1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 354 The ultimate way out

Since Zhang Jianjun established Dingxin Media with Yang Yingying, he has officially withdrawn from the pirated disc market and begun to fully enter the genuine audio and video product market. And he directly signed a contract with the Yuanxin VCD department for four million SVCD discs of Yang Yingying's new album just after the establishment. The contract for the film...

Yuanxin VCD department purchases large quantities of genuine records from record companies every year as random gifts. As for Dingxin Media, Yuanxin also has shares.

After asking Zhang Jianjun to come to the hotel tomorrow, Su Yuanshan turned off his mobile phone and smiled at Zhou Xiaohui: Sister Xiaohui, in your eyes, is Sony awesome?

Then it depends on who you compare with... Zhou Xiaohui gave a conservative answer. Seeing Su Yuanshan's pursed lips, she smiled and said: The ones I have the most contact with are Yuanxin and Xinghai. Do you think Sony can compare with us? ?”

Uh... If you say that, I can't help it. But Sony has really been asking questions in recent years, and it is less domineering than before. Su Yuanshan sighed: I think back then, Akio Morita acquired CBS Records for 6 billion and Columbia Pictures, how generous that is...even even setting up Sony (USA) just to manage these two companies...

Zhou Xiaohui blinked and said, I heard that Sony's main obstacle to profitability in recent years is Sony Pictures. I don't know if that's true.

It's true. Sony Pictures has suffered miserably in recent years - you can tell by looking at the films they have released in recent years. Each of them is box office poison. Although the recently released Shawshank Redemption has made a huge profit, It’s also popular but not popular...

Zhou Xiaohui saw Su Yuanshan's eyes gradually clearing up, so she stood up and poured him a glass of boiling water. After sitting down again, she asked: So is the Internet the way out for audio and video entertainment in the future?

The Internet is the ultimate solution. Su Yuanshan gave an answer that sounded awesome but was actually useless.

Zhou Xiaohui: ...

Haha, I'll read the paper some more. You go to bed early, and remember to make an appointment with the SAR government tomorrow morning. We'll see if we can arrange a visit the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

When Zhou Xiaohui saw Su Yuanshan open her notebook, she stood up and asked the front desk for a snack. After the snacks were delivered to Su Yuanshan's guest room, she also returned to her room, opened her notebook, and started writing her work diary.

As she wrote, she stopped typing and stared at the screen in trance.

Su Yuanshan was her boss, but in a sense, he was also her teacher.

For every idea and decision he makes, he will talk to Zhou Xiaohui about why he did it and what consequences and impacts it will have.

Zhou Xiaohui believes that no one understands Su Yuanshan better than herself, and the more she understands him, the more impressed she is by Su Yuanshan.

——Smart people are not scary. What is scary is that they are smarter than you but work harder than you.

Zhou Xiaohui had never seen a boss like Su Yuanshan who was so focused on being a genius and studying and working late into the night every day.

To be blunt, Zhou Xiaohui watched Su Yuanshan grow from a seventeen-year-old boy to the present - and even when Su Yuanshan was seventeen years old, he had self-discipline far beyond that of his peers, and even far beyond ordinary people.

This kind of continuous self-discipline made Zhou Xiaohui feel the sense of urgency that Su Yuanshan showed from time to time.

Yes, there is a sense of urgency. This feeling is as if Su Yuanshan is a peerless genius who knows that his time is short and chooses to burn out the last ray of life in order to realize his ideal.

So when this feeling arose a few months ago, Zhou Xiaohui fearfully forced Su Yuanshan to have a physical examination...

At that time, Su Yuanshan was a little bit dumbfounded.

However, when Su Yuanshan came back from the hospital, he discussed with Chen Jing that in the future, all employees over the age of 25 would be provided with mandatory welfare physical examinations every three years, then once every two years for those over 30 years old, and once a year for those over 35 years old.

After sighing softly, Zhou Xiaohui continued writing her work diary.

The next morning, Zhang Jianjun and Yang Yingying came to the hotel together.

Hello, sister-in-law, aren't you recording? Su Yuanshan introduced the two of them into the living room. After sitting down, he smiled at Yang Yingying, who was wearing a simple and elegant long windbreaker.

I'm not in a good state today. Yang Yingying smiled gently at Su Yuanshan: In addition, your senior brother said he would come to stay with Xiaohui, so he came here.

Haha, I think Brother Zhang insists on asking you to come over... Su Yuanshan smiled at Zhang Jianjun and blinked: Brother Zhang, am I right?

Since Zhang Jianjun came to the Special Administrative Region, his weight has been soaring. At this time, there are signs of exceeding 200. He was not even 1.7 meters tall, but now he looks like a Bodhisattva sitting on the sofa.

After hearing this, Zhang Jianjun chuckled: Yingying is a shareholder no matter what, she should come.

It's up to you to discuss business, I'll just listen.

Su Yuanshan nodded: Brother Zhang, we are all our own people so I won't go around in circles - it's been almost half a year since Dingxin Media was established, right?

Yeah, almost.

Be bigger, don't keep focusing on releasing records... Su Yuanshan glanced at Yang Yingying and said with a smile: Sister-in-law is indeed a money tree, but if you keep holding her and shaking her, people will faint.

Zhang Jianjun laughed and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Yang Yingying was also dumbfounded: You...this metaphor.

The truth is, my sister-in-law has already received an invitation to this year's Spring Festival Gala, right? As long as she goes to the Spring Festival Gala... she will only become more popular next year, and it will be the kind of popularity that makes you cry and shout without rivals... Su Yuanshan said and sighed: An invincible existence.

Yang Yingying was blushing in embarrassment due to Su Yuanshan's sudden attack. She waved her hands repeatedly and said, Stop talking. I really don't know how to answer you when you say this.

Su Yuanshan and the three of them had fun together.

But Yang Yingying was indeed telling the truth. She only realized how big and scary Yuanxin was after she fell in love with Jiang Qingchuan. In her opinion, Yuanxin VCD was already one of the top companies in the country, but its status in Yuanxin... But it’s really nothing.

You know, Yuanxin aims to surpass world-class giants.

In comparison, her fame as a singer is really just a name.

That's it, Brother Zhang. I plan to work with Sony Video to build a copyright distribution and rental platform for the world.

Yang Yingying was slightly startled: Lease?

But Zhang Jianjun was shaken suddenly, and his body like a hill immediately stood up.

What medium?

Compact discs, DVDs, SVCDs, VCDs. Su Yuanshan's face remained unchanged, with a relaxed expression: Don't get excited yet, wait until you understand what the Internet online rental system is.

Online rental system?

Well, and this is just the first step. Building an all-Internet copyright audio-visual network is one of our ultimate goals...

Su Yuanshan said in his heart, I won’t tell you about building theaters around the world.

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