1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 1019 Epilogue, new book, reflections (complete book)

December 9, 2077 AD.

Provincial hospital.

In the white ward, Academician Su Yuanshan, who had expired, squinted his eyes and lay quietly on the bed.

All the instruments have been evacuated, leaving only the electrocardiogram monitor still running, showing the patient's vitality.

Beside the hospital bed, Academician Su Ze'an, who was also over seventy years old, held his father's hand tightly. When his father's last moment was approaching, Su Ze'an's anxious mood became calmer.

——Because since the death of my mother and the companions who founded Yuanxin with my father 86 years ago, my father has become easily sad and his health has been deteriorating.

My father is 103 years old this year.

My father often said that after a hundred years of life, it’s time to leave.

Su Ze'an could clearly feel that his father no longer had any regrets or nostalgia for this world - if there was anything else worthy of his father's remembrance and expectation, it might be the Questioning Heaven Project that his sister was in charge of.


On the hospital bed, Su Yuanshan gently called his son's name.

Dad, I'm here. Academician Su Ze'an immediately leaned down. Despite his tall stature, he was already over eighty years old. He hunched his back and attached his ear to his father's mouth - in fact, his ear canal was also installed. The latest neural hearing aids.

I want to see you.

Okay, Dad. Academician Su Ze'an immediately took out a visual compensation system from the bedside and placed it close to his father's forehead. At the same time, he carefully adjusted the hospital bed so that his father was half-lying down.

As Su Yuanshan stood up, the juniors who had been surrounding the hospital bed from a distance also came closer together.

Everyone concealed their sadness and looked at the old man on the bed with a smile.

To them, Su Yuanshan was not only their father, grandfather, grandpa, grandpa great... but also the strongest tree and the most powerful patron saint of the entire family.

Su Yuanshan opened his eyes hard. With the support of the visual compensation system, his eyes stayed in front of the younger generation one by one. Finally, his eyes fell on the little girl at the end.

The little girl is about 4 or 5 years old. She has a pretty face and a pair of round eyes, smart and beautiful.

The kid at the back, who are you? He smiled, looked at the little girl who was genetically similar to his daughter, and asked in synthetic language.

Grandpa Zeng, you forgot! My name is Su Xiaoluo.

Oh, Grandpa Zeng is old and his memory is bad.

Grandpa Zeng, wait until I grow up, and I will give you the medicine to restore your memory!


The conversation between the great-granddaughter and great-granddaughter caused bursts of laughter from everyone.

Su Yuanshan's eyes continued to move and he saw the touch of red silk hidden on the coffee table.

That...should be the flag prepared for him.

Looking back, unprecedented fatigue hit the old man. He leaned back on the pillow and looked forward.

You all go out and let me see Sister You.


I want some peace and quiet.

Su Ze'an took a deep breath, reluctantly let go of his father's hand, and then opened the holographic projection channel for his father.

The light rose and today's news channel began to be projected over the bed.

After his son reluctantly left the room with his descendants, Su Yuanshan closed his eyes and his breathing became calm and gentle.

Along with the voice of the news channel host, a figure gradually appeared in front of him.

Xi Xiaoding, Chen Jing, Qin Weimin, Tian Yaoming, Li Mingliu, Tang Wenjie, Yang Yiwen, Qu Hui, Gao Xiaodi, Wang Chaoxin, Chen Jianguo...

They...are all gone.

Although modern medicine has allowed Su Yuanshan to maintain a state of thinking and expression, those companions who marched with him for his ideals are no longer there, even Ye Zi is gone...

He no longer has nostalgia.

Well...it's not like nothing.

——At the very least, he must fulfill his promise and see the motherland and mankind with pride and nobility for his companions, walking out of the earth, towards the solar system, and towards the sea of ​​stars...


Ask the sky!

In the projection, the host's enthusiastic voice came.

Today is the day when our country's Wentian spacecraft sets sail.

The Wentian spacecraft is a scientific research exploration ship. It was built by the Guanghan Palace International Orbital Base located at the Earth-Moon Lagrange Point. The Guanghan Palace Orbital Base was jointly built by my country Aerospace Industry Corporation and Yuanxin Group. , representing the highest aerospace capabilities of all mankind.

Now we would like to ask Academician Su Mu, the general person in charge of the Wentianhao operation, to introduce to us the specific situation and mission of the Wentianhao.

Academician Su, please.

On the hospital bed, Su Yuanshan slowly opened his eyes.

In the projection of the whole system, Su Xiaomu, who is nearly eighty years old but in excellent spirits, has a proud smile on his face.

Wentian is a spacecraft built by the aerospace forces of our country and even the world. In terms of power, the controllable nuclear fusion reactor it carries provides the power for the Hall thruster to carry out long-term exploratory voyages. In In the field of life support, although Wentian is not equipped with a dormant system that is currently immature, the three major systems of artificial rotating gravity, ecological simulation repair and holographic simulation system can fully enable the scientific researchers on Wentian to enjoy the same enjoyment as those on the ground. quality of life, including eating fresh vegetables.”

After a pause, Academician Su Mu made a joke: After all, it is a tradition for us Chinese to farm wherever we go.

A smile also spread on Su Yuanshan's face.

With Wentian so well-equipped, Mars is no longer our target - the pioneers on Wentian - if they want, they can even be the first Earth residents to step out of the solar system.

Then the astronauts who boarded Wentian this time will not return to Earth, right?

Of course not, because according to the design speed, Wentian can complete the round trip from Earth to Pluto within ten years. In fact, in addition to setting up communication satellites along the way, the mission of Wentian this time is mainly to explore the Kuiper Exploration The planetary belt, let’s see if it will be a gas station for humans to leave the solar system.”

Does this mean that we will establish an advanced base similar to the Guanghan Palace Orbital Base in the Kuiper Belt?

Academician Su Mu nodded with a smile: If conditions permit, that must be our goal.

Following the conversation between the two, the scene also shifted to the Guanghan Palace Orbital Base.

——This is a huge steel factory floating in space, with shiny solar panels stretching like a city wall.

Over the base, a spaceship that looks like a giant aircraft carrier is ready to go.

Countdown to preparation!

Although there was a delay, this did not prevent Su Mu from remotely controlling the launch of the spacecraft far away from the Earth-Moon Second Lagrange Point from the Earth Command Center.

She took a deep breath and gave the camera one last look.

——She knew that her father must be watching her.






Send remote ignition command!

Command sent.

After a two-second delay, five blue flames burst out from the tail of the Wentian in space.

All engines fired successfully.

Report to the command center to prepare Wentian to deorbit.

Permission to disengage.

Following Su Mu's answer, Wentian's engine glowed brightly!

Wentian began to escape from the gravity of the Earth and the Moon and began to fly towards the slingshot point of the Moon's gravity.

On the hospital bed, Su Yuanshan smiled and slowly closed his eyes after watching his daughter announce that the launch was successful.

The live broadcast continues.

News of the successful launch of Wentian has already spread throughout the global Internet.

No matter what race, what color, what nationality... no matter what time zone you are in, whether it is day or night, whether you are working, studying, or resting.

The eyes of more than eight billion people are focused on the sky at the same time, looking at the light that represents human wisdom and hope.

However... right now.

A beam of light that looked like a supernova explosion rose from the deep, dark night sky.


Shining on the moon without warning.

(Complete book)



I know...I know...it's not kind to leave a little tail at the end.

But... I really can't bear to leave the world with Yuanxin, so I plan to leave a world after 2077, or a world of great changes.

Of course, the new book will not continue You Yuanxin's story for the time being, but a brand new story - I will try to connect this book, the new book, and the subsequent stories as reasonably as possible with a feasible logic.

As for how much I have written in the new book... I confess, there is not a single word at the moment.

But I have already thought about how to write it, and also planned the route of the technology tree - but as mentioned in the previous chapter, the new book will no longer involve politics - so, according to my habit of not being able to save manuscripts, the new book will probably be in I can meet you all within three days.

Three days! That is, before the 24th of this month, everyone will definitely be able to see the first chapter of the new book.

Oh, are there any comments?

let me see……

Thousands of words turned into one sentence.

Thank you all, I love you.

Goodbye new book.

(Damn it, I forgot to set it up for free...)

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