1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 384 New Year Party

That evening, Professor Su Xinghe, as the chairman of Yuanxin, entertained senior executives of the fab and the science and technology park. At the banquet, Su Yuanshan finally understood why his father brought brother Jia Pengjun, who was not very outstanding in business, to drink for him emotionally.

The next day, Professor Su Xinghe returned to the provincial capital first, while Su Yuanshan stayed for one more day before returning to the science and technology park.

This is also an unwritten tacit understanding between father and son - even Su Yuanshan and Chen Jing will not fly on the same plane.

Three days later, as senior executives from all over the country arrived one after another, Yuanxin's 1995 annual meeting was officially held.

Chen Jing seemed to be used to wearing her eight hundred yuan glasses, so much so that she almost wore them at all times, but before the formal meeting, she still took off her glasses and put them on the table.

Starting from her right, the first one is Wan Yongliang, the oldest vice president of Yuanxin, followed closely by Wang Rui and Duan Yongping, followed by Jiang Qingchuan, Wang Chuanfu, and others from the administrative department.

To her left, the seats remained the same for thousands of years, but there were two more people at the end.

One is Li Yinan and the other is Zhang Xiaolong.

In addition, although Zhou Xiaohui has become the assistant to the chairman, she still sits in the back secretary seat as Su Yuanshan's secretary, taking meeting minutes together with Chen Jing's secretary An Siying.

Everyone is here, let's officially start. Chen Jing opened her notebook, glanced at it symbolically, and then looked around: In addition to summarizing the previous year, this meeting will also To arrange and look forward to our work this year, I hope everyone has prepared a summary report and this year’s work plan.”

Last year, our cumulative total expenditures were close to 10 billion.

Chen Jing said this somewhat exaggerated number calmly, and then glanced at Su Yuanshan quietly.

As Chen Jing's summary concluded, it was time for each department to report separately. During this period, Chen Jing and Su Yuanshan would ask questions for communication from time to time, so the annual summary report was completed only after a period of time.

In the afternoon, we will focus on the specific goals and arrangements of each department. To put it bluntly, each department wants money...

So this is a bit of a war of words.

Especially the R\u0026D department. Although Xi Xiaoding is usually silent and silent, just like a mascot, when the corporate operation and financial audit department headed by Chen Jing began to question the R\u0026D center spending too much money, Mr. Xi immediately stood up Out……

As for Su Yuanshan, because he spent too much money last year, he simply kept his mouth shut on the financial budget aspect.

Frankly speaking, Chen Jing convinced him.

In other words, Su Yuanshan realized that there was no need for him to directly use Xinghai to transfuse Yuanxin without reaching the end of the road or unavoidable circumstances.

The reason is simple. Yuanxin is no longer just a company, but a symbol of domestic companies that have made breakthroughs in the high-tech field.

It is representative and guiding.

If the development and growth of Yuanxin relies on pure blood transfusion instead of relying on its own normal business operations, then there will be no guidance or reference significance.

Moreover, Chen Jing also knew that Su Yuanshan was obsessed with R\u0026D investment. As early as two months ago, when the financial annual report came out, she had reviewed the expenditures of the enterprise and the R\u0026D center with the financial audit department, and knew what money It was wasted due to Su Yuanshan's lavish attitude, and he also knew what money should not be saved.

Therefore, her opinion was also supported by Su Yuanshan.

——There will be hard times in the future, and it is right to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

After an afternoon of arguing with each other, this year's scientific research budget finally increased by 80% compared to last year, and Chen Jing negotiated it down by 5 percentage points - this is already almost 100 million units.

And this money is not saved and not spent. The main reason is that we plan to buy a business jet this year.

After both parties confirmed that the funds were reasonable, Chen Jing smiled at Xi Xiaoding and Li Mingliu - the two people who caused the most trouble: It will be very convenient for you to go out or come back by then.

Li Mingliu was startled: Mr. Chen, it's a bit too much - how many times can we sit there? Based on the frequency of use, you should pay for it, right?

We here have already tightened our belts. Wang Rui, who was sitting diagonally across from him, took out his cigarettes, threw one to him, and then passed them around one by one. He laughed and said, You can't let me Should I take economy class when traveling abroad? My knees hurt.

Li Mingliu: ...

The bosses of Yuanxin always fly business class when flying back and forth - this must be retained no matter what.

Besides, I think Mr. Shan is also taking this business plane. Aren't he going to stay in the Special Economic Zone this year? Wang Rui smiled at Su Yuanshan and said, Mr. Shan, why don't you just pay for it?

Su Yuanshan coughed several times in succession.

This afternoon, he played chess with the old monk, without even looking at anyone. Seeing that the atmosphere had relaxed now, the senior brother found fault with himself again and immediately said: Don't look at me, I don't get paid, I don't have any money.

Everyone: ...

Chen Jing smiled softly and tapped her pen: Okay, hurry up today and let's take a look at the situation next door.

As soon as Chen Jing said next door, everyone present immediately became serious.

Whether it was the business side or the research and development side, everyone looked at the notebook in Chen Jing's hand with burning eyes.

On that notebook is data from all relevant units.

Xinghai High-tech, Xinghai Venture Capital, Xinghai Trading, and Zhongxin Technology.

In theory, these reports should only be accessible to Su Yuanshan.

But because the first pot of gold for all these companies comes from Yuanxin,... from a legal person's point of view, they are nominally sister companies of Yuanxin. But from a capital perspective, they are blood-related companies that belong to Yuanxin.

Last year, Xinghai Technology successfully developed the Thunder series CPU and successfully completed the IPO. It was finally listed three days ago with a stock price of US$80. As of today, Xinghai Technology's market value has reached US$40 billion.

Chen Jing said softly, looking at everyone.

I don't know what you are thinking. But as far as I'm concerned... Xinghai is very good and very successful. At the same time, it's worth learning from.

Chen Jing paused, looked at Su Yuanshan, and repeated.

Every aspect is worth learning.

Everyone at the scene fell silent, and then Li Mingliu gently turned his pen and tapped it slowly on the table.

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