100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 161: Eternal 1 toss

SHIELD Tianma Project Research Base.

In the large research room where the universe cube is stored, there are research machines one after another. It is faintly visible that there is a holding device in the north of the research room, which contains the universe cube!

The walls of the entire base are made of high-strength super-heavy alloys, which are tough and difficult to break through, providing protection for all the researchers inside!


Today, more than ten days have passed since Natasha's visit.

Bruce Banner and Loki are already in this research base under Ivan's suggestion!

Before coming, the two were instructed by Ivan.

Banner can basically understand these words, but there is one thing he doesn't understand!

That's why Ivan asked him to use his mobile phone to take pictures of the interior of the base!

He complied, took dozens of photos and a video, all of which were sent to Ivan!

Banner was thinking, what is Ivan going to do with these?

Enjoy the scenery inside the Aegis Research Base?

He recalled the scene of the conversation with Ivan at that time...


It was a private conversation between Ivan and Bruce Banner in Ivan's room.


Ivan smiled lightly: "Don't be under pressure over there, just play, the Qitarui may not be able to successfully communicate with the Rubik's Cube, you should study new knowledge over there, by the way, take some photos of the base with your mobile phone. and panoramic video to me."

"The video of the base?" Banner was a little puzzled.

"Yes, inside the base, take pictures of the whole scene, as well as video, and send some moving scenes and still scenes." Ivan said lightly.

"Uh... does this work?"

"It may or may not be."

Ivan smiled: "Actually, this time I asked you to go to that research base to protect the Rubik's Cube, mainly because I wanted you to meet your old friend."

"Old friend?"

"Dr. Eric Shavig, you haven't had the chance to meet each other, and now you can reminisce about your old friendship!"

Ivan has seen the movie Thor 1, and I remember that Shavig, who was in charge of studying the Rubik's Cube, said a word.

"I have a good friend who studies gamma rays, and I haven't seen him again one day."

Dr. Shawig said this with a touch of sadness!

Through Shavig's words, Ivan judged that he, who was in charge of studying the Rubik's Cube, was once Banner's old friend!

I haven't seen each other for so many years, so it's not bad to arrange a chance for them to meet again!

Ivan thought that Banner would be happy to see his old friend!


Time goes back to the present.

Banner observed the above data on an instrument, and he saw that the data deviates from the precise value and gradually becomes abnormal.

At this moment, a hoarse male voice sounded in the ear.

"Bruce, remember when we played golf together?"

The person who spoke was a middle-aged and elderly person with pale yellow hair and a high hairline. He was Eric Shavig!

"Well, of course I remember."

Banner smiled: "I'm not sure about that."

"I miss that time, to be honest, I really thought you had been..."

Shavig said this and didn't go on. He shook his head, realizing that he had raised a bad topic.

"I did get hunted down and on the run for a while, when the phone number and even the phone changed."

Banner said this, pointing to the abnormal data display on the screen.

"Let's not talk about that, the situation seems to be wrong. The energy of the Rubik's cube is fluctuating, and it is gradually rising."

"Oh, let me see..."

While the two were studying and discussing, Loki, who had just been questioned by Nick Fury, sat on the research chair beside him and read comic books!

Undoubtedly, he accepted the entertainment culture of the earth under the influence of Angel! This is really a good way to pass the time!

"Dr. Banner, Dr. Shavig, the energy is very unstable and is gradually beyond our control!"

An operator of another machine came over: "I think this energy reaction is very likely to cause an explosion!"

Banner shook his head, and before he could speak, Loki on the side spoke first.

"Don't worry, as I said, this Rubik's Cube will not explode!"

Loki's expression is quite confident!

Scientists don't understand, but he, Loki, has learned about the Rubik's Cube from Thanos! Of course he knew what it meant that the Rubik's Cube had an abnormal reaction!

This time he came here with Banner with a simple goal.

Station and eat, drink, and have fun, if the cube doesn't respond, if there is a response and an intruder comes in from the other end...

It's over!

In addition to Loki and Banner, this base is also guarded by a hero with superb archery, Hawkeye Patton!

To be honest, Loki really wanted to slap the Chitauri leader 'Darth'!

That confrontation with the Chitauri leader 'Zuan-style' impressed Loki! He couldn't forget how the Chief Chitauri had humiliated him!

Say he's Asgard's bastard! Cut him into tens of thousands of pieces! He didn't forget a word of these words!

I just thought that one day I would be able to smash the leader of Chitauri! It really can't be done with Chitauri minions!

So at this moment, I have an abnormal reaction when I hear the Rubik's Cube! Loki is not only not afraid, but also very excited!

The person who was looking forward to coming in was the Chitauri! He can sway a sweat! Get rid of the anger you were feeling at the time!

What a joke, who am I, Loki?

In Asgard, when my people met me, they called me the strongest mage in the Nine Realms!

Guess who doesn't know this?

Just when Loki thought so! The energy response of the Rubik's Cube is getting stronger and stronger!

The researcher was pale and overwhelmed by knowledge! He thinks the cube is about to explode!

"I'd better contact Director Fury!"

With that said, he turned and trotted away.

The energy response of the Rubik's Cube not only made the researchers stunned, but also attracted the attention of the agents present, including the eagle eye standing on the high platform of the research room!

I saw that the Rubik's cube on the mosaic device was getting brighter and brighter! The crystal blue light is dazzling! Then a blue beam of light shot out from the Rubik's cube horizontally! After arriving at the open space ten meters away, it suddenly stopped!

Strange beeping! The space was torn open! The blue awn was set off and spread like ripples! Gradually formed a portal!


A bang! Shine bright! The portal turned into blue light and exploded, and then three figures appeared in the research room!

The one who voted was a blue-skinned female 'superstar'.

Behind them stood two Chitauris, one green and one dark blue!

They are armed with mechanical knives~www.wuxiamtl.com~ with weird armor and strong muscles! Unlike bottom trash fish!

The sudden appearance of one woman and two monsters made all the agents present attentively on guard! They quickly drew their weapons and prepared to attack!

And the eagle eye on the high platform also raised the mechanical crossbow in his hand at the same time!

"You are here."

At this tense moment, Loki calmly walked to the center of the research room!

"Although I regret not seeing your leader."

Loki smiles at the Chitarians and the superstars, spreading his hands!

"But I'll tell you some unfortunate news. Hulk and I...have been waiting for a long time!"

Instant white light! The air is twisted! The Gun of Eternity, Gungnir, was caught by Loki!

He raised the gun and hurled it at the dark Chitauri!


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