricked me into telling me that they had something to say. Qu Hui used the word liar, which made both Su Yuanshan and Zheng Zhenchuan dumbfounded.

But now it seems that there are still big problems with the original design. I have been there for almost a year, and it has basically been failing.

Well, what next? Su Yuanshan asked with a smile, not in a hurry.

Then, I plan to recruit a group of people to redesign the design and stop playing with them. After Qu Hui finished speaking, she looked at Su Yuanshan with burning eyes.

Su Yuanshan tilted his head, and after making sure that he heard correctly, his jaw almost dropped.

No...Sister Qu Hui, you can't do this.

Why is it so serious? Qu Hui tossed her hair and asked.

If you're like this, if you can't meet your teammates...

If you can't meet teammates, why don't you form a new team? Qu Hui still asked - when she stayed here, she would also play Yuanxin's MUD game in her spare time, so she knew what it meant to form a team.

This... is not playing games, sister! Su Yuanshan couldn't laugh or cry, and then said curiously: I remember when I chatted with them last year, I saw that they were doing well - is the director of the Precision Instrument Research Center named Li Keqing?

Well, it's Lao Li.

Then why can't they do it? Have they made you feel wronged?

... Qu Hui bit her lip and did not refute immediately. Instead, she blinked and then lowered her eyes.

Seeing Qu Hui purse her lips and remain silent, Su Yuanshan felt certain.

Emotional sister Qu Hui was wronged over there...

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