1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 352 It’s time

Su Yuanshan had no doubts about Ding Lei's words.

Even if there is no capital behind to fuel the fire, Newbook created by Ding Lei - this is the new domain name adopted when the portal was officially launched on the international Internet - with the help of 163WEB mailbox and the leadership of the leading portal business model, almost As soon as it went online, it quickly became a giant in the Internet world.

The reason why the domain name Newbook is adopted is entirely to take into account the habits of Western people. Compared with the catchy Chinese people's understanding of the number 163, it is much more awkward for people in the west to read it... It is easier to remember the number using simple word combinations.

One of the characteristics of the Internet is to follow trends. After Newbook established benchmark rules for comprehensive news, comments, and forums, a large number of similar websites began to emerge rapidly with the help of capital.

Among them, newbook's biggest rival is Yahoo. This small, unpopular website started off by relying on website navigation. After gaining the favor of capital, it quickly relied on its early popularity to transform into a portal website.

At present, our 24-hour average number of IP visits has reached three million, according to the latest Internet access statistics. This means that among the people who turn on their computers to access the Internet every day, one out of every five people browses our website and obtains the corresponding Information.

In addition, based on the analysis of Pandora Labs' access statistics technology, we found that the proportion of direct input of URLs and visits through browser recommendations is gradually increasing, while the proportion of visits from navigation-oriented websites such as Yahoo is gradually shrinking.

As he spoke, Ding Lei stood up and took out a folder from the filing cabinet and handed it to Su Yuanshan, joking: Thanks to your girlfriend.

Su Yuanshan took the folder, but did not open it immediately. Instead, he smiled and said: The application of traffic access analysis is just a trivial matter. The real core technology lies in hyperlink analysis.

Ding Lei nodded: But for us, the access analysis function is indeed the most practical. We can intuitively figure out which layouts and which content are more attractive.

Well, content distribution is also very important. Su Yuanshan flicked the folder with his fingertips and said: The recommended location of the homepage, the text description and arrangement of the title, etc., will greatly affect the visit. data.

So a good homepage is just a face. Ding Lei said with a smile: But now there is a problem, the stickiness of our users is not high. It is not as good as EM...

Pony raised his eyebrows there: How does your website compare with our communication software?

Su Yuanshan smiled and said: It is true that it is a bit difficult to improve the stickiness of the website... but it is not impossible.

Ding Lei said: We have thought about making great efforts to promote the forum, but now it seems that the effect of the forum is not very obvious. The WEB mailbox is functional, let alone...

You don't have to rely on this... Su Yuanshan sighed softly: Can't we build a community?


Su Yuanshan did not answer, but looked around the three of them, and finally said slowly: On the Internet, users are king. No matter how difficult the situation is in the future, we must keep this in mind.

So, Newbook's current idea of ​​relying on email services to obtain registered users is wrong. Su Yuanshan looked at Ding Lei and said sternly: Directly add member registration and login entrances, change the email address to an accessory product of the website, and build a user community at the same time.

Ding Lei pulled up a chair and sat next to Su Yuanshan: Please explain clearly first what the user community is.

It's similar to a living community... Su Yuanshan squinted, thinking of the communities of later generations, especially the Jiucheng community where he had played for a while: Users can add friends to each other, play some games, and give certain rewards. Virtual rewards, a user level system, and some additional functions can be provided, such as collecting news, collecting links, etc. In short, it is to capture users...

The three people listened quietly to Su Yuanshan's words, and their eyes gradually brightened. Finally, Ding Lei slapped his thigh hard: Fuck! This idea is awesome!

Zhang Xiaolong also nodded: It's interesting. Does it mean that this community is similar to a development game?

Yes, a development game. Su Yuanshan looked at Ding Lei and chuckled: In the war of portals, innovation is even more important than burning money.

Ding Lei was startled and immediately said: Why don't you just sit here... Just a casual word of yours will make us think about it for months.

...It's okay, I believe you, you can have fun.

Su Yuanshan fell silent as he spoke. He glanced at a few people again and said quietly, It seems it's time.

The expressions of the three people changed slightly at the same time.

Zhou Xiaohui, who was next to Su Yuanshan, had no expression on her face, just lowering her head and drawing lightly on her notebook.

What's Brother Xiaolong's plan? Su Yuanshan glanced at Zhang Xiaolong and asked.

Zhang Xiaolong smiled: The email client can barely make an income now. Unlike them, I don't have much pressure here.

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded, then looked at Ding Lei and Pony: Newbook and EM are now the number one in the industry, but in this period, all number one is only temporary.

I have been talking about Internet thinking before because the most important manifestation of Internet thinking is innovation. Because... its innovation is easier to realize than the hardware industry and easier to promote than the software industry.

As long as there is a slight change in online products, it can be immediately reflected and promoted to countless people - this is the charm and influence of the Internet.

Of course, in addition to innovation, capital also plays a big role. If you have to let Yuanxin continue to burn money until you find a stable profit model and direction, it is not impossible... But in that case, it is still It will have some impact on Yuanxin’s future development in the semiconductor field, and it will also be unfavorable to the development of newbook and EM.”

Ding Lei and the other three did not speak, but listened carefully to Su Yuanshan's words.

The current Internet market is in the West, so your goals and outlets in the next few years are the West, so Silicon Valley is where you will go.

Pony and Ding Lei looked at each other, and both opened their mouths, but neither spoke at the same time.

Su Yuanshan's words mean that if they want to go out independently, they need to go to the west, to Silicon Valley.

In fact, these people...as the current leaders and top leaders in various fields on the Internet, they have received numerous invitations from capital in the past few months.

But... I still feel a little reluctant to leave the familiar environment rashly.

Su Yuanshan's voice then sounded: Brother Ding, Brother Pony, are you confident that it will be listed within three years?

He looked at the two of them, his expression becoming extremely serious.

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