1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 1018 Everyone celebrates, move forward!

The next day, Chen Jing came to Yuanxin Design Center.

Yuanxin Design Center, this technology park is located in a prime location in Zhongguancun below T University and P University - it is also the only corporate park land in the main urban area of ​​the capital that has been acquired by a technology company. After more than 20 years of development in the capital, , its value and significance far exceed the science and technology park itself.

Let's put it this way, the current market price of the two well-preserved courtyard houses alone exceeds 200 million. For commercial land on the same road section, the price per mu of any piece of land can reach hundreds of millions - the land in Yuanxin Technology Park alone is already worth tens of billions.

So much so that there is a saying circulating in the capital that the taxes paid by Yuanxin Capital Science and Technology Park over the years cannot keep up with the appreciation of land prices.

In short, it is not profitable.

Of course, it is a joke to say that taxes cannot keep up with land prices - Haishi's headquarters is located in the Science and Technology Park, and its annual revenue is now hundreds of billions of yuan.

Mr. Chen.

Hello, Mr. Chen.

Mr. Chen is still so beautiful.

Chen Jing endured her excitement, shook hands and said hello to these colleagues whom she had not seen for a long time, and then was surrounded into the courtyard.

This quadrangle was her office back then, and even the entire science and technology park was built under her personal leadership. She stayed in the capital for three full years, and did not return until everything was straightened out. provincial capital.

Not to mention revisiting her old place now, she was surrounded by old colleagues from Yuanxin's executive board. Even though she held a high position, she still couldn't help herself. After sitting down in the courtyard, she just smiled and for a moment Forgot what to say.

It was Zhu Yuanxin, the local snake here, who was the first to speak.

How about we collectively welcome Mr. Chen? After saying this, the guy stood up and took the lead in applauding.

For a moment, everyone stood up and applauded continuously.

Chen Jing blushed slightly, stood up, shook her head and said with a smile: We haven't seen each other for a few years, and you are so polite?

You haven't seen us, but we watch your news every day. Zhu Yuanxin flattered unscrupulously - when someone divided the factions for the three giants of Yuanxin, he was Mr. Chen The promoted team.

Of course, facts have proven that this fictitious faction is just amusement for the private politicians.

But I have to admit that because of the recommendation system of Yuanxin's executive board and the existence of countless middle and senior executives promoted by Chen Jing during her more than ten years as chairman, Chen Jing does have the same influence as Su Yuanshan. A status that can be matched.

It's just... Chen Jing has never used these influences to confront Su Yuanshan.

As the chairman of the board, she has been working hard to maintain the normal operation of a huge system with hundreds of thousands of employees, and has even carried out various system reforms with ease.

The group of people laughed happily and sat down again.

Ding Lei glanced at Su Yuanshan, then at Chen Jing, and laughed: Mr. Chen, why don't you just come back after this term. With you here, let's feel more at ease, so as not to worry about it being the turn of the rotating director. long.

Isn't the rotating chairman system bad? Chen Jing chuckled.

Not good! Several people said in unison.

——Wang Chaoxin, Wang Chuanfu, Zhou Xiaohui, An Siying and other people who have served as rotating chairman of the board all expressed their opinions in unison.

Everyone laughed again.

Yes, the rotating chairman sounds very impressive, but in fact, the real power is not great, and there are too many things. If there is any benefit, it probably only counts as being able to devote some resources to the field in which it is located - therefore, choosing who to be the rotating chairman also means that Yuanxin has overall control over the development direction of the industry.

Then I have no idea. Chen Jing shrugged and laughed: I also have to stand my own guard - and the island will need a lot of support from you in the future.

When everyone heard this, they naturally agreed.

And even if Chen Jing didn't say anything, Yuanxin would consider the special status of the island and make development and investment plans.

Especially in the field of semiconductor manufacturing - it can be said that the foundation of domestic wafer factories headed by Deyuan comes from the island.

Nowadays, the mountains and rivers are of the same color, and the sea and sky are unified. Engineers from the island still have the idea of ​​​​building their hometown.

But in terms of method, there is no certainty yet - it will probably acquire and integrate UMC and Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and then serve as a strong complement to Deyuan.

Next, everyone started chatting.

Everyone gathered in the capital this time, not only to welcome Chen Jing back, but also to hold an exception meeting. On the other hand, most of the people here have almost all received invitations to join the parade.

——According to the process, there will be countless floats participating in the parade, and on the floats will be heroes and pacesetters from all walks of life across the country.

These people here are naturally the standard setters.

As for Su Yuanshan...

He is different, he goes to the tower.

After dinner, Chen Jing left and the others dispersed.

Su Yuanshan did the same and returned directly to the hotel in the design center.

As soon as he walked in, Su Xiaomu gave him a big hug.

Dad, let's do this interview. We will go upstairs tomorrow. How are you feeling?

The twenty-year-old girl is full of youth and vitality. As she grows up, she looks more and more like her mother when she was young, but compared to Ye Rudai, her eyes are a little more agile. and playful.

In comparison, his younger brother Su Ze'an, who was only in his third year of high school, was much more stable. Seeing his father enter the room, Su Ze'an quickly put down his book and stood up from the sofa.

Ye Rudai also stood up and looked at her husband with a smile.

The mood is unusually calm.

Looking at his wife and children, Su Yuanshan laughed.

Then can you see us up there tomorrow?

Su Yuanshan glanced at his son, who was a little over 1.8 meters tall, with a look of envy on his face: If I were as tall as your brother, I would probably be able to see him.

Ah? Aren't you in the first row?

Silly girl, how can your father and I have the qualifications?

...I think you are qualified. Right mom? Su Xiaomu turned to look at her mother.

Ye Rudai smiled sweetly, looked at her husband with radiant eyes, and nodded heavily.

Su Yuanshan was speechless, and then waved to his daughter and son: No matter what qualifications you have, go back to your room and get some rest early. You have to get up early tomorrow.

Uh... Su Xiaomu stuck out her tongue and pulled her brother over: Xiao Anzi, leave quickly, we don't eat dog food.

Sister...can you please stop telling me?

I think it's pretty palatable.

Watching their daughter and son exit the room, the couple smiled at the same time.

Xiao Mu is right. Ye Rudai looked at her husband and said softly: Your dedication and contribution...

Stop it. Su Yuanshan reached out and pressed his wife's lips, and after a few seconds of silence, he smiled slightly.

Do you know why I work so hard?

Because you love this country.

No...not just. More importantly, I am filled with unwillingness and resentment. Su Yuanshan squinted and looked to the distant west.

After a long silence, he said softly: An individual's power is limited after all. Even without me, Su Yuanshan, the fate of this country will still return to its rightful place. It will be a little bumpy at most.


Thousands of people gathered in the square.

Su Yuanshan stood quietly in a corner, looking at the sea of ​​red flags in the square.

The scenes after waking up began to flash through his mind.

And each scene corresponds to the long-lasting memory sealed by him.

These pictures are constantly intertwined and contrasted, and the differences become larger and farther apart.

From semiconductors to technology products, from IT to the Internet, from education to academia, from industry to real estate, from military to aerospace...

Everything is moving towards a better and healthier future.

Suddenly, the national anthem rose.

…Forward, forward, forward, forward!

//Spread flowers!

(Updated postscript and tail in the evening.)

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