Outside the window, the night rain falls, sometimes lightning and thunder, and the cold wind rustles, giving people an increasingly strong sense of depression. Inside the hall, Zhui Ming is still reading page after page, checking the dossier in his hand.

This is the most detailed information about the Wuding Sect, and the entire Wuding Sect and the inner sect are composed of three major sects. These three major sects are "Heaven", "Earth", and "Human", that is, Heaven The sect, the local sect, and the human sect.

Each of the three major sects has an elder with a very high status. These three elders are not the three great elders, but the elders of the Tianzong, the earthly sect, and the human sect. But three years ago, all three elders entered the sect. Enter the secret realm and help Xue Wuguang break through his cultivation.

Therefore, the Wuding Sect at this time is temporarily in charge of three great elders, Kang Dingfeng of the Tian Sect, Elder Chi Feng of the Earth Sect, and Elder Zhong Li of the Human Sect...the cultivation of these three great elders is unfathomable. . ★

At this moment, Zhui Ming's brows furrowed slightly. She was currently in Tianzong. As for the outer sect of Wuding Sect, the Eighteen Peaks, there were many more, and Sunset Peak was just one of them.

The scale of the entire Wuding Sect is actually very large. Especially in recent years, with the release of the three great elders, the strength of the entire sect has increased a lot. If the Yun Sect comes to attack now, even with the help of the mysterious woman, it may not be possible. You can conquer it just by attacking.

At this moment, Zhui Ming flipped through the information in her hand, her eyebrows gradually deepening. Next, she was going to investigate carefully everywhere. She had to go to both the Human Sect and the Earth Sect, as well as the 18th Peak of the Outer Sect. go.

But before that, she must remember all the information clearly, and there must be no mistakes in it. Kang Yuchen's matter is a small matter, and the true purpose of her trip must not be discovered.

A few days later, Zhui Ming had recorded all the information in the sect's files, including the disciples who had entered the outer sect over the years, the disciples who had been promoted from the outer sect to the inner sect, the disciples who had left, etc., and no one was left out.

Next, she will go to Di Zong. The investigation of Kang Yuchen is just to cover up others' eyes and ears, but it must be carried out and the investigation must be carried out to the end so that no one can find out the clues.

The Di Sect, like the Tian Sect, has magnificent palace buildings and a large number of people. In the early years, the entire Wuding Sect was dominated by the Tian Zong family. Later, the Di Sect gradually caught up. Now, the Tian Sect and the Di Sect Their strength is already comparable.

At this time, in a pavilion with a quiet scenery, I saw a man in white with a face like a crown jade. He was holding a letter in his hand. He looked at the letter and said with a smile, "I have said before that the word "sex" has a knife in its head, but Kang Yuchen This idiot thought that with Grandpa Xuan, he could do whatever he wanted with Sui Wuji. Now people from Wuyutian have come down to check on him. It’s great. I’ve long disliked him, haha..."

A disciple next to him said with a smile, "The life-seeking envoy should be almost here now. Look, sir, let's..."

The man in white smiled and said, "Nonsense, of course we are fully cooperating with the investigation of the life-seeking envoy. Let's go and greet the envoy!"

On the square, all the disciples of the Earth Sect held their breath and were silent. Looking at the life-seeking envoy from Wuyu Tian, ​​they naturally knew for a long time that this Kang Yuchen incident caused a storm in the city and caused Wuyu Tian They were all alarmed.

"Fate Chaser, please."

A smiling old man was guiding Zhui Ming. At this time, two men came from a distance. One of them was the handsome man in white clothes who was in the attic just now.

"Ji Wuyue, I have seen the envoy of Wuyu Tianzhuiming."

Ji Wuyue came to Zhui Ming, closed the folding fan in her hand, and smiled like a spring breeze. With his handsome and elegant appearance, his proud cultivation, and his status as a direct disciple of the Earth Sect elder, he won the hearts of many junior sisters. He secretly promised that he would become a fairy couple with him.

Zhui Ming looked at him and went straight to the point, "Is Elder Chi Feng in the sect?"

Ji Wuyue smiled and said, "The Grand Elder heard that the envoy Zhuiming came down to investigate the case. At this time, he and other elders are waiting for the envoy in Linghe Hall. Envoy, please follow me."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the old man beside him who was leading the way, "Elder Xu, go ahead and do your work. I will take the envoy Zhuiming to Linghe Hall." In his words, he seemed to be approaching Zhuiming intentionally.

"Mate-chasing envoy, please." Then, Ji Wuyue said the word "please", with a warm smile on his face, which made people feel like spring breeze.

After a while, Zhui Ming and him came to a majestic hall. They saw many elders of the Earth Sect sitting on both sides of the hall. They were all looking at her in silence. At the head of the hall, sat a tall figure. The white-haired old man in purple clothes gives people a sense of majesty like Mount Tai even when he is still. This man is Elder Chi Feng.

Even though he was the Grand Elder of the Earth Sect, he still had to stand up to greet people who saw Wuyu Tian. At this time, he was seen walking down the steps at the head of the palace step by step. He raised his hand and said, "Chi Feng of the Earth Sect, have you seen him before?" Zhui Ming, please." After that, Zhui Ming, please take a seat in the left hall.

Zhui Ming walked to the left hall and sat down. He took out a document from his sleeve and said, "Elder Chi Feng, take a look and see if all the people here are in the Earth Sect now." As soon as he finished speaking, a disciple came over and said, He took the document in her hand and presented it to Elder Chi Feng.

After reading it, Elder Chi Feng's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at her and said, "These people are indeed in the sect. I will have them come up right now."

"No need."

The life-chasing hand raised his hand and said, "The people here are all related to Kang Yuchen, and they may also be the victims. Announcement like this will inevitably make them nervous and scared. The elder only needs to tell them where they are. Just go and visit in person.”

After hearing this, Elder Chi Feng stroked his beard slightly, nodded, and said, "That's okay."

Zhui Ming added, "In addition, in order to avoid missing any parts, in the past two days, please send someone from the elders to sort out for me the list of all the disciples who have joined the sect in recent years."

Ji Wuyue smiled and said, "This matter is easy to handle, just go down."

Elder Chi Feng looked at him and nodded, "Ji Wuyue, you will handle this matter. Be sure not to make any omissions or mistakes."

Ji Wuyue smiled and said, "Elder, just don't worry."

In the past few days, Zhui Ming stayed in Di Zong to investigate, and in the next few days, he went to Ren Zong.

The Human Sect is somewhat different from the Tian Sect and the Earth Sect. It is relatively deserted, and the number of disciples is far less than that of the Tian Sect and the Earth Sect. Elder Zhongli is even more serious, making people afraid to approach him.

In addition to investigating the inner sect, Zhui Ming would also go to the outer sect and pass through some mountain peaks. Sure enough, she found vague abnormalities in the mountains and ground. However, she pretended not to know about all this and only investigated Kang Yuchen's matter.

Now she can be sure that there must be something wrong with the Wuding Sect, but she must not alert the snake at this time, so she cannot send spiritual messages back to Wuyutian, and Bai Luan does not dare to send spiritual messages to her rashly, so as not to expose her.

Just coming and going like this, more than half a month has passed without realizing it. At this time in Wuyutian, Shen Jing was still unconscious. Xiao Chen stayed in the room that day and did not leave. It was probably in the afternoon, and there was someone in the courtyard. Footsteps approached.

Xiao Chen covered Shen Jing with the quilt and immediately went out. He saw Bai Luan and Zi Yuan standing downstairs. Xiao Chen slowly walked down and asked, "What's the situation over there at Wuwu Sea now?"

Bai Luan said, "Back to Your Majesty, on the other side of Wuwu Sea, I haven't noticed any movement from Shen Cangming yet."


Xiao Chen nodded slightly. Nowadays, the situation in Xianyuan Ancient Land is tense, with internal and external troubles coexisting, and the issue of Heaven and Earth has already made all factions worried. If Shen Cangming does something else at this time, I am afraid it will be really troublesome.

"Speaking of which, it's been almost a month since I went to Wuding Sect to pursue my destiny. How is the situation there?" Xiao Chen looked at Bai Luan and asked.

Bai Luan said, "Kang Yuchen's case may be a little complicated. He may have encountered some difficulties in pursuing his life. It may take more time..."

"Is this so..."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly and saw that she was speaking with a lot of uncertainty. She was not like this in the past. He frowned and walked closer to her, "Bai Luan, are you hiding something from me?"

Hearing this, Zi Yuan couldn't help but tremble slightly, and subconsciously stepped back. Xiao Chen looked at her, thinking that this little girl usually talks the most, but she always looks weird when she sees him during this time... …

"Zi Yuan, maybe you are hiding something from me?"


Zi Yuan raised her head and hurriedly waved her hands and said, "No, no, I secretly hid four jars of wine last time, drank two jars, and still have two jars left. I really didn't lie to Your Majesty..."

"Is it?"

Xiao Chen looked at the two people in front of him. For some reason, after returning from the ancient immortal world this time, he always had the feeling that Bai Luan was no longer the Bai Luan before... There seemed to be more in her. There are many secrets that even I don’t know.

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