1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 397 Yuanxin eats meat, and the younger brother drinks soup

Driven by capital and the desire to make clean money, easy money and even make money while lying down, the lighthouse country relied on the technological reserves built up during the two world wars and has been slowly developing low-end products for more than ten years. The transfer of industries and production-oriented industries - for example, the rise of Niguo in the automotive industry and semiconductor fields is the result of support from Laos and the United States.

As for the workers in the Rust Belt in Beacon Country? The Wall Street elites don't care. How can elites who earn about eight million a minute have such leisure...

Of course, the support for Japan has led to the gradual loss of high-end technology in the old United States. Coupled with the booming development of the semiconductor industry, this made the old United States repent and began to cover its pockets in the semiconductor field. Still trying desperately to get it in my pocket...

However, as mentioned above, after all, it is easy to make easy money while lying down, but it is really difficult to make hard money. Therefore, in the previous life, there was an outflow of manufacturing industry in the United States, and then the manufacturing industry was hollowed out, and finally the whole world All are “made in china”.

At this time, what Su Yuanshan said, Yuanxin wants to learn from the Lighthouse Country is just as Xi Xiaoding said, it also wants to make clean money, easy money, and finally make money while lying down... to lead the technological trend of enterprises in the entire country and even the world.

But Yuanxin is not a country or region, so there will never be so-called industrial hollowing out. She will only create countless industry chain partners.

In the end, Yuan Xin ate meat, and then drank soup with a large group of younger brothers.

When everyone understood what Su Yuanshan meant, everyone agreed.

If Yuanxin can maintain its advantages in technology and innovation, wouldn't it be possible to do away with corporate departments in the future? Tian Yaoming glanced at the other side and joked with a smile.

Li Mingliu said: We still need it, at least the financial and logistics support departments need it.

I think even these two departments can be eliminated. Finance will be automatically deducted from the account, and logistics will use robots. By the way, Mr. Xi, I heard that someone in your laboratory is working on robots? Is that reliable?

You said that thing Li Kaiyuan did?

Is Li Kaiyuan's name Obai? Tian Yaoming asked.

Xi Xiaoding chuckled: Obai is Zhu Yonggui...Li Kaiyuan is Zhebie.

...You deserve this nickname.

The robot made by Zhebie...how should I say it, it can walk. Xi Xiaoding said with a smile: But Aobai is quite powerful. He is very good at encrypted data network data transmission. He came up with the VPN protocol last year. Later, now He Xinghai has developed an SSL encryption protocol.

And SSL will soon be officially recognized and adopted by the 3W organization as a recommendation. By then, this protocol will be used in network security transmission around the world.

Tian Yaoming sighed: As expected of the top of P14...

Su Yuanshan chuckled.

Oboi, the bearded man, is a model of pure technology——

Now, as Tian Yaoming said, Su Yuanshan ranked him first in P14 this year. Calculated, it is in the top ten in Yuanxin. And in terms of pure data encryption and data security, this person is Yuanxin's number one knife, and no one is dissatisfied.

However, only Yuan Xin can afford to support such a person in China, and only Yuan Xin can support him - because all he does is useless technology.

If we judge it by the standard of making money, in the more than two years since Obai joined Yuanxin, he has not made a penny for Yuanxin... On the contrary, because his skills are so awesome, his P level has not been able to rise all the way up. Said that wages and benefits are also rising steadily, which is really a model of high salary is useless.

But Su Yuanshan knew that all the futility was only temporary.

The birth of SSL technology will directly lay the foundation for future online shopping and online payment. Therefore, he suggested from the beginning that SSL be directly open sourced, and suggested that the 3W organization establish a public welfare open source organization. Yuanxin will provide long-term support to this public welfare organization. funding from donations.

The 3W organization readily agreed and highly praised Yuanxin, saying that they are an enterprise with a noble spirit.

——This is the role of idle people like Ao Bai.

No one usually cares about industry recognition and corporate reputation, but when it comes to a critical moment, it cannot be bought by a thousand or eight million dollars.

The last time a company spent money to buy credibility was Intel, and they only spent $500 million.

The five of them spent the evening chatting. During this period, many employees who were preparing to work overtime stayed overnight and chatted for a while, and even people from the optical laboratory over there.

Now Zheng Zhenchuan's lithography machine has reached the most critical assembly period, and because the domestic light source is really difficult, the UV light source of the lithography machine still comes from a company called Cymer in the United States that specializes in manufacturing laser light sources.

As for the light source part, in order to avoid obstacles and various unknown risks. Zheng Zhenchuan, who had threatened to resign by slamming the table with his leaders at the Institute of Optics and Optics, did not resign. Instead, Professor Zhao Kaidong, who came all the way from the Changchun Institute of Optics and Mechanics, joined Yuanxin with a group of people without pay.

Now, Zhao Kaidong has officially joined Lin Benjian to fully conquer the next generation light source, which is the 248nm krf excimer laser, namely: DUV.

Of course, Yuanxin’s long-term plan is much more than that. While making every effort to conquer the krf light source, theoretical and experimental steps are also steadily being explored, namely the 193nm arf excimer laser.

Zheng Zhenchuan's harvest was imminent, so he strongly invited Su Yuanshan, who had only been back for half a year this year, to go to the optical laboratory.

Su Yuanshan naturally accepted the invitation happily.

Because he is well aware of the pain of lithography machines, he really leaves no room for support for the lithography machine project team. If you need money, give money, if you need connections, find connections, if you need materials and devices, you will find materials and period, and the procurement priority has been mentioned. Highest.

At the same time, when he was in the science and technology park, it would be an exaggeration to say that he went to the optical laboratory every day, but everyone noticed that he would go shopping every now and then.

After all, the lithography machine project is a cooperation type, and it is not convenient for Su Yuanshan to rush it. He can only remind Zheng Zhenchuan and others to hurry up in this way of thinking about it every day.

The next day, Su Yuanshan only sent Li Mingliu and others to the gate, then turned back and snatched a bicycle from an employee and went straight to the optical laboratory.

After arriving at the laboratory, he was told by Zheng Zhenchuan's secretary that Lao Zheng and the others were currently at the assembly site in the dust-free workshop, and asked him if he wanted to go take a look.

So Su Yuanshan put on dustproof clothing and entered the assembly site dressed like an astronaut.

At the assembly site, at least more than fifty people were pointing and discussing around a huge machine about two meters wide and one and a half meters high. From time to time, some people were recording data in notebooks.

Seeing Su Yuanshan, Zheng Zhenchuan waved to him.

Come on, you know-it-all.

Su Yuanshan: ...

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