The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,529 Suspenseful Murder Case

"Bai Luan, there's something you didn't tell me, right..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen was getting closer and closer to Bai Luan step by step, but Zi Yuan beside him became nervous when he saw this situation.

But Bai Luan's face didn't change much. He still looked into Xiao Chen's eyes and said, "Your Majesty, you have been tired recently. Why don't you go back to Wuyu Hall to rest. I will stay here with Miss Shen. If she wakes up, , I asked Zi Yuan to tell your Majesty."

Xiao Chen didn't speak, still looking directly into her eyes. Bai Luan finally turned his head and looked at Zi Yuan behind him, "Zi Yuan, send me back to the Wuyu Hall to rest."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Zi Yuan walked up timidly and saw that His Majesty was like an iceberg in front of her. She gently pulled his sleeves and whispered, "Your Majesty, let's go..."

Let's talk about Wuding Sect. In the past month, Zhui Ming has secretly investigated many things. Kang Yuchen's case has already been revealed, but there is still no solid evidence.

In the past ten years, Kang Yuchen had committed at least twenty crimes, but all of them were covered up by one hand. Especially in recent years, it can be said that they were covered up completely.

Zhui Ming had to admit that Wuyutian had been tired of resisting foreign enemies such as Gongsun Yi clan in recent years, but he had neglected to supervise some of the sects below. Otherwise, how could there be such a major flaw in Wuding sect?

Just in the case of Kang Yuchen, many elders were involved and tried to hide the truth for him, causing many people to suffer unjust injustice. It is conceivable, what about the others?

Zhui Ming must investigate this matter and find out all those people. If these people are allowed to do whatever they want, the Wuding Sect will change sooner or later.

Now, she has grasped many clues and found many people, but it is difficult to explain anything with just witnesses, not to mention that not all of these people are willing to come forward to testify against Kang Yuchen.

Next, there was a major clue. She had to go to Qingtian Peak in person. Qingtian Peak was also a foreign sect like Sunset Peak. Eight years ago, a bizarre murder occurred there.

A disciple named Cheng Jin killed a fellow disciple named Zhu Shouping, and was eventually sentenced to have his cultivation level abolished and expelled from the sect. At that time, this murder case was related to another female disciple named Zhou Sisi, but the three of them... He is the person with the best connections.

There are many doubts about this case, and now we are ordered to review the case. Eight years ago, it was the time when Your Majesty disappeared. At that time, the entire Wuyu Heaven was looking for Your Majesty, so how could they notice the sect below?

On the second day, Zhui Ming came to Qingtian Peak. There were not many disciples on this peak, but the spiritual energy here was not thin. There were three elders on this peak. The elder who was responsible for Cheng Jin’s murder case was named Wu. The disciples They all respectfully call him martial elder.

Even though it had been eight years, Elder Wu was still panic-stricken when he heard that Wuyutian's people had come to review Cheng Jin's murder case. So he waited in the hall early in the morning and did not dare to slack off at all.

As Zhui Ming walked in at this time, the atmosphere in the hall became even more tense. The disciples inside and outside the hall also held their breath and did not dare to say anything. After all, they were all disciples of the outer sect. A senior fellow from the inner sect was as respectful as if he had seen a god, let alone this respected envoy from the world of Wu Desire?

"See...see the life-seeking envoy."

Elder Wu did not dare to sit at the head of the hall. When he saw Zhui Ming walking in, he immediately stepped forward to greet him. Zhui Ming saw the panic on his face and said, "Elder Wu, don't be nervous. I came down this time for investigation." Matters related to the Cheng Jin case. "


Hearing this, Elder Wu became even more trembling and uneasy, and said in a trembling voice, "This case has been settled for many years, why is the envoy today..."

Zhui Ming interrupted, "Elder Wu, tell me about the situation at that time."


Elder Wu sighed and told the story about the case at that time, "Actually, Cheng Jin is not bad at talent. Given time, he will definitely be able to join the inner sect. Unfortunately, the bad thing is... alas, beauty is a curse!"


Zhui Ming's eyes narrowed and he asked, "Why did the elder say this? You might as well say it more carefully.

Hearing this, Elder Wu continued, "At that time, there was a female disciple named Zhou Sisi. Zhou Sisi was beautiful and many disciples had a crush on her. Cheng Jin and Zhu Shouping were good friends at first, but later they became jealous because of Zhou Sisi. In the end, the two dueled in private, and Cheng Jin accidentally killed Zhu Shouping..."

After listening, Zhui Ming fell into deep thought, and after a moment he said, "Elder Wu, please show me the files on this case."

Elder Wu did not hesitate and immediately said to the people below, "Come here, take my handwriting and go to the Tibetan Pavilion to get the files on Cheng Jin's case."

Soon, the files on Cheng Jin's case had been obtained. At this time, a ban had been put in place. Although Qingtian Peak was only an outer sect, if a major case such as a murder occurred, the outer sect would eventually take the case information to the inner sect. , it will be handed over to the punishment elders of the inner sect for trial. After approval, it can be sealed, which means that the case has been settled. If you want to reverse the case in the future, you must rely on this file.

At this time, Zhui Ming took the dusty file in his hand. After reading it carefully, he asked, "Was there anyone there who witnessed Cheng Jin murdering someone back then?"

After hearing this, Elder Wu immediately said to the people below, "Send Ding Pan to come!"

A moment later, a muscular man in green clothes walked in hastily and uneasily. When he saw Zhui Ming, he was so frightened that his legs became weak and his voice trembled, "Disciple of Qingtian Peak, Ding Pan... See, see Zhui Ming Zun make!"

Zhui Ming looked at him and said, "You were there back then and saw with your own eyes that it was Cheng Jin who killed Zhu Shouping?"

Hearing this, Ding Pan trembled all over, his face turned pale and he said, "Hui... Hui Sir, back then, when I was young, I did see it with my own eyes. I saw that it was Cheng Jin who killed Zhu Shouping."

When he said this, he quickly raised his head and swore to the sky, "I promise with my life that I am absolutely telling no lies. I saw Cheng Jin kill Zhu Shouping with my own eyes..."

Zhui Ming continued to ask, "Then do you know why Cheng Jin wanted to kill Zhu Shouping?"

"Ah...this, this..."

Ding Pan didn't know she would ask such a question, so he hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to speak. He was so quick in his pursuit of life, so he shouted "Speak!"

This shout made Ding Pan's mind go blank. His legs softened and he knelt down, kowtowing repeatedly, "Please forgive me! I really don't know, but that day, when I was passing through the woods, I suddenly heard a scream." When he heard the news, he ran over to check and saw at the other end of the woods, Cheng Jin grabbed Zhu Shouping's throat and lifted him in the air. Before Zhu Shouping could speak, Cheng Jin crushed Zhu Shouping's throat, causing Zhu Shouping to die on the spot... "

When he said this, he raised his head and looked at Zhui Ming with trembling uneasiness. "What the villain just said is true... In the past, Cheng Jin and Zhu Shouping had the best relationship. The two were always inseparable, competing for cultivation." I have fought with them many times, but that time, I really don’t know why Cheng Jin suddenly wanted to kill Zhu Shouping... Moreover, there were two junior brothers with the villain at that time, They also saw it... Your Majesty, how about I go and call the two junior brothers here..."

"No need."

Zhui Ming looked at him, there was no need to ask anymore, this man didn't lie, but... why did two people who were so good in the past suddenly turn against each other? Is it really a life and death fight for a woman?

After a while, Zhui Ming continued to ask, "Did Kang Yuchen come to Qingtian Peak back then?"

Hearing this, Ding Pan shuddered again. Elder Wu said, "Kang Yuchen was once responsible for the assessment of disciples of the outer sect who were promoted to the inner sect, so he would come to the outer sect every few years. However, because of such a murder case that happened in Qingtian Peak, in recent years, , no one from the inner sect has ever come down..."

At this point, he let out a long sigh, "I must have seen it when my envoy came. Qingtian Peak's aura is not bad, but now its talents are withering... It's precisely because of that murder case back then."

Zhui Ming said nothing. After a while, he asked again, "What about the female disciple named Zhou Sisi back then? Where is she now?"


Elder Wu shook his head and sighed, and said, "Back then, Zhou Sisi had a very good relationship with Cheng Jin and Zhu Shouping. The three of them often practiced together. But who would have expected that Cheng Jin and Zhu Shouping would become jealous because of her later. One died unexpectedly, and the other was expelled from the sect by having his Hundreds of Meridians abolished... I guess she couldn't bear this blow, and finally left Qingtian Peak. Later, I sent people to search for it, but disciples of the outer sect who have been in the school for less than ten years generally don't The Soul-Living Jade is in the sect, so the world is so vast, if she deliberately hides it, who can find her..."

After finishing speaking, Elder Wu couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, and finally raised his head again, looked at Zhui Ming and said, "That's it for the case back then. Ambassador Zhui Ming, do you have anything else to ask?"

Zhui Ming handed the file in his hand back to him, then looked at Ding Pan who was kneeling on the ground and did not dare to get up, and said, "Take me to the place where the two of us dueled."

"Yes Yes……"

Ding Pan quickly stood up from the ground, not daring to hesitate, and immediately led Zhui Ming outside. After a while, when he arrived at that place, he only heard him say, "I was here at that time, and I was there at that time." Side..." he said, pointing to the woods on the other side.

Zhui Ming didn't say much, and looked around. Although this place was somewhat hidden, more than ten miles to the west was the Cultivation Valley. It was in the afternoon, and there must be disciples practicing in the Cultivation Valley. If the two of them dueled here, How could the disciples in the cultivation valley not hear the noise?

Even if the disciples in the cultivation valley couldn't hear it, more than twenty miles to the north, around a mountain peak, was the elder's cultivation pavilion. Could it be that even the elder couldn't find it? was a one-hit kill, so there was no sound.

But at that time, the moral conduct of Cheng Jin and Zhu Shouping were not much different. Unless it was a duel between masters, there was a chance of killing them with one blow, but in the duel between the two of them, there was absolutely no chance of killing them with one blow.

According to Ding Pan, when Cheng Jin killed Zhu Shouping, he neither used a flying sword nor a magic spell. He just crushed Zhu Shouping's throat with a pinch. If she expected it to be true, this was not a Xuanmen skill, but a famous martial arts in the world. Such terrifying finger strength showed that this person had extremely deep internal strength. Even Zhu Shouping did not notice it, so he was killed with one blow. .

So from beginning to end, this was not a duel, but a murder... There must be something fishy about this case.

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