The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,526 Secret Investigation

The atmosphere in the entire hall was unusually solid. Everyone looked at Kang Yuchen and remained silent. In recent days, rumors have indeed spread, but if no evidence can be found to prove that Kang Yuchen has done those things, today is Lord Wuyu. Even if I came in person, I couldn't convict him.

After a while, Zhui Ming smiled faintly and said, "Forget it, let's retry this case on another day..." After she said that, she looked at an elder from the inner sect, "Elder Qi, I want you to bring Wu Ding sect, this case Over the past hundred years, all the quotas for entry-level disciples have been assigned to me."

Hearing this, an elder in the right hall immediately stood up from his seat, Zhui Ming continued, "Remember, it is the inner and outer sect, everyone in each peak, and it must be detailed, where are those in the sect now, and which elder is there?" His disciples, those who have left the sect, when they left, those who died, in what year they died, and the reasons... these must be listed clearly, without any mistakes, and handed over to me after three days."


The elder named Qi trembled slightly in his heart, and immediately bowed his head and handed over his hands. Wu Yutian's Zhuiming Zunen came down to investigate the case. Even if he gave them ten courages, he would not dare to fool him.

Zhui Ming slowly withdrew his gaze, then looked at the row of elders sitting in the right hall, and said calmly, "Where is the Chief of Punishment?"

"The Criminal Division is here."

In the hall on the right, another elder immediately stood up, but looking at his stern expression and motionless, he gave people a sense of majesty. This man was the elder of Wuding Sect in charge of punishment.

Zhui Ming looked at him and said, "The suspect Kang Yuchen will be imprisoned in Zhao Lei Prison. No one is allowed to visit without my permission."

As soon as these words came out, many people in the palace were slightly shocked. The Zhaolei Prison was such a terrifying place. Generally speaking, only those who had committed the most heinous crimes would be imprisoned in the Zhaolei Prison. Over the years, this has never happened. Ordinary disciples have been imprisoned.

Kang Yuchen's expression also changed, and he said quickly, "You want to imprison me in Zhao Lei Prison?"

Zhui Ming looked at him and saw him staring at him with an angry look on his face, and said calmly, "What? Mr. Kang doesn't think that he wants to invite you to a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to stay and observe, right? Or even come here at your leisure?" Nothing to do, drinking wine, dancing with swords, chanting the wind and moonlight?"


Kang Yuchen stared at her, and then looked at Grandpa Xuan at the head of the palace. However, he saw the cold look on Kang Dingfeng's face and said in a deep voice, "Come here! Send Kang Yuchen to the Thunder Prison!"

"! Grandpa Xuan, no! I don't want to go to Zhaolei Prison...I won't go there! If you go to Zhaolei Prison, there is no way to survive..."

Seeing this scene, everyone frowned and said nothing. No wonder Kang Yuchen was so scared. To put it bluntly, even a young disciple like Kang Yuchen and all the elders present were very afraid of the Zhao Lei Prison.

At this time, behind Elder Punishment, the two disciples were at a loss when they saw this situation. Finally, Elder Punishment closed his eyes and signaled to go up to arrest the person, and the two disciples had no choice but to go up to the temple.

"Get away... get away from me!"

Seeing the people from the Punishment Hall coming to arrest him, Kang Yuchen became even more emotional. He pushed the two people away and cursed angrily, "Do you know who I am? Who dares to touch me today! Who will I kill? Get away!"


At this moment, a loud roar came from above the head of the palace. Many people were frightened by the sudden shout and trembled. Above the head of the palace, Kang Dingfeng's face was livid, as if a layer of hood had covered his face. Yan Shuang, his eyes were so cold that he was frightening.

The whole hall suddenly fell into silence, and all the elders did not dare to say anything. Elder Kang usually showed no emotion or anger, but when he was angry, he was also so afraid of others.

"Take it down!"

Kang Dingfeng shouted loudly, and Kang Yuchen was so frightened that his legs went weak and he almost collapsed, "Grandpa Xuan, no, I won't go..."

"Senior Brother Kang... let's go."

In the end, the two disciples of Elder Punishment came up and escorted him outside. As he walked outside, his face looked more and more terrifying, glaring at Zhui Ming fiercely, as if even his eyes were blank. It looked like it was about to burst open.

At this time, Zhou Xuan, who was standing behind Zhui Ming, looked at Kang Yuchen who was being escorted away, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, every time he thought about the scene that day, and in the following days, he and Wan'er were threatened all day long, and he still felt sad in his heart. Resentment is hard to quell.

Three days later at night, the sky was a little hot and it seemed like it was going to rain. There was a brightly lit palace. Zhui Ming had been looking through the Wuding Sect's archives over the years. All the big and small events were recorded in them. With her spiritual consciousness, , it is not impossible to scan these files quickly, but if you don’t check carefully, you may miss some.

The reason why she was so serious this time was not just because of Kang Yuchen, but... Back in time, Bai Luan found her that day.

"Senior Sister Bai Luan, you are in such a hurry to come here, why do you have anything to do with me?"

"Zhui Ming, listen to me. This time, there is a dangerous mission for you."


Zhui Ming smiled, looked at her and said, "Which dangerous mission was not entrusted to me? Tell me, where are you going this time? It's impossible for me to go to Wuwang Sea again, right?"

"It's Wuding Sect." Bai Luan looked at her seriously.

"Wuding Sect..."

Zhui Ming's eyes narrowed, "Could it be the incident that has been widely rumored outside recently? You can just let anyone go for such a trivial matter."

"No, Zhui Ming, you listen to me."

Bai Luan still looked at her solemnly and said, "I originally wanted not to tell your Majesty about this matter and then investigate it secretly, but just now there were two ignorant sisters who almost made your Majesty listen to what they said. , Fortunately, I used Kang Yuchen's matter in time to prevaricate..."

Zhui Ming has been away on business all year round, but he doesn’t know much about Wuyu Tian’s affairs. Seeing Bai Luan’s serious expression at this moment, he didn’t seem to be joking, so he asked, “What is it, tell me.”

Bai Luan said, "In recent years, there have been subtle differences in the spiritual veins in the north. I originally thought it was the Gongsun clan, but now that the Wangchuan Gongsun clan has been overthrown, the problem is still there. I'm afraid it's not simple. I suspect that the Wuding Sect There might be something wrong inside..."

Hearing this, the expression on Zhui Ming's face gradually became solemn, and Bai Luan continued, "Wuding Sect guards the spiritual vein in the north, which is also a crucial checkpoint in the north. Once something goes wrong, if someone from Tianwaitian is allowed to sneak in, Without desire, the consequences will be disastrous..."

"So this time, my sister asked me to use the Kang Yuchen matter as a cover to investigate the Wuding Sect."


Bai Luan looked at her and said solemnly, "To avoid alerting others, I can only send you alone this time. You must remember that the true purpose of your trip must not be discovered, otherwise... it may... Life is at risk."

Zhui Ming's tense expression gradually softened, and he smiled softly, "I thought it was a big deal. Don't worry, it will be done when I come back. In this case, without further delay, I will leave now."


Just when she turned around to leave, Bai Luan stopped her again, Zhui Ming turned around and asked, "Sister, is there anything else?"

Bai Luan frowned slightly and looked at her, "This time... you must be careful."

Zhui Ming smiled softly and said, "I can come back safely in Wuyan Cangming. This time it's just a small Wuding sect. Sister, don't worry. Oh, by the way, last time I came back from Yunchuan, I knew that little girl Ziyuan secretly I hid several jars of peach blossom snow and told her not to drink it all alone, but to leave one jar for me when I come back."

At this moment, there is no definite sect.


Suddenly there was a burst of lightning and thunder outside, and then raindrops as big as beans fell down, hitting the tiles on the roof, making a crisp sound.

The candlelight in the hall was blown by the wind and swayed uncontrollably. At this moment, there were footsteps approaching outside, followed by Elder Qi's voice, "My lord, I have sent someone the information you asked for three days ago." Everything is ready, can I bring it in for you now?”

Zhui Ming put down the document in his hand and said outside, "Elder Qi, please come in."

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