100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 160: Rubik's Cube Base

Natasha found a bench and sat down, chatting with Banner about 'form'.

The general content is that the aliens are about to invade, and Nick Fury wants to set up the Avengers to fight against the possible crises of "now" and "in the future"!

What is the crisis that a single hero can't fight, leave it to the Avengers or something like that!

She said these very reasonable, accurate wording, straight to the heart!

Banner nodded after listening.

"I understand what you're saying, sorry, but I have to... say no."


Natasha is a little puzzled, she has clearly said it! She couldn't help but add.

"Being an avenger does not mean restraint. On the contrary, we are free from the government's jurisdiction and solve one disaster after another that threatens mankind!"

"Well...it may be exactly what you said, but you didn't just say that the purpose of setting up this team is to give superheroes command and cooperate in more coordinated operations."

Banner said so.

Natasha took a breath and nodded slowly.

"Yeah, sometimes, having a commander can really solve disasters better. This is not a bad thing. This alien invasion is already a sure thing. I think this gentleman from Asgard should be more Understand, you have technology that we don't know, and can understand the movements of aliens, right?"


Loki realized that the topic was on himself, and he smiled: "Yeah... Our Asgard's technology is very strong, and it is indeed inevitable for aliens to come to Earth."

"That's it, Mr. Banner."

Natasha said: "Aren't you going to help? Resist the alien invasion and do your part for the possible defense!"

"At that time, I will fight, and I will not stand idly by for the sake of humanity."

Banner said solemnly: "The rejection I'm referring to is about the Avengers you proposed, and I reject it."

Natasha frowned and nodded, then spoke softly.

"Mr. Banner, can you tell me why?"

"In terms of command," Banner said, "I don't think it's that easy to get the many heroes you mentioned to coordinate operations."

"On the contrary, Mr. Banner, I believe that the bigger the crisis, the more united people can become!"

Natasha looked at Banner suspiciously: "Just because of the command?"

"I think it's better for me not to accept the command." Banner said.

This made Natasha very puzzled.

She felt that Banner's talent was suitable for being commanded, so that he could transform in the most appropriate situation. She had heard about the problem of the Hulk losing control after transforming. Natasha's eyes were all important when he transformed and where he transformed. The problem.

In addition to the transformation problem, Banner's own knowledge and ability are also more suitable for team discussions.

What she didn't know was that Banner wasn't rejecting command and teamwork.

But now Banner feels that no one is more reliable than 'Ivan'.

To put it simply, he feels that he is Ivan's person now, and it is enough to be in Ivan's team, and there is no need to join this sudden Avengers alliance.

He believes in Ivan more than Natasha, after all, he has been with Ivan for several years!

And Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye in the Avengers team, including the Black Widow in front of him, he doesn't know any of them!

In contrast, Loki, Jessica, Little Cora, Bullseye, Angel, etc. around Ivan, these Banners are all familiar! If a large-scale war really broke out, he would trust these familiar teammates more than strangers!

He thinks that since I can do my part to fight the aliens here in Ivan, why should I join the Avengers?

After the conversation, Natasha was helpless.

"In any case, I hope ... you can think about it again, this time may be the biggest crisis facing humanity."


After talking for a while, Natasha heard the sound of the stairs. She looked up and saw Ivan in a plaid shirt walking down the stairs.

"Hello, Ms. Agent! How's the conversation going?"

"Thank you for your concern, my name is Natasha Romanov, just call me Natasha!"

Natasha smiled kindly: "Mr. Jones, can I ask a question?"

Ivan smiled and said as he walked.

"Do you want to ask me, why is it like the end of New York, and I still live my daily life so leisurely?"

Saying so, he walked past Natasha, Banner and the others, and sat on the sofa where little Cora was.

Natasha nodded: "Yes, just... I'm more curious."

Ivan smiled, took a can of Coke from the box under the coffee table, opened it and took a sip.

Um! Refreshed!

"Actually, it's very simple. It's in a sparsely populated area on the border of Manhattan. I don't think aliens can reach here!"

Ivan casually perfunctory!

Natasha frowned slightly. This sentence was over at first glance, but when she thought about it carefully, she felt that Ivan was trying to prevaricate her.

In her brain supplement, the alien fleet invaded New York, and the sky will be bombed, not to mention the Manhattan border, all of New York will not be spared! Why do you think it's safe here?

In the face of this obvious prevarication, Natasha can't do anything. She doesn't know how to read minds.

"Ms. Romanov, I heard that the purpose of this alien invasion of New York is to capture a cube of the universe." Ivan said lightly.

Natasha remained silent. This was undisclosed news. The government only announced to ordinary people that aliens would invade New York, without specifying the reason.

But she was not surprised that Ivan knew about this. After all, Loki, the Asgard, was here with Ivan, and both the government and S.H.I.E.L.D. learned this from Asgard.

"Yes, we have a base dedicated to the study of the Rubik's Cube in the north of Manhattan~www.wuxiamtl.com~ where we have deployed the highest level of defense forces." Natasha said.

Ivan shook his head secretly, thinking that the defense force most needed by this cosmic Rubik's Cube is not external defense, but internal defense.

Because the transmission power of the universe cube itself is very complicated, it is like a door that can be opened on both sides.

At the beginning of the movie Avengers 1, Loki, who learned about the triggering rules of the Rubik's Cube from Thanos, communicated directly with the Rubik's Cube, causing the Rubik's Cube to mutate. The Rubik's Cube is activated!

This is equivalent to opening the door and letting Loki come directly!

Although the leader of Chitauri is not as powerful as Loki, even if he enters the research base from the inside, he may not be able to **** the Rubik's Cube without the mind scepter. Other masters also participated in this operation.

Yes, Ivan had this hunch.

"Ms. Romanov, I think Bruce may be helpful for the study of the Rubik's Cube."

Ivan said lightly.

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