100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 126: so false god

The door opened, and Loki was standing at the door, wearing his black leather jacket, his whole body was soaked by the rain.

"I think I'm in a bit of trouble."

As he said this, he turned his head to the right...

But then he showed a surprised expression!

Ivan asked curiously, "What trouble have you encountered?"

"No...she was still here just now." Loki said in surprise.

"What was there just now?" Ivan frowned.

"A woman."

Loki said nervously.

Ivan walked out of the house and looked around, where is there any woman?

"Okay Loki, go back to the house, you're so wet!"

Ivan patted Loki's leather jacket.


Loki was carrying a large bag full of food, he nodded and entered the house.

As for the rain, Ivan can still do it if he wants to disperse it, but sometimes a little rain is a good thing to be cool and cool.

Maybe there are many people who like the rain. If this is dispelled, it may not be all happy.

Loki opened the thermos bag and put all the food on the coffee table. After that, he rubbed his hands together, which seemed a little cold.

Ivan couldn't help but find it funny, Loki started acting again, but he has the blood of a frost giant!

Although Loki, the bloodline of the Frost Giant, has been transformed by Odin when he was young, and slightly deteriorated, he should still have some features and abilities of the Frost Giant.

The basic ability to keep out the cold should be there, but are you afraid of the rain outside?

"Loki, is it so cold?" Ivan asked with a smile.


Loki moved his neck: "It's alright... it just feels a little... empty."

"Void?" Ivan raised his eyebrows, why did he go out to watch a movie and be fake?

"Ivan." Loki straightened his waist and faced Ivan, "I have to say that I met a woman before, a very powerful woman!"

Hearing this, Ivan frowned at first, then smiled.

I met a very powerful woman, and then... vain?

This time Ivan understands!

Um... This is not simply going to the movies...

Ivan nodded, expressing his understanding!

"Don't tell me about this, I'm very pure!" Ivan laughed.

"In this regard?" Loki frowned.

Bullseye, who was sitting on the sofa, also smiled: "Sometimes you have to be in moderation!"

"What temperance?"

Loki didn't understand what the two were talking about.

Although Karen was watching TV, he raised his brows. What he thought in his heart was—Gods can be false! It seems that the kidneys are all the same kidneys!

Loki looked at Ivan and then at Bullseye: "Aren't you talking about what? I'm saying I met a powerful woman! I met it in the rain! On the street! Don't you think... ."

"Did you meet in the rain?"

Ivan raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It's good."

Bullseye stared at Loki and said something that made it even more difficult for Loki to understand: "Are they soliciting customers on the street even when it's raining?"

"It's all said to be a different woman!"

At this moment, Angel rushed out and asked excitedly, "Loki, have you bought my game cassette?"

"I'm sorry, I forgot..."

"God... Loki..." Angel's expression clarified what it means that the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment!

"Uh...let's eat, I've eaten...a little uncomfortable, go upstairs and lie down for a while!"


Recently, due to Jessica's stay, the number of beds has increased. Angel and Karen were assigned to the same room, and Jessica was stuck in the vacant room.

Ivan went to call Jessica and Angel first, and then went upstairs to call Frank, Lisa, and Banner.

Everyone had dinner in the hall.

During the meal, Frank said that he was going to leave after dinner and hoped that Lisa could live a good life here. It seemed that he and Lisa had already agreed.

As for Bullseye, he said he would leave when the rain stopped.


The night is getting darker.

The rain shows no sign of stopping.

Frank had already left. Before leaving, he warned little Lisa a lot.

Angel drove his yellow pickup to buy his game cartridge after eating, and has never come back.

Bullseye was standing in the hall, looking at the rain outside through the window, stunned.

"Bullseye, I think you can try to apply for another job as a security guard, the risk factor is lower."

Ivan sitting on the sofa said so.

This is for the good of Bullseye. After all, it is safer to be a security guard, but fighting and killing like Bullseye, this is the Marvel world, and the big guys are everywhere...

Ivan felt that with Bullseye's strength, if he played like this, he might be a fart someday!

Bullseye turned his head and asked, "Then does your school need security now?"

"Uh... no need."

Ivan feels that his private university in Albany is quite peaceful. Except for a haunted incident half a month ago, there have been no disasters in the past few years.

However, the haunted incident can't be called a disaster, it's just that all kinds of bizarre phenomena happened.

Just like what Karen said that time the mop was moved, the bucket automatically buckled on the head of the person and other supernatural events...

At that time, Ivan thought it was strange, so he turned on his spiritual vision, thinking about what clues he should be able to discover with his spiritual vision.

So he saw a soul in the painting room of the teaching building...

That soul, it's not human, it's the kind of floating, green, with eyes and mouth, green face and fangs!

At that time, Ivan was so frightened that his liver trembled!

Then the soul opened its mouth to speak, saying that if you want to live, you have to do as I say!

Ivan saw that it looked too terrifying, so he killed it.

That's right, it's just triggering a psychic energy!

A blow to the soul!

And this matter is a supernatural event, Ivan doesn't think Bullseye can help, and this matter has been solved by himself.

Even if it wasn't resolved, Bullseye would never go to the principal and say - I'm good at exorcising ghosts! Please hire me as a security guard!

He doesn't have that ability either! It's a bit unrealistic to think about!

"You can be a security guard in other workplaces~www.wuxiamtl.com~ There is no need to stare at the school."

Ivan said lightly: "It may not be as much as you earn as a hired thug, but the risk is small... Just stand for one stop."


Bullseye took a breath, thinking back to his days as a security guard at Townsend Harris High School...

Although the earnings are a little less, you don't have to work hard, the risk is low, go to that stop every day, and you will get the money without much labor!

Thinking like this, he stared at Ivan suddenly!

"That makes sense! Ivan, do you lack security!"

Ivan was stunned: "Of course I don't lack."

Bullseye rubbed his hands: "I mean... Where does Frank's daughter go to school? I can be her private security guard! Protect her at school! Then take her to and from school! Wouldn't it be nice?"

Bullseye sat next to Ivan: "And my salary is paid by Frank!"

"Well... Okay, I have no opinion, you can contact Frank!" Ivan nodded and agreed.

Although in Jessica's eyes, Bullseye is an unreliable bullseye, but in Frank's eyes, he doesn't think so.

After going through what happened later, Frank thought that Bullseye had come to Ivan in a planned way to invite rescuers to help him! He even helped him meet his daughter!

This made Bullseye's evaluation in Frank's heart increase instead of decreasing!

Bullseye held Ivan's hand: "Ivan, in any case, thank you for your help today, I owe you a favor! If you need me in the future, just mention it! No matter how difficult it is, I will help!"

Just as Ivan was about to answer, he heard a noise on the stairs, and Banner trotted down, looking slightly nervous.

"Ivan... Loki is wrong!"

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