1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 383 Ribbon Cutting

In his previous life, Su Yuanshan didn't pay much attention to the so-called technology for market. He only knew that this idea was said to have been first proposed by the automobile industry and was eventually promoted to other industries.

In this life, as a player in the game, he took a serious look at the current situation of related industries.

The conclusion drawn is not very optimistic.

However, we cannot deny the significance of opening up the market and introducing foreign capital to form joint ventures in the country.

You are talking about the industrial chain now, and I have also paid attention to the relevant reports of the special zone. It said that your company, Yuanxin, is preparing to establish a vertical procurement system in the special zone, and use this to drive the improvement and upgrading of the entire industrial chain.

Can this initiative of yours achieve its goal and be promoted and replicated?

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded firmly.

Apple could do it back then...Yuanxin could do it too.

As for promotion and copying, it is also possible, but different industries require different subdivisions. In fact, with the development of technology, we have entered a winner-take-all society, and winner-take-all will definitely be accompanied by industry of constant subdivision.”

It seems like you came up with this concept a few years ago?

Yes, we were aware of this when we first completed EDA. In fact, the overall technological trend of the world is also moving in this direction. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips: In the future, a high-precision Equipment - such as photolithography machines, will condense the top technology and wisdom of various industries. It cannot be completed by one company alone. It requires the joint efforts of companies around the world.


So, Yuanxin is ready to start from the two aspects of light source and workpiece table, invest in research and development regardless of cost, and strive to be irreplaceable in the most advanced and top-notch photolithography machines in the future.

This is a way to break the blockade.

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded: In addition to this, it is the introduction of capital and technology, as well as the mutual authorization of capital investment and technology, ultimately forming a pattern where you have me, and I have you.

The last step is the complete industrial production system. If only we can provide the best and most complete production system with the same quality and cost, then we can achieve the corresponding status.

Su Yuanshan calmed down and said softly: We have an unparalleled labor force advantage. Coupled with our open policy, we can provide good competitiveness for companies that are willing to spend money, and they will definitely invest in building factories.

Coupled with the country's continuous investment in education, especially the expansion of the enrollment scope and quota of higher education... These, combined with our size of more than one billion people, will form unparalleled advantages in the future, especially in science and engineering. Engineer Advantage.”

Because of the backwardness of basic disciplines and science, we may encounter difficulties when attacking the most cutting-edge technologies in various fields. But once our group of college students are formed, they will form a strong basic industrial advantage in society and enterprises. ——How to correctly guide these advantages is not considered from the perspective of the enterprise.”

Su Yuanshan smiled softly as he spoke: Think about it, if we follow the rate of enrollment expansion in our colleges and universities, how many talents will we be able to provide to the society in more than 20 years? At least hundreds of millions.

After the reform and opening up, the whole country has been striving for a well-off society, coupled with the birth of countless outstanding talents, especially technical talents - this is why I firmly believe that in 25 years, we will fully realize industrialization.

It was close to eleven o'clock when Su Yuanshan returned to the hotel, and he could guess with his toes that his father was still waiting for him.

Sure enough, Professor Su Xinghe was sitting on the sofa chatting with Zhou Xiaohui. After seeing him come in, Su Xinghe stood up immediately.

We just chatted a little bit, didn't dare to talk too much.

Su Yuanshan breathed out softly, handed the bag to Zhou Xiaohui, twisted his neck again, and smiled at his father: I have a feeling that the higher-ups still generally have a severe attitude towards the future, but Yuanxin's performance makes him There is no room for pessimism – so the big boss wants to hear my bragging and see if the future is worth being optimistic about.”

As soon as Su Xinghe heard his son's careless behavior, he knew that the atmosphere today must be very good, so he breathed a sigh of relief and cursed with a smile: What does it mean to brag? But Yuanxin's performance is worthy of happiness. It's true. You know why. Will 909 be launched so soon?


The leader visited Samsung last year and was very excited. Su Xinghe chuckled: The 909 was launched when we came back, and now Yuanxin can be regarded as completing the 909 two years ahead of schedule... so it is natural for the big boss to come to support us.

...It's a pity that we didn't talk about semiconductor industry support tonight. Su Yuanshan held his forehead and sighed a little: I have been answering questions the whole time, so it is difficult to lead the topic in that direction... It seems that I can only mention it tomorrow afternoon. ”

Summoning Su Yuanshan tonight can only be regarded as a private understanding. Tomorrow's formal interview is the occasion where a signal needs to be released to the public. Therefore, it is reasonable for Academician Su Xinghe to propose it.


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