100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 128: Evil in the rain

A small street in Dehuai.

Angel holds the cassette in one hand and controls the steering wheel with one hand to drive his yellow pickup on the way back to the orchard.

""Memories of Love 3", I played the first generation on the XU game console!"

Angel looked at the handheld game cassette in his hand, and his face became a little flushed.

A cute pattern of a girl in a swimsuit is drawn on the cassette!

This is obviously a not-so-serious cassette!

"Aiya, this cassette can't be seen by Ivan, otherwise it will reveal the fact that I like Asian girls!"

Angel tapped the steering wheel rhythmically with his fingers: "Can't let Karen see, um... no one can see it, fortunately it's a handheld! I can play secretly!"

The wipers kept scratching the rainwater on the glass. Angel placed the cassette on the front of the car and heard a 'bang' sound!

It's like there is a huge force hitting the front cover of the car! Just smash the car! The entire rear of the car is tilted for a second!

"what's the situation!"

Angel's eyes widened, and through the headlights and the moonlight, he saw a woman appearing in front of the street at some point.

That's a woman who had suddenly appeared just now!

The woman was holding an umbrella wrapped in red light, in Angel's eyes, it seemed like a reality! Complete materialization soon!

"Sir, can we hold an umbrella together?"

The woman's voice was yin and yang, and it was quite permeating this night.

——I'm driving, who will hold an umbrella with you!

Angel is very nervous and has a lot of courage. Although he knows that the situation is not good, he is not too afraid. On the contrary, he is holding his breath!

——This is my pickup! The car that has been with me for years! You say smash it?

The front cover of the car was smashed and collapsed, and the pickup has been turned off!

Angel held her breath, opened the door and got out of the car.

"What's your background? Do we have any grudges?"

Angel looked at the front cover of the car while talking, and it really collapsed!

Damn it!

The woman didn't answer, she just walked slowly towards Angel.

"Sir, can we hold an umbrella together?"

"Who are you? I asked why you smashed my car?"

"Sir, do you want to share an umbrella?"

The woman said so, and stretched out her pointed fingernails towards Angel slowly!


Angel slammed her face with a punch, knocking her head straight in the direction!

With a 'cluck', the woman's head quickly turned back, and she actually grinned! Showing a row of pointed teeth!

Angel's heart jumped and he took two steps back. This guy was so pretty just now, how could he have teeth!

While thinking like this, a faint blue light quietly covered Angel's whole body...

After the light blue light was over, the woman's smile just became stiff!

She widened her eyes and withdrew her hand, as if she sensed something!

"There is something! Watching me!" She said nervously!

Angel's heart was pounding, what's going on... Is there something watching her? This guy looks evil, should I...

"Something... is watching me!"

The woman retracted her sharp shark-like teeth. Shouted, "Something terrible is watching me!"

With a 'bang' sound, a golden light slammed the woman into the air!

An old man stretched out his palm and appeared beside Angel at some point!

"That's right, the old man is watching you!" The old man said coldly.

After the old man finished speaking, he carried his hands on his back. He was dressed in leather, and his whole body was shrouded in a layer of golden light! Standing there like Mount Tai, there is quite a master style!

It was raining sparsely, and every drop of rain that hit him seemed to be evaporated! disappeared without a trace!

Therefore, there was no sign of wetness on his body.

"You... who are you?" Angel looked bewildered.

"Benson Andrew, Mage."

The old man said lightly: "You should be too, right? I see that you have a layer of magical protection on your body."

Angel was stunned, what kind of magical bodyguard?

He lowered his head and saw that his body was indeed covered by a thin layer of pale blue light!

——It's just...this is by no means magic...but...psionics!

The old man's whole body exuded a faint golden light. He looked at the woman lying on the ground not far in front of him and introduced to Angel.

"That's the superior evil spirit Rain Girl. I've tracked her down for a long time. I didn't expect her to come here, but fortunately, now she's been destroyed by me..."

Before the old man could finish speaking, the woman suddenly stood up! At the same time, a powerful colorless energy swept across the street ahead and rushed towards the two of them!

Just hear a bang! He and Angel flew upside down together!

The yellow pickup was also lifted up by this force and fell heavily not far from them!

The few street residents who followed the sound and braved the rain to watch the lively with flashlights immediately ran away in fright!

"Oh! My old bone..."

The golden light of the old man has dissipated all over his body, and he wailed, obviously he fell hard!

Angel, on the other hand, was fine, not even feeling the pain! He looked at the light blue bodyguard on his body...

——Is Ivan nearby?

The woman's eyes were bloodshot, she didn't go after the old man, but turned around suddenly!

In the distance behind you, a car is parked there...

She was staring at that car! That car made her feel a little threatened!

"It's you...you're watching me!" she shouted to the car in a distant shrill voice.

The car is Ivan's car~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Ivan is in the car, observing the current situation with a state of spiritual vision.

When he came, he immediately put a shield on Angel from a distance, but the appearance of the old man surprised him.


Taking a deep breath, Ivan opened the car door and walked directly to Rain Girl!

The evil spirit is in front, and the whole body's psychic energy seems to be burning! They are restless and can explode at any moment!

Rain Girl stared at Ivan, trembling all over, and then suddenly opened her mouth and screamed out!

"Kill you!"

The screaming sound waves seem to have lethal power! It swept and destroyed the entire ground and charged towards Ivan!


That destructive force ran over Ivan! But it failed to stop Ivan's footsteps in the slightest!

The old man who sat up was stunned when he saw this scene!

"Have my eyes gone again? That young man... didn't support any shields, didn't cast any magic, and just used the energy leaked from his body to resist the killer move of the superior evil spirit!"

Rain Girl watched in horror as Ivan came towards him...

She went backwards and suddenly picked up the umbrella wrapped in red light! Handed it to Ivan in a trembling voice.

"First...Sir, do you have a...one umbrella?"


As soon as Ivan stretched out his hand, a powerful thought force directly snatched the umbrella in Rain Girl's hand from the air and supported it on the top of his head!

Holding an umbrella in one hand.

The palm of the other hand was already aimed at Rain Girl.

"I've accepted the umbrella. I'll go back and take a look at it later! Thank you!"

Finished! Psionic explosion!

The azure blue light wave roared and annihilated Rain Girl's whole body! Wherever the light reaches, it becomes a ravine!

The blue light is gone! Ghosts scattered! Wind and rain out!

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