1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 314 Alliance of Underachievers

As the sun gradually set, Su Yuanshan filled tea for several people again, and Zhou Xiaohui also brought snacks again.

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips, shrugged at Akita Ichiro, and said with a smile: Actually, I thought you were going to invite Fujitsu to come with you this time.

Akita Ichiro hid his surprise in his eyes. He shook his head, smiled, and asked, Why do you think it's Fujitsu and not Samsung?

In Japan, Sony is not the only one who has not taken the LCD panel bus, there is also a strong player who once dominated the semiconductor field, Fujitsu.

Frankly speaking, before Su Yuanshan proposed cooperation, or put forward the importance and urgency of LCD panels in the future, everyone at Sony was very optimistic about the future development of LCD panels.

In short, they believe that Trinlon can fight for at least another twenty years.

Even if Trinitron really can't fight by then, who knows what the LCD panel market will be like? Now that Sony's financial situation has just improved, there is really no need to cry and get on the bus. What's more, the domestic market competition in Japan is really unkind. The latecomers can easily be dragged to death in the pursuit - and no one will Pull you.

But after Yuanxin proposed cooperation, Sony, especially the electronics department, began to take the future of LCD seriously. Then they were shocked to discover that if, as Su Yuanshan said, LCD TVs will replace picture tube TVs in ten years, then Sony may lose its core business of TVs because it does not have its own LCD panel technology and production lines. leading position.

So after Su Yuanshan extended the invitation, Akita Ichiro and Kutaragi Ken began to actively promote cooperation with Yuanxin - of course there was no resistance, but Sony also knew that Yuanxin's offer of an olive branch was obviously hoping that Sony could win over Niguo's friends. At the same time, we will open up a second battlefield on the mainland and form a team of underachievers. Then we focus on the future market of the mainland, as well as Yuanxin’s influence and technological and economic strength to catch up.

Therefore, among the many underachievers in the field of LCD panels, Sony chose Fujitsu - in theory, Fujitsu is not considered a backward student, but is considered to be the last among the advanced students. They have certain skills, but due to various reasons they cannot compare with current outstanding students such as NEC, Sharp, Toshiba, etc.

But, how did Su Yuanshan guess it?

You know, Samsung in the country is also constantly exerting its efforts. It has been losing $100 million every year since 1991, and in order to poach engineers from Chinese companies, it will do anything it can... Among the underachievers, Shang is the one who works the hardest and is the one who has the best chance of catching up.

Facing Akita Ichiro's doubts, Su Yuanshan just smiled.

Mr. Li is too ambitious now, and almost the entire country is endorsing Samsung... Trying to win over Samsung is just a dream. And Samsung is very realistic. Unless Sony is already on board, there is no hope of cooperation.

Zhongni Bang, if the giants from these three parties are all involved, there may be some impact...

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Yuanshan pulled BOE over.

Two neo-invested companies and two Chinese-owned companies are just right.

Because we can complement each other. It was naturally impossible for Su Yuanshan to reveal Akita Ichiro's Xiao Jiujiu, and explained with a smile: Fujitsu's viewing angle technology, liquid crystal perfusion technology, and our side can provide circuit drivers and various peripherals. Chips, you can provide image driver chips... you can basically get it started by putting it together.

Of course, equipment is still very important. Su Yuanshan licked his lips and said softly: Currently, there are close high-level exchanges between the two countries. From a political point of view, we also hope that we can achieve deeper cooperation. So, we have to hurry.

When it comes to politics, Ichiro Akita is silent. He has always believed that politics should not be involved in the technical field.

Of course, technology must be realized by the market, and market realization must take politics into consideration. This is inevitable.

Kutaragi Ken smiled at Su Yuanshan.

He admires Su Yuanshan very much, so he is willing to have more exchanges and cooperation with Yuanxin if political permission allows - Yuanxin already has the qualifications to exchange with Sony.

Well, then we won't leave for the time being. Kutaragi Ken said with a smile: We will contact Fujitsu immediately and ask them to come over overnight. We will try to negotiate this matter.

Su Yuanshan smiled and said: I will also contact Mr. Chen immediately and ask her to come to the capital.

Mr. Wang, you are a local snake. I am asking the government for various policies, and you have to come and find out... When the time comes, several companies will take turns to find connections and strive to get the most favorable policies!

Okay! Wang Dongsheng perked up and became inexplicably excited.

He originally thought he would have to make more concessions and waste more words. Unexpectedly, while sitting and drinking tea today, Susoni actually agreed.

Not only did he agree, he also brought a friend over!

Guys, let's go, I'll show you around... This is said to be a building from the Ming Dynasty...

For dinner, Su Yuanshan hosted a banquet for everyone present and the entourage of Kutaragi Ken and Kutaragi Ken. After settling them in the hotel, he and Wang Dongsheng left the hotel one after another, and then Wang Dongsheng's car followed him all the way back to the courtyard.

After the car stopped, Su Yuanshan did not get out of the car, but directly invited Wang Dongsheng to sit in the back row.

Su Yuanshan smiled at Wang Dongsheng, who had a wine-red face but still had clear eyes: Mr. Wang, Fujitsu will be here the day after tomorrow. You can go to the government starting tomorrow to find out what's going on.

Yeah, I understand. Wang Dongsheng licked his lips. He knew that Su Yuanshan didn't smoke, so he resisted the urge to smoke and said with a smile: And I'll make a bold guess, we may not be unable to get the money.

Su Yuanshan was slightly startled: Oh? What should I say?

You have forgotten our shareholders. Wang Dongsheng chuckled: As long as the country is willing to believe that LCD panels are an important project related to future development, it will definitely take it seriously.

Su Yuanshan slapped his forehead!

He had forgotten that Wang Dongsheng's restructuring of BOE took the form of debt-for-equity swap, and now the bank is the major shareholder.

With the deepening of domestic reform and opening up and the continuous advancement of marketization, the country has also begun to change its thinking, changing the previous simple allocation of special funds to the model of bank loans.

——This is the case for Huajing in the old time and space. It happened to be the loan he had obtained in the past two years, but he was dragged to death...

This model is theoretically benign. But in fact……

Let’s put it this way, if it is a project that is in urgent need of support, it would be ridiculous if it uses a bank loan to treat “giving you a loan” as a kind of support or a “gift”.

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