Is something wrong with Loki?

"What's wrong with Banner?" Ivan asked quickly.

"He... has changed!" Banner didn't seem to know how to describe it.

Going to Loki's room upstairs, Loki was lying on his bed at this time, his entire skin turned blue, showing the appearance of a frost giant!


Loki's voice was weak, he opened his eyes, raised his hand, his hand was also blue...

"Loki, tell me what's going on..."

Ivan guessed that this was related to Loki's trip today.

"I think I should have been... hit."

Loki said softly, "That woman, it's not easy, I won't live long."

Hearing this, Ivan frowned. He didn't think Loki was pretending this time, because he didn't need to show his giant form.

Banner took a deep breath and said, "He was just lying on the bed, and suddenly it was like that."

The rain crackled against the window, Ivan sat beside Loki's bed and touched Loki's forehead with his fingers...


The next second, Ivan turned on his spiritual vision. From a special perspective, he saw that Loki's forehead and even his entire neck were covered with green gas, and that strange gas was squirming and constantly eroding Loki's skin!

"Ivan, to tell you the truth, I became like this because... I am actually a descendant of the frost giant."

Loki said lightly: "This way... means I'm dying, so I have nothing to hide."

Hearing that, Ivan did not delay any longer. He tried to cast spirit on the surface of Loki's body, and a blue light quickly filled Loki's entire body!

Yes, this is external infusion!

At present, Ivan does not dare to try random infusion of spirit in the body!

All of a sudden, I heard a squeak, like the sound of a flame being extinguished! That green qi was completely swallowed and destroyed by the spiritual energy!

Then Loki sat up with a 'bang'! The look has been restored!

The feeling of weakness and desire to die before is gone!

"This, Ivan, what did you just... do?" Loki blinked, his expression full of surprise!

Ivan smiled: "Infuse your body with a layer of spirit!"

The green energy was a bit similar to what happened to Jacob at the beginning, so Ivan tried to use his psychic energy to obliterate the unknown substance.

Loki felt his body, he only felt that the blue psionic energy was stroking him like Frigga's hands, a little itchy, but extremely comfortable!

It's such a great feeling! It's like going from **** to heaven!

Growing up in Asgard since childhood, Luo Gene has a strong physique and has never been ill, but the illness just now made him feel the threat of death!

Soon, the psionic energy covering Loki's surface dissipated, and the comfort also disappeared, replaced by a normal feeling, as if nothing had happened before.

I am still that Loki!

"Ivan, what was the infusion just now... If possible, I want to do it again!" Loki took a moment.

Ivan shook his head and smiled: "Don't talk about Loki, next time you feel something wrong, say it earlier. Now let's talk about how you got into this thing!"

"I met while watching a movie..."

Loki explained in detail what happened before, this time Ivan understands what Loki meant by a woman before!

"From this point of view, she is obviously malicious." Ivan said thoughtfully.

"I initially thought she was a goddess from the Warner Protoss who admired me."

Loki said: "But she was very abnormal. Later, I felt that I was wrong. When I tried to get rid of her, I found that she could ignore illusions."

"Ignore illusion? It's a very powerful ability."

Ivan pondered: "Do you think she is a mage?"

"No, at least I didn't see any spellcasting from her," said Loki.

The discussion between the two of them went beyond Banner's knowledge. He scratched his head and said, "Loki, you'll be fine."


Loki smiled back. In the past month, Loki and Banner shared a room, and their relationship has grown a lot without noticing.

"However, Loki, did you just say you were... Frost Giant?"

This made Banner very confused. He knew about the Frost Giant. Ivan also told him earlier, how did Loki get involved with the Frost Giant?

Ivan briefly explained the fact that Loki was adopted by Odin when he was a child, and Banner suddenly understood!

And even more surprised is Loki!

——How did Ivan know about my life? How could it seem like he saw it with his own eyes when I was a child!

Hey-hey! Ivan has really seen what Loki looked like as a baby in the movie!

"You knew from the beginning that I was a frost giant?"

Loki couldn't believe it!

Ivan smiled calmly.

"Well, that's right!"

Loki now only thinks that Ivan is too unfathomable! Everything about him is transparent in his eyes, and he can't hide anything!

"Ivan, you..." Loki seemed to want to ask something.

Hearing this, Ivan patted Loki on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, there are some things I always know all of a sudden! It's mysterious, but I can't explain it."

Hearing what Ivan said, Loki didn't ask any more questions, he thought about it.

"Ivan, there's actually one thing I haven't said, maybe it's an unimportant thing, but in case you suddenly find out... and blame me for hiding it from you, it's not good! So I I'm going to tell you about it now!" Loki looked at Ivan and said.

"What's the matter?" Ivan was very curious.

Loki took a deep breath.

"It's the psychic scepter that you put in the cabinet. Before it was destroyed, it was a communication tool between me and the Chitauris! And it was destroyed, and the Chitauris couldn't contact me. I think they will send the fleet early. Come over!"

Ivan sighed: "I wonder what's going on, it's the same sooner or later."

"I still have a few things that don't matter..."

"Come Let's talk about that woman first, where did you meet?"


Rocky thought for a while and said, "I met him near 46th Street in Dwyane. I don't know where she went now... She was very fast, and then she disappeared in the blink of an eye!"

Ivan nodded, recalling when Loki came back, Loki's expression was as if the woman had just been by his side.

——Is there a possibility that the woman is a spiritual body? Or... Evil Spirit?

——At that time, Loki didn't see her, maybe it wasn't because she ran away too quickly, but she took the initiative to hide herself, because the soul state itself can peep and not be seen by others, and she was not in spiritual vision at that time. The status has not been seen.

"Okay Loki, don't worry."

Ivan said with a light smile: "The house has been infused with spirits, nothing can hurt you again, so just rest in peace."

Loki was stunned for a moment, why did he say that as if he were a baby?

At this time, Ivan had stood up.

"And I'll go see that mysterious guy."


When I came outside, the rain was still crackling down.

Ivan walked in the rain and was sheltered by the rain.

Soon, he got into his car and drove the car in the direction of Dehuai Street with his mind power!

During this process, he always remained in a state of spiritual vision, focusing on perception!

He can detect all the soulless souls around him! Nothing to hide!

"I... sense you."

Ivan, who was holding the steering wheel, turned his head to the side, and his jet-black eyes flashed a hint of blue!

Two thousand five hundred meters away, there is a strange energy that is fluctuating at a terrifying frequency!

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