1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 313 I underwrite it

Hearing that Su Yuanshan endorsed BOE so nakedly with confidence and somewhat but not reasons, Akita Junichi was stunned for a moment, and then he took Wang Dongsheng seriously.

As Su Yuanshan felt, he was a proud genius. There are two types of proud geniuses. One is those who think they are the best in the world, and the other are sympathetic to other geniuses.

Akita Junichi believed that he was the latter. He analyzed Su Yuanshan and Yuan Xin calmly and almost ruthlessly, and then came to the conclusion that this boy was very awesome, so awesome that it was terrifying.

In fact, in just over two years, the development of Yuanxin has verified his guess.

Now, Su Yuanshan has great confidence in Wang Dongsheng, so he also needs to face up to this person who is very likely to be a partner in the future.

Well... Akita Junichi smiled at Wang Dongsheng, but he still looked at Su Yuanshan and still said in Mandarin: In this case, we might as well talk directly. I believe you already know something about the LCD panel production line. In our country, a complete industrial chain has been formed...

Frankly speaking, if we choose to cooperate domestically, whether it is the supply chain, production equipment, or skilled workers... we will have absolute advantages.

Akita Junichi paused as he spoke, and then immediately said: But we are still here. Fundamentally, we cherish our friendship with Yuan Xin and believe in your vision. So... Su Sang, Yuan Xin can do for you What does the next collaboration offer?”

Su Yuanshan felt a little happy when he heard Akita Junichi first make a gesture and then change the subject - this guy seemed to treat this occasion as a negotiation.

But this was just what he wanted.

Didn't Chen Jing say that the negotiation started from the first email and phone call between the two parties?

So Su Yuanshan smiled and said: Does our payment count as providing?

Akita Junichi said with a smile: A complete LCD line is not cheaper than a wafer factory, Su-san.

Yes, the money for the wafer fab came from selling the EDA department... and you also paid for it.

Kutaragi Ken: ...

Akita Junichi: ...

Haha...just a joke. Su Yuanshan chuckled and said: That's it, Mr. Akita. We should first designate a development plan for the LCD panel.

At this time, Kutaragi Ken finally interjected in somewhat unfamiliar Chinese: What's the plan?

It's market planning. To be more precise, it's to what extent the use of LCD panels in mobile phones can grow, and then when can LCD panel technology break through to the point where it can be used in televisions.

Of course, during this period, the most important thing...is this.

Su Yuanshan turned around and took out a bunch of notebooks from behind.

ThinkPad 700C, based on 25MHz Intel 486SLC processor, has 4MB of memory and a choice of 80MB hard drive or 120MB hard drive.

It weighs 3.5 kilograms, is a solid brick, and doesn’t come cheap—$4,300.

The most important thing is that its screen size is 10.4 inches.

We also need to predict the development of laptop and desktop computer monitors. Especially for laptops, LCD panels are in urgent demand.

Wang Dongsheng glanced at the notebook Su Yuanshan fished out with some envy, nodded and agreed, Yes, notebook computers are indeed a necessary need.

Then...then what? Akita Junichi was not confused by Su Yuanshan. He stared at Su Yuanshan's face and continued to ask: Su Sang, don't tell me that Yuanxin is responsible for formulating market forecasts.

Of course not. I'm just telling you that Yuanxin's biggest contribution is that Yuanxin can provide a large enough market and consume a large enough output. Su Yuanshan stopped laughing, stared at Akita Junichi and smiled slowly: As long as If you can pull over the production line, I dare to eat all the output!

At this time, not only Wang Dongsheng, but even Kutaragi Ken was stunned!

The same goes for Akita Junichi. He looked at Su Yuanshan in shock - how optimistic is this guy about the future of LCD panels?

In other words, how big is Yuanxin’s business? How dare you boast about such a great reputation?

Three seconds later...

Wang Dongsheng came to his senses first.

He took a deep breath, couldn't help clenching his hands into fists on both sides of his thighs, and said in a deep voice: Mr. Shan, do you mean underwriting this?

Of course. Su Yuanshan chuckled and said, I'll buy whatever comes from whoever I'm buying. Why don't I make one myself, don't you think? Of course, the premise is that the quality must be qualified, and you must ensure breakthroughs in the technical requirements I put forward.

Wang Dongsheng looked at Akita Junichi.

It is said that those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. Since Su Yuanshan dares to boast about Haikou underwriting, what does he have to worry about? Don’t even think about it! Now it’s up to Junichi Akita.

Akita Junichi also slowly came back to his senses.

He looked at Kutaragi Ken and saw that Kutaragi Ken was thoughtful, and finally his eyes gradually brightened.

Haha, Su-san, I almost got deceived by you. Kutaragi Ken breathed out softly: I think the key lies in what you said about market expectations, or in other words, technical expectations, right?

Su Yuanshan chuckled.

Kutaragi Ken is indeed an old fox.

He dared to boast about Haikou, so he naturally had something to rely on.

The mobile phones of Yuanxin and Xinghai require LCD panels - although mobile phones now require very few panels, they cannot support large quantities. As the production capacity of Yuanxin and Xinghai increases, as mobile phone panels become larger and larger in the future, and as the mobile phone market expands, the demand for LCD panels will only increase.

Next, there is the panel size. Once the panel size enters the third generation, it means that it will trigger the rise of notebooks. Entering the fourth generation will lead to a replacement of monitors.

Then...it's the TV's turn.

Let me tell you a joke - an 80,000 yuan rear projection TV can be sold second hand for 10 yuan.

In addition to mobile phones, Yuanxin also has notebooks under development - Xinghai is also following Yuanxin's footsteps in developing notebooks.

Su Yuanshan still doesn’t believe that Yuanxin + Xinghai will not be able to absorb the production capacity of an LCD panel line.

Yes, so... the premise is that technology is the most important. If we can only provide backward panels, then there is nothing we can do.

Furthermore, I also believe, Mr. Akita, since you are here on behalf of the TV department, it also means that you believe that in the near future, LCD panels will replace your... Trinitron. Before that, or rather , before LCD starts to be used in TVs, we must have the technology.

Su Yuanshan did not want to irritate these two people, and did not say that they were proud of Trinlon.

The meaning of Su Yuanshan's words couldn't be more obvious.

Not only do I provide money, I also provide a market. Next, it depends on how you develop technology here.

After a few seconds of silence, Akita Ichiro nodded.

We...can find a partner.

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