100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 159: Bunko Jewel

Through Spirit Vision, Ivan saw everyone in those cars.

One of them stands out in particular!

Brown-red curly hair, tight-fitting black combat uniform, quite heroic and beautiful face, capable temperament!

Undoubtedly, this is the agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha the Black Widow!

Remember in the movie, also before the Battle of New York, the agent was sent to convince the Hulk Bruce Banner.

The trajectory of history is somewhat similar, and Natasha was also dispatched today!

This further confirmed Ivan's conjecture. S.H.I.E.L.D. had already discovered Banner's orchard in Ivan, but he never came to disturb his life.

Now the situation is turbulent, and the imminent invasion of aliens is like a mountain on the top of S.H.I.E.L.D.! At the same time, it also reminded Nick Fury, the devastated director of SHIELD, of the Hulk!

The horror of the Hulk is obvious to all. Nick Fury once had a meeting with General Ross and learned the fact that the Hulk is stronger than the Red Giant!

This was admitted by General Ross himself. In that hateful incident, Ross turned into a red giant and fought against the Hulk, and he was dizzy after being beaten! In the end, he was also run away by the Hulk!

Even so, Nick Fury doesn't think it's because the red giant that General Ross has become is weak. After all, the fighting performance and destructive power of the red giant are there.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s earlier assessment of the Red Giant's combat power was: at least equivalent to hatred!

So Nick Fury is always thinking, the Hulk can beat the Red Giant...

That red giant is so strong, the Hulk... still can't go to heaven?

Also after that, Nick Fury reached a secret agreement with General Ross to stop the hunt for the Hulk! Nick Fury says he has a better way to deal with the Hulk!

So on the eve of this defense battle, Natasha was dispatched by Nick Fury to try to recruit the Hulk!


At this moment, several vehicles of S.H.I.E.L.D. stopped.

Opening the car door, Natasha came to the orchard, and first she saw Ivan on the second floor.

The pale green pupils looked at Ivan, and there was one thing that puzzled her.

Why are some people still not evacuated from an orchard in this sparsely populated area on the Manhattan border after the official announcement that aliens are about to invade New York?

Do they not take refuge? Just because of the Hulk?

Or is it because of that superhuman named Angel, who is recorded in the record?

Natasha felt that Ivan's calm and laid-back appearance was as if he had never heard of New York being invaded. Don't they watch the news? Living a primitive life?

This conjecture was only passed in Natasha's heart. She didn't think it was realistic, but she didn't continue to guess, the top priority, she knew that she had an important task!

Ivan leaned against the window, playing with the blue-yellow spiritual gem in his hand. He saw Natasha walking to the orchard alone, while the rest of the armed agents stood still, vaguely preparing for an ambush!

I think it seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. still has a vigilance against the Hulk, but this vigilance is much weaker than that in the movie Avengers 1!

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. has learned that Banner has been living peacefully here for several years with Ivan. He has so many friends living here, and he didn't say that anyone was suddenly transformed and shot to death by him!

"Hello, I'm a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, is Mr. Banner at home?"

Natasha walked to the house and raised her head to ask Ivan at the second-floor window.

Ivan raised his eyebrows, thinking that the other party went straight to the goal!

Come on, let her talk to Banner!


"Oh! I have something to talk to him about!"

Natasha showed a delighted expression: "Excuse me, are you the owner of this orchard... Is it Mr. Ivan Jones, an oil painting master famous for his painting skills at the University of Albany?"

Ivan smiled faintly.


It's always a joy to be praised! But at the same time, he also felt that this top spy really lived up to his reputation!

As a top spy, Natasha has an incredible affinity to hide her true feelings!

In the past, Ivan had doubts about this ability. When I saw it today, indeed, Natasha really had this ability, giving people a very friendly feeling!

"Can I... go in and sit?"

"Come on, please come in."

After Ivan, who was in the room, finished speaking, his eyes swept into the room, and the drawer of the drawing table opened silently!

He opened his five fingers, and the blue and yellow gemstones in his palm were moved into the drawer by thought force!

As for this soul gem, he usually plays with it in his hand when he has nothing to do at home.

No special reason, just feel good!

Ivan is thinking, a gem is playing in his hand, although it feels good, it doesn't have that kind of taste after all!

He has been thinking about getting another Infinity Stone recently, and he usually holds two gems in his hand when he is free...

Play like 'Wen Wan Walnut'!

When I went out to chat with people, I held the two gems in my hands and played with them. It feels good to think about it!

I just don't know if different gems will feel different...

At least in Ivan's view, this soul gem is still round! It's very comfortable to hold in your hand!


Others want gems, and they all have different ambitions!

Strength, protection, destruction, checks and balances, there are all kinds of goals.

And Thanos in the distant universe never imagined it! The reason someone wants gems is because...



After Natasha entered the hall, the first thing that caught her eye was little Cora and little Lisa sitting on the sofa on the left.

The two of them each held a controller, playing a family game console, and two-player co-op Super Mario! Very happy look!

After that, she saw Banner and Loki on the sofa on the right!


Loki turned his head and smiled evilly: "I heard you want to chat with our Banner?"

"Uh... May I ask who you are?"

Natasha stared at Loki earnestly. With her ability to quickly process multiple information streams, she could see at a glance that Loki was not ordinary!

"Asgard, Loki." Loki introduced himself lightly.

Banner's eyes were also on Natasha at this time. He had just been informed by Ivan that SHIELD agents were coming to him.

"What's your business with me?" Banner asked ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Natasha took a deep breath.

Who are the people in this house! How come there are people from Asgard?

Sol she knew, but Sol and his army are currently stationed in the northern area of ​​Manhattan.

Could it be that an Asgardian warrior slipped here and became acquaintances with Banner or Ivan in a short period of time?

Natasha thinks that the owner of this orchard, Ivan, is incredible! He is the brother of the Dark Knight Jessica!

Also has a relationship with the Hulk, Superboy, and the Asgardians!

The most important thing is that he is at ease in this turbulent situation! Not at all scared away by the news that aliens are coming!

Is he really just an ordinary person?

While thinking about these things quickly in Natasha's mind, she responded to Banner's question.

"About the... green guy inside you!"

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