1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 1017 Greater

Late August.

On a well-known zhuangbility question and answer platform, netizens who follow the technology circle keenly discovered that on weekdays, even the popular science and technology channels where even questions about civilian science are popular, suddenly a lot of technology news appeared.

For example, “How do you view BOE’s OLED panel shipments surpassing Samsung’s and becoming a giant monopolizing 50% of the global LCD panel market?”

Another example is Yuanxin Pandora Quantum Laboratory released a paper saying that it successfully completed a 70-qubit quantum computer and achieved quantum hegemony. What does this mean for quantum computing?

Another example is Deyuan announced the successful implementation of 5nm process technology, and 2nm is also progressing steadily. Does this mean that Moore's Law is coming to an end?

Or The Nobel Prize is about to be drawn. Does Academician Gao Xiaofang of the Institute of Biological Sciences have a chance to win this year's Nobel Prize?

And so on and so forth.

In particular, Academician Gao Xiaofang joined Yuanxin Biotechnology Institute after returning to China - it is said that it was a gene editing laboratory established by Academician Su Yuanshan who was personally invited back. Not long after setting up the laboratory, Gao Xiaocong led the team to create the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing tool.

After a large number of experiments and reproductions, CRISPR/Cas9 has become the sharpest, most useful and best gene editing tool in the field of genetic engineering. It can accurately change the genetic structure of animals, plants, microorganisms, etc., so it is also called gene editing tool. Scissors.

In the second year after the launch of CRISPR/Cas9, Gao Xiaocong won the Polaris Award - it is said that it was unanimously recommended by the big guys in the Biomedical Award Group of the Polaris Organizing Committee.

The Academy of Sciences was not ambiguous and sent Gao Xiaofang to be an academician of the Academy of Sciences the next year.

It can be seen from this that this tool has made a significant contribution to the field of genetic engineering - so much so that every year, some people guess whether Academician Gao will be the second scientist in China to win the Nobel Prize.

It is said that when things go awry, there must be evil. When the domestic technology and technology companies began to release good news concentratedly, major media and self-media also took notice and began to collect, organize, and summarize.

For a time, domestic social media was flooded with a large amount of popular science, allowing ordinary people to have a relatively comprehensive understanding of the current domestic technology situation.

As a result, on Weibo, a topic So we are already so awesome was directly ranked among the top three hot searches.

In the process of forwarding these topics, they also attracted more insights and experiences from practitioners from all walks of life - for example, domestic machine tools, which have been criticized for decades, have quietly caught up. , has also achieved dominance in the mid- to low-end market, becoming the country with the largest export of machine tools in the world.

For example, the domestic shipbuilding industry - which had a bumpy start from the beginning, when almost all large ships of a certain tonnage had to be imported, has transformed into the world's largest shipbuilding country in just a few decades, with the largest number of ships in the world. It is a large-scale shipyard with the largest annual tonnage launched in the world.

Another example is the photovoltaic industry. In less than twenty years, the domestic photovoltaic industry has transformed from the lowest-end selling cheap labor model to a giant that controls all industrial chains. Today, as the call for clean energy is increasing, the domestic photovoltaic industry Industrial giants are stomping their feet, and the global solar market is trembling.

These sharings and additions from ordinary netizens from all walks of life have made everyone realize...

Things are different now.

On September 28, Su Yuanshan set off for the capital.

Sister Jing, it's not easy to see you now.

In that famous hotel, Su Yuanshan crossed his legs and looked happily at the dignified Chen Jing and her secretary Lin Kelin.

As an alumnus of Chen Jing, Lin Kelin came to the mainland after graduation and joined Yuanxin and joined Su Yuanshan's secretarial team. However, after Chen Jing left, she thought about it for a long time and finally consulted the two leaders. After discussing the matter, he returned to the island and served as Chen Jing's secretary.

Nonsense, is there anyone in the world you can't see? Chen Jing glared at him gently. She took off the silk scarf around her neck, then took off her coat and handed it to Lin Kelin, and finally sat down lazily. On the sofa opposite Su Yuanshan.

Lin Kelin put away her clothes and exited the room sensibly, leaving some private space for her two old leaders.

After sitting down, Chen Jing rubbed the center of her brows and took a few breaths before opening her eyes and looking at Su Yuanshan with a smile: I'm finally back.

Thank you for your hard work, Sister Jing. Su Yuanshan stared into her eyes and said seriously.

——Not to mention Chen Jing’s long journey, just conducting the ceremony a while ago was enough for her to drink a pot.

Chen Jing waved her hand: As long as it goes well, I have nothing else to ask for.

Well...as long as everything goes well - what arrangements does the higher-up give you?

Haha, how do I know? Besides, I don't care. Chen Jing shrugged and looked at Su Yuanshan with a smile: On the contrary, you, don't forget what you promised in the first place.

Su Yuanshan blinked: Since you went back, you have stopped bringing in bad guys. Sister Jing, are you not short of money?

Chen Jing glared at him: Stop talking nonsense, one code will be the same.

Su Yuanshan laughed and said: Don't worry, it's not just a trillion yuan - if the higher-ups dare not to fulfill their promises, then I will do it.

Huh! Are you so loud?

You keep what you say. Su Yuanshan chuckled: I asked around and found that the higher-ups intend to promote the undersea tunnel of the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway - the money will come directly from here.

Chen Jing immediately sat upright and her eyes lit up: Seriously?

Yes, seriously. Su Yuanshan nodded: At present, if we take the northern route, the plan is relatively mature, and the planning budget is probably over 500 billion yuan.

Well, it takes a lot... Chen Jing took a deep breath, looked straight at Su Yuanshan for several seconds and sighed: To be honest, only China can build such a super project.

Yes... and more importantly, the country is willing to pay for it.

The two of them laughed at the same time.

After a long silence, Chen Jing said leisurely: Isn't this the reason why we have been struggling and working hard?

——Even if we are separated by vast oceans, we must be unified, with books and texts sharing the same track and cars running on the same track.

um, yes!

Su Yuanshan nodded heavily, and then looked at the calendar.

In two days, he and Chen Jing will climb the tower to witness the great celebration of the 70th anniversary.

——Compared to the history in his memory, this time will undoubtedly be greater and greater again.

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