1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 353 Opportunity for Big Tickets

Zhou Xiaohui finally raised her head at this moment. She glanced at the two of them gently, and finally her eyes fell on Su Yuanshan's face.

She knew that Su Yuanshan didn't mind that Ding Lei and Pony went out independently, and she even knew that in Su Yuanshan's consideration, these departments would all go out independently sooner or later...

But she still can't be as broad-minded as Su Yuanshan.

She believes that even if they want to become independent, Yuanxin can only propose to let them go out independently - similar to the original EDA.

But when EDA was about to be separated, whether it was Jiang Wanchao, Qu Hui, or Pan Xiaojun who was surrendered by Su Yuanshan, they were all unwilling and reluctant to part with it.

In order to achieve a smooth division, Su Yuanshan had to do a lot of work to finally convince so many people... Just like that, Qu Hui was still crying on Su Yuanshan's shoulders. After that, he came to the science and technology park in the name of cooperation and still refused to leave...

Comparing the two, Zhou Xiaohui felt that the Internet Center was a bit too much.

Ding Lei and Pony were silent for five seconds, then they looked at each other again, and finally nodded at the same time: Yes!

Okay! Su Yuanshan was also very straightforward: You two teams established new companies separately. Yuanxin's initial investment only accounts for 60% of the shares, and the remaining 40% is given to your team as employee shares, which you can allocate freely. The subsequent operations, Yuanxin will not interfere in any way, but will provide full cooperation.

After the words fell, Zhou Xiaohui stared suddenly. She looked at Su Yuanshan in disbelief and couldn't help but said: 40%?

Well, 40%. Su Yuanshan nodded calmly.

Ding Lei and Pony looked at each other again, and they clenched their fists at the same time.

Remember, this is for your team... not for you personally. Su Yuanshan looked at the two of them: When you become a boss in the future, you must know the trade-offs and don't worry too much about the gains and losses of one city and one pool.

His words seemed to be explaining to Zhou Xiaohui, and he seemed to be teaching these two people.

Understood! Ding Lei exhaled slowly: Don't worry, Xiao Shan, we all carry the telecore gene in our bones.

Pony also whispered: Mr. Shan, without a word from you, I would not dare to engage in EM.

Listening to the two people's words that seemed to express their determination, Su Yuanshan smiled slightly and said gently: That's it for now. In principle, I will not interfere with your future financing, and I will not take the initiative to dilute your shareholding ratio.

You should integrate the team first, and try to finalize this matter this year. We can also find some money to go to the west to fool foreigners...

Su Yuanshan said and sighed: Speaking of which, foreigners' money is really easy to cheat...

That night, Su Yuanshan had dinner with everyone.

At the wine table, Pony and Ding Lei were obviously a little excited. They dragged Su Yuanshan to drink a lot of wine without hesitation - although they were mostly drinking, and Su Yuanshan only occasionally accompanied them.

After returning to the hotel, Su Yuanshan lay on the sofa, and Zhou Xiaohui twisted the towel over for him.

Sister Xiaohui, are you not happy today?

Su Yuanshan squinted his eyes hard, and under the stimulation of the cold water, his mind gradually regained consciousness. Seeing Zhou Xiaohui's unhappy face, he smiled and joked.

They are a bit excessive... Zhou Xiaohui simply sat across from Su Yuanshan and said seriously: And, why do you want to give 40%...

Because they are worth 40%... The Internet Center was founded by Brother Ding Lei and Pony, and they led the development of the product, while EDA was led by me. The two are completely different, okay?

Zhou Xiaohui was speechless for a moment and said angrily: In short, they feel like traitors.

Sister Xiaohui, you are not allowed to call them traitors on other occasions in the future. Su Yuanshan immediately sat up and said seriously: No matter what the original intention of Senior Brother Ding and Brother Xiao Ma is, if they separate now, it is indeed a good thing for Yuanxin It’s the most beneficial.”

Zhou Xiaohui stopped talking.

She has been taught by Su Yuanshan for so many years, of course she can smell it. Now that these two departments are released, it will definitely arouse the enthusiasm of the capital market...

Yuanxin holds 60% of the shares. Even if it is diluted in the future, according to the current favor of capital towards the Internet, it will definitely be a profitable investment.

What's more, Su Yuanshan has said more than once that the Internet is still in the barbaric period. It is easy to become the number one, but it is extremely difficult to keep the number one - it requires burning a lot of money.

As for Yuanxin, there are really too many places to spend money this year and next.

Sister Xiaohui, the Internet wave has just begun to surge... There are still big ticket opportunities waiting. Su Yuanshan said and closed his eyes.

There is one thing he can't say - the Internet bubble will definitely come, and when the time comes, if you get the money in advance, you can just buy it back!

What a big deal!

Seeing Su Yuanshan close his eyes, Zhou Xiaohui sighed secretly and said softly: Go and sleep on the bed.

No, I'm not drunk. I'm just waiting for a call.


At this time, Su Yuanshan's phone on the coffee table rang at the right time. Su Yuanshan opened his eyes, smiled at Zhou Xiaohui and said, Look, here we come.

After taking a look at the phone number, which showed international long distance calls, Su Yuanshan smiled again and pressed the answer button: Jiuduo-kun, have you eaten?

Our time zone is one hour ahead of you. Do you think I have eaten? Ken Kutaragi on the phone was much funnier. He made a joke first and then said: Susan, are you in the special zone?

Yes, when are you planning to come over?

It depends on what kind of cooperation you want me to come over to talk about - if it's about games, I'll be here right away. If it's about film and television entertainment, I won't be able to come over until three days. If it's about lithium batteries, I'll have to wait until next month. OK……

Pfft... Su Yuanshan was amused by Kutaragi Ken: Then I will invite you to come to the special zone in three days. How about it? As for the lithium battery, I'd better wait for your professionals to come over.

haha ok.

Sony Pictures Entertainment, referred to as SPE, is a subsidiary of Sony (Lighthouse), which in turn is a subsidiary of Sony Corporation...

After all, it is the grandson of Sony headquarters.

But this company has a really big background - its foundation is Columbia Pictures, which Sony acquired five years ago for a whopping $6 billion at the time.

After so many years of development, Sony Pictures Entertainment, in addition to being involved in the production and distribution of movies and TV programs, has also invested in TV channels around the world, and provided various equipment, services and support.

After waiting for three days, naturally I have to wait for the people from Sony Video to come together.

Su Yuanshan rubbed his face and pulled out Zhang Jianjun's number.

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