1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 385 The first shot of the new year

Seeing Chen Jing's rare fire at Su Yuanshan, most of the people present remained silent - except for Li Mingliu who was typing a pen.

Coming from Chen Jing's left, sitting in order are Xi Xiaoding, Tian Yaoming, Qin Weimin, and Li Mingliu - Su Yuanshan took one step back - of course, of course, Su Yuanshan's position has always been random, it can also be said that he sits in the center of the R\u0026D team. For example, behind him are Gao Xiaodi, Zhu Yuanxin, Li Yinan, Zhang Xiaolong and others.

Qin Weimin's expression remained unchanged, but he lightly touched Li Mingliu under the table.

Li Mingliu stopped moving.

Su Yuanshan saw the two people's little actions and felt a little funny in his heart. Li Mingliu has always been a bit arrogant, and he is involved in fields that Xinghai has not covered, and it is currently a cutting-edge technology. Of course he was a little dissatisfied with Chen Jing for promoting Xinghai.

Under the long-term technology-first policy, the confidence and pride of Yuanxin's R\u0026D personnel have been well maintained. So... the big guys here are a little better, but the R\u0026D staff below, especially those with a few brushes, are really looking ahead to their tops.

If it passes, it won’t be good.

In addition, although Yuanxin has the title of Little Chinese Academy of Sciences, after all, it is not an institution that feeds the country, but a commercial enterprise that is responsible for its own profits and losses. Therefore, Chen Jing realized that this sign should be pressed.

Whether it is reviewing funds or making comparisons with Xinghai, the R\u0026D department must recognize the facts and gaps. Since Yuanxin wants to aspire to become the world's top company, it must make horizontal comparisons with the world's top companies.

Xinghai is a good reference target - even if it is not listed on the market.

Although Xinghai is in Silicon Valley, it has an advantage in the general environment. Chen Jing withdrew her gaze and looked around again: But we also have advantages that even Silicon Valley does not have - I think you all know what I am talking about.

After a pause, Chen Jing looked at Su Yuanshan again: Our decisions and directions have not made any mistakes so far.

Su Yuanshan coughed slightly in shame.

But even if we are moving forward along the most correct path, our pace is still a bit slow. Chen Jing said and laughed: I will take the last time the CPU team moved to Shanghai as an example - how many people were there at that time Doing ideological work for those young gentlemen? And in order to place them well, the logistics department specially dispatched two teams to the Shanghai stock market, and did not come back until the recruitment and arrangements were made.

Please, everyone. We are a young company - not only that we have been established for a short time, but our overall age structure is also young, with an average age of only twenty-six years old - and this includes the janitor and Cafeteria Auntie.”

But it just so happens that many of us have already lived a retired life in our twenties. We only have to carry cages and walk birds, serve tea and play chess after get off work.

All the big guys at the headquarters science and technology park fell silent.

Yuanxin strives to provide a comfortable environment for R\u0026D personnel in terms of policies and facilities. As a result... the R\u0026D department is indeed a bit spoiled.

In contrast, enterprises are much more nervous. Moreover, business corruption is extremely easy to breed on the corporate side, so both the legal department and the finance department keep a close eye on it. In addition, the production and marketing departments generally adopt a commission-based salary system, so the corporate side is much more diligent.

Of course, I don't mean to interfere with what everyone does after get off work, but this state of affairs has undoubtedly affected the mentality when working normally - I have here the progress plan of each quarter of the R\u0026D department last year, and then look at each progress. , are all backward.”

Everyone, wake up... We haven't won yet, and we're not even leading the race. How dare we relax?

After Chen Jing finished speaking, she folded her hands and exhaled softly.

Everyone continued to be silent.

Then Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding moved at the same time.

Senior brother, come here. Su Yuanshan smiled at Xi Xiaoding.

Yeah. Xi Xiaoding also smiled, turned to the left and said slowly: Although there is no way to talk about the progress of many R\u0026D projects, design projects can still be rushed. And Mr. Chen is right? Wrong...the atmosphere in the R\u0026D center is indeed a bit too lazy.

Therefore, I suggest that each R\u0026D department set up a progress supervision team, and speed up the formation and improvement of small R\u0026D teams to implement specific directions and fields as well as every technical difficulty.

At the same time, we can also learn from the incentive systems of Xinghai and other companies...

As Xi Xiaoding's speech ended, Su Yuanshan keenly felt that everyone in the group of corporate guys opposite had a light of joy in their eyes - it seemed that the masters of the corporate sector had indeed been struggling with the R\u0026D department for a long time...

Then let me summarize. In principle, I agree with Mr. Chen and Mr. Xi. But after all, we are not capitalists who only know how to squeeze... Su Yuanshan said with a self-deprecating smile: So I suggest that the incentive system covers both R\u0026D and enterprises. Two aspects, mainly shares.”

This year Yuanxin will complete the transfer of holdings, and at the same time issue virtual shares within Yuanxin Holdings - how much we will issue, we will discuss it at that time.

In addition, the progress of research and development this year really needs to be accelerated. And with the completion of the wafer factory, the launch of the industrial park, and the launch of the lithium battery project... we also need to speed up the process of transforming into a production-oriented enterprise.

Of course, a production-oriented enterprise refers to the operating status of the entire Yuanxin. Regarding Yuanxin's mission, we are still a technology-based enterprise driven by technology.

Now that the heavy hammer of production has fallen, it depends on whether the chisel of research and development is sharp enough to carve out a bloody path in the future technological field.

After Su Yuanshan finished speaking, he looked at Chen Jing.

Chen Jing also looked back at him. After facing each other for a second, they both smiled at the same time.

Then today's meeting will be here first, and we will discuss the specific work of this quarter tomorrow. After Chen Jing finished speaking, she stood up first.

After a sound of seats and benches being moved, everyone began to file out from their seats at the door.

Su Yuanshan and Chen Jing were at the end, and they both motioned to their secretary to go first.

I don't know why you don't promote the culture of hard work. Chen Jing never sat down after standing up. At this time, there was no one else in the conference room, so she casually sat on the conference table in front of Su Yuanshan with half of her buttocks. , stared at Su Yuanshan and asked in confusion: Is it embarrassing to fight hard?

It's not shameful. Su Yuanshan pushed his chair back, looked up at Chen Jing, and said with a smile: I mainly don't like wolf culture - that kind of corporate culture is okay for entrepreneurial companies, but it's far away Xin has passed that stage now...

Chen Jing glared dissatisfied: So you want to build a convalescent center?


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