The thunderstorm outside was getting heavier. After the palace door opened, Elder Qi walked in with two disciples. The two disciples carried a large wooden box, which contained information on all the disciples of Wuding Sect in the past hundred years. .

The entire Wuding Sect is actually very big. The inner sect has several peaks, and the outer sect has even more. The last time the Yun Sect attacked, they only attacked the main peak.

"Thank you for your hard work, Elder Qi."

Zhui Ming looked at the two disciples who were soaked by the rain, and then looked at the box that the two men were carrying. Elder Qi smiled and said, "Zhui Ming is being polite." After that, he winked at the two disciples. , the two immediately carried the box up.

"Just put it here."

Zhui Ming asked the two disciples to place the box next to the desk. Elder Qi also walked up, ordered the two of them to get down, and then stood aside.

Zhui Ming took out a roll of information from the box, looked at it for a moment, and saw Elder Qi still standing beside him, so he asked, "Is there anything else wrong with Elder Qi?"

When she spoke, her eyes were still fixed on the book in her hand. Elder Qi stood aside and smiled and said, "Chaser, you see... Actually, you don't have to be so serious, right?"

When he said this, Zhui Ming was silent, smiled, and continued, "This... Zhui Ming, you see, the current situation is tense. Although the Wangchuan Gongsun Yi clan has been eliminated, outside, there are all kinds of wilderness. , there are still countless powerful enemies peeking, but at this juncture, your Majesty has sent your envoys down to investigate such a trivial matter. Isn’t it... a bit of a fuss? "

Zhui Ming still looked at the scroll in his hand and said calmly, "Are you suspecting that there is something wrong with Your Majesty's work?"

"No, no, no... how dare I..."

Elder Qi quickly waved his hand and said with a smile, "I mean, Kang Yuchen, usually relying on the elder, no one dares to accuse him of some misbehavior, but this time, he must also know that he is wrong. He has been detained in Zhaolei for these three days." I'm afraid I've suffered a lot in prison. I think... otherwise, the messenger will just turn a blind eye. After this incident, I'm sure he won't dare to do it again in the future, and I respect you... ...It’s better to go back and recover as soon as possible, right?”

Hearing this, Zhui Ming finally put down the book in his hand, raised his head, looked at him and said, "When I came down this time, your Majesty once said that the world is unfair, how can there be justice? If there is no desire in the world, there will be no justice." If such an unfair thing is ignored today, how can we convince the public in the future? If Kang Yuchen is easily let go today, won't everyone be able to follow his example in the future? "


Elder Qi frowned tightly and said nothing for a moment. Zhui Ming added, "Your Majesty also said that when I find out the truth this time, anyone who has shielded me, whether minor or serious, will be guilty of the same crime."

"Ah..." Hearing this, Elder Qi was startled, Zhui Ming smiled softly, "Elder Qi, do you have anything else?"

"No, no more... Well, then I won't disturb Envoy Zhui Ming's investigation, and I will leave..." Elder Qi cupped his hands and hurried out, as if he had been frightened.

Hearing the footsteps gradually disappearing in the wind and rain, Zhui Ming slowly turned around, picked up the book in his hand, and read attentively.

I don't know how much time passed like this. There was a thunderstorm outside the palace, the wind was freezing, and bursts of cold rain drifted in through the windows, soaking a large area of ​​the ground.

As Zhui Ming flipped through volume after volume of information, his expression became more and more solemn, and he secretly thought in his heart that there is indeed something wrong with this Wuding Sect...

Let's not put aside what Sister Bai Luan said. Just what Kang Yuchen has done in the Kangding Peak retreat over the years. There are so many things, but each one of them has covered up the past without leaving a trace. With this idiot Kang Yuchen, How?

Zhui Ming's eyes are getting colder and colder. It seems that there must be a chain of corruption among the senior officials of the Wuding Sect. It is a thousand-mile dike and breaks down in an ant nest. If the moths in this chain of corruption are not caught, there will definitely be trouble in the future. question.

As for Wuding Sect, which occupies an important position in the north, if something goes wrong, it will inevitably have an immeasurable impact on Wuyutian. From this point of view, my sister's suspicion is not unreasonable...


Lightning and thunder continued in the sky, and the wind and rain continued. At this time, in the mountain behind the main peak, in Zhao Lei Prison, heart-breaking screams were heard continuously.

In a prison, Kang Yuchen was seen being imprisoned by iron chains, and the restraints kept hitting him, causing him to suffer so much that he passed out several times.

It turns out that there are eighteen floors in the entire Zhao Lei Prison, and each floor has terrible restrictions. The further you go down, the more powerful the restrictions are. At this time, Kang Yuchen was only on the third floor, and he could no longer bear the restrictions. .

When this restriction hits the body, it is like flogging the soul directly with a red-hot iron chain. The pain involved is unbearable for ordinary people. The third level alone is already so terrifying. As for the eighteenth level, probably no one has seen it. How it was.

At this time, at the entrance to the third floor, the two jailers felt a chill in their backs just by listening to the screams. At this moment, two men in black robes suddenly came over, and the lights were dim. When I got down, I saw it was Kang Dingfeng and Elder He.

Seeing these two people approaching, the two jailers were shocked and stood up quickly, holding their breath and not daring to say anything.

Elder He walked forward, listening to the screams coming from inside, and said, "Open the prison, Elder Kang and I are going in."


The two of them seemed to be in a bit of a dilemma. Elder Punishment had previously said that no one should be allowed to visit Kang Yuchen. This was the order of the envoy from Wuyu Tian.

Elder He said, "That man has no time to spare. I don't know that Elder Kang and I have been here tonight. Please open the door."

"Yes Yes……"

The two men looked at each other, and even if they had the courage to do so, they would not dare to block the elder's way. They immediately opened the cell door and restrictions on the third floor.

The corridor was dimly lit and filled with a damp smell. The further you walked in, the more the screams coming from inside became more and more mind-numbing. It wasn't until a moment later that they finally subsided. Probably because the restriction had stopped, every day The restriction will last for one hour at both the midnight hour and the noon hour. It seems that the midnight hour has passed at this time.

Inside the prison, Kang Yuchen's shawl was scattered, his whole body was dying, and his head was hanging down weakly. In the past three days, he had almost lost half of his life.

Until then, when he heard the footsteps coming from outside, he suddenly became energetic and immediately raised his head. When he saw Grandpa Xuan standing outside, he seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and kept struggling, "Grandpa Xuan... …Help me…Help me!”

Kang Dingfeng's face was gloomy, and Elder He on the side also frowned. He silently walked forward, made a slight seal with his hands, and opened the restriction on the door.

Immediately, Kang Dingfeng walked in, and when he saw Grandpa Xuan coming in, Kang Yuchen struggled even more fiercely, causing the chains on his body to make cold banging sounds.

"Grandpa me out, this place is too scary...I don't want to stay me, save me..."

"Young Master, don't make any noise."

At this time, Elder He also walked in, winked at him, and whispered, "Do you remember what I told you that night?"

"Yeah! Remember! Remember! Kill him with one bite...never say anything..."

Kang Yuchen had a look of fear on his face and kept nodding his head. In this Zhao Lei Prison, even if it was him, two elders with higher cultivation levels came in. He was afraid that he could not bear the pain and finally confessed.

Kang Dingfeng looked gloomy and said coldly, "Let me ask you, during the years when I was in seclusion, did you really... do those things?"

Hearing this, Kang Yuchen trembled all over, and finally lowered his head silently.

"Damn thing!"

Kang Dingfeng raised his hand and was about to slap him in the face, but seeing how frightened his face turned pale at this moment, the slap finally stopped.

Kang Yuchen opened his eyes and said in a trembling voice, "Grandpa Xuan, just find someone to come in... When the interrogation comes, I will change back. That stinky bitch won't find out..."

"Shut up!"

Kang Dingfeng stared at him, his eyes filled with the smell of hatred for steel. This time he was a man from the world without desires. How could he not be careful?

After a while, the two of them came out of Zhao Lei Prison. The thunderstorm still did not stop on the way. Elder He asked in a low voice, "Elder Kang, what should we do now? I have long heard that this woman is difficult to deal with. Young Master, this time I'm afraid she will get to the bottom of this matter, and if it is involved..."


Before he finished speaking, a thunder sounded in the sky, and lightning pierced the dark night. At this moment, Kang Dingfeng's face was reflected by the lightning, which made him look a little ferocious and terrifying.

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