1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 312 Confidence is the greatest reliance

Su Yuanshan found the email sent by BOE a few days ago.

In the email, Wang Dongsheng introduced BOE’s progress in LCD panels in detail.

It can be seen from the email that he is not exaggerating. At the same time, he is also working hard with his longing for LCD panels to fight for the right to speak for the next cooperation.

Moreover, Su Yuanshan also noticed that Wang Dongsheng was playing the emotional card of domestic enterprise as a family. I hope to work with Yuanxin to firmly grasp the interests of domestic enterprises.

Su Yuanshan laughed again and said leisurely: Sister Xiaohui, do you know that any industry that can become a link in the industrial chain is inseparable from politics in the end?

Well, like a wafer factory? Zhou Xiaohui quickly understood what Su Yuanshan meant. She followed Su Yuanshan and contacted many communications between relevant departments and Yuanxin, and she knew that Yuanxin carried many political tasks that should not be undertaken.

Yes, in fact, the same goes for LCD panels. Su Yuanshan clicked on the email to reply, but did not rush to reply. Instead, he put his hands behind his head and sighed softly: I can see the future of LCD panels, but I have to bring in foreign companies... …I really don’t know how people will evaluate me in the future, when liquid crystals replace picture tubes and become as ubiquitous as in science fiction movies.”

What Su Yuanshan said was a bit mysterious. Zhou Xiaohui thought carefully for a few seconds and then shook her head firmly: I believe it must be a positive comment.

Haha, I hope so. Su Yuanshan sat upright with a smile and started writing an email.

In previous lives, every step of domestic technological development, from seeking assistance at the beginning, to exchanging market technology for technology, to self-reliance, was particularly difficult.

If we want to divide it into stages according to history, then until the country enters the 21st century and joins the WTO, it can be regarded as the stage of seeking assistance. The following ten years were the stage of exchanging market for technology. It was not until shortly before Su Yuanshan traveled through that the beginning of self-reliance truly began.

But now, because of Yuanxin's miraculous rise, coupled with Su Yuanshan's magic operation, Yuanxin has a little bit of qualifications to exchange interests with some companies that are optimistic about him.

In front of these companies, Su Yuanshan is like a superb marketing master, but he is marketing the mainland's market and the mainland's future.

Some people believed in his move, and some didn't.

But it doesn't matter, Sony believed it.

Moreover, Sony and Yuanxin have reached a de facto and tacit alliance. In addition to continuing to cooperate in the gaming and audio-visual entertainment markets, the two parties also discussed further cooperation in lithium battery-related technologies. Sony, in particular, has begun to urge Yuanxin to sign a cooperation memorandum and the two parties will share patents - because they found that Yuanxin seems to be moving faster.

This time, Sony quickly agreed to Su Yuanshan's suggestion and prepared to increase its efforts in the LCD field. In addition to being frightened by Su Yuanshan's words, LCD will eliminate picture tubes in at least ten years. They also believed what Su Yuanshan described about the future of the mainland market.

——One thing you need to know is that in the flying geese model that Chinese companies longed for earlier, the biggest tail was the mainland.

Now, Sony is willing to believe that this swallowtail will grow up in advance and will most likely become a pair of wings.

Then, the cooperation between Sony and Yuanxin will have the opportunity to intervene in the mainland market in advance in the field of LCD panels.

Two days later, Su Yuanshan and Zhou Xiaohui went to the capital.

In order not to create too close an image for Sony, Su Yuanshan just informed BOE and moved directly into the construction site in the capital.

In view of Su Yuanshan's visits to the capital more and more frequently, Zhu Yuanxin simply isolated the courtyard side from the construction site and built another road leading to the street. The remaining courtyards were also renovated and used for offices and receptions.

The next day, Ni Fang representatives came to the capital quietly. Yuanxin's design center welcomed them into the courtyard. After meeting with Su Yuanshan first, they notified BOE people to come.

The three parties met in an elegant and quiet courtyard.

Mr. Wang, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Kutaragi Ken, and this is Mr. Akita Junichi.

Akita Junichi was the youngest representative of Nifang who came to Yuanxin to negotiate. It was not until Su Yuanshan later that he found out that this guy had a good background and was one of the technical directors of Sony's TV department.

Kutaragi Ken was fine, and he chatted enthusiastically with Wang Dongsheng. Akita Junichi, on the other hand, is more reserved and behaves lukewarm.

Su Yuanshan saw this and just smiled.

He heard Kutaragi Ken say that this guy is also known as a genius, and he doesn't look down on ordinary people and ordinary companies at all. However, he was particularly fond of Su Yuanshan.

And Su Yuanshan can also feel Akita Junichi's enthusiasm.

As the initiator of the three parties, Su Yuanshan is naturally responsible for the opening, and to put it bluntly, this time it is mainly for the three parties to exchange opinions and express their attitudes to each other. To implement specific cooperation, a large number of detailed rules and policies need to be implemented.

Guys... let me tell you the truth, I am really optimistic about the future of LCD panels. Otherwise, I wouldn't work so hard to get everyone to sit together.

Su Yuanshan filled everyone's teacups with a smile, then smiled lazily in the autumn sunshine and said: Since we are all sitting together, it means that everyone wants to do this business. Why don't we just tell you how? Division of labor?

He spoke Mandarin throughout the whole process - because Akita Junichi's Mandarin is quite good, and Kutaragi Ken can also understand it, but it is a bit difficult to speak.

As soon as the words fell, everyone laughed. Akita Junichi glanced at Wang Dongsheng, and lay down on the chair casually. He tilted his head and looked at Su Yuanshan and said: Su Sang, this Mr. Wang's technology...can I understand that it is in the laboratory stage?

Su Yuanshan chuckled: You can understand it at any stage. The most important thing is that Mr. Wang, like me, has a firm belief in the future of LCD panels.

Wang Dongsheng kept a smile on his face and cast a grateful glance at Su Yuanshan from the corner of his eye.

Among those present, he had the lowest status.

Theoretically, he couldn't speak.

But Su Yuanshan's words spoke to his heart!

In a market that has not yet been popularized on a large scale and has not yet taken shape, whoever has the foresight and who can firmly invest and continue will be qualified to have the last laugh.

Although BOE can't do it now, Wang Dongsheng doesn't believe it won't do it in the future. Even without Yuanxin and Sony, he would persist in the field of LCD panels.

The kind that can be squeezed in even if the head is sharpened.

Confidence - this is his greatest strength.

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