Outside the Hall of Nonsense, Wubie calmly looked at the moon in the sky.

Although he was still some distance away from Hekatia, he heard clearly what she had just said.

It must be said that Hekatia did grasp the key points of the matter.

Wubie would definitely not allow hell to be destroyed. The future Yuyuko needs to have a place in hell, and Gensokyo cannot be without hell.

So this place must not be destroyed.

Although he also knew that Hekatia would not really destroy hell, because hell is one of the worlds he controls and is part of her power.

When Dayi shot down the sun and caused it to disappear, the power of light was weakened compared to before, and the corresponding darkness would also be weakened, which also led to the weakening of the power in hell.

Because of this incident, she and Dayi became enemies, Dayi died, and now she is seeking revenge on Chang’e, although this hatred is related to another person.

However, this also shows that Hekatia still attaches great importance to her own power, so he will never destroy hell in order to eliminate Wubie.

So Wubie can just let it go, and Hekatia will naturally stop after that, but this will also make her angry.

After making her angry, no matter what conditions he proposed, she would not agree to his request.

And he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t just leave Hell alone, whether for himself, for Yuyuko, or for Yingji and Komachi.

“Really, that’s why I hate people who like fun. Sometimes these guys are really trouble makers.” He glared at Hecatia in the distance, and then Wubie looked at the moon in the sky seriously.

He stretched out his right hand, and at the same time his eyes flashed red light. I saw a huge amount of magic power began to gather on his body, and then he spoke

“Fantasy materializes: Moonset!”


The sound of the air vibrating was accompanied by other words. At the same time, the magic power of the entire hell changed.

“What is this?!”

Hekatia, who was the first to notice what was going on, showed a look of shock. Now she didn’t expect that Wubie could actually do this.

Seeing Hekatia’s expression, Yingji beside her didn’t react. When she understood why Hekatia was surprised, the serious Lord Yan Mo also showed the most surprised expression in his life.

Because, with Wubie’s magic power as the main force, and the magic power of hell as the auxiliary force, and constructed with the knowledge of the root as the template, a red moon appeared in hell.

And it did not appear in the air, but on the ground.

“This is… the moon!”

Looking at the huge red moon that was only tens of meters away from her, Yingji was deeply shocked and her mouth opened slightly unconsciously.

“Hahahaha, the moon, it’s actually the moon, and it’s a moon that can respond to my power.

Although there’s no way to control it, this is the real moon. It’s really interesting, really interesting. Wubie, who are you?”

Looking at Wubie shining with red starlight in front of her, Hecatia showed an almost fanatical expression, as if she had seen a fun toy.

But this toy is not her toy after all, and she can’t control it.

“”The moon is falling!”

Without making too many movements, the huge red moon soared into the sky and flew towards the moon in the sky.

Two moons that were exactly the same except for the color appeared in the sky at the same time, and they were so close to the ground.

The impact brought by one moon was enough, not to mention two. But

Wubieke was not interested in caring about their thoughts. If he wanted Hecatia to give up targeting him, he would need to show some strength.

Then, the red moon in the sky accelerated suddenly and crashed straight into the moon.

Seeing the two moons collide, everyone in hell exclaimed, but the collision of the two moons did not explode as they imagined.

As the two moons in the sky collided, the red red red moon turned into a rainbow black hole, swallowing the moon in the sky.

“Bang bang bang!”

“Using the magic of the Red Moon to devour a part of the Moon’s essence, since both are real Moons, it is an excellent choice to protect Hell without destroying the Moon.”

Hecatia gave a high evaluation of the choice that had no other choice.

“I just did what I should do, but are you ready to take responsibility for doing this? Dodge, Six Rabbits.”

With a speed that even Hekatia could hardly keep up with, he appeared in front of Hekatia with a strange step and kicked her head.

At the critical moment, a small earth appeared on her head to help her block the attack, but she underestimated the power of Wubie.


The powerful impact force penetrated the planet, and Hekatia flew out directly under the huge impact force.

She flew into the non-curved hall, and the building collapsed instantly.

“”Flee, Shuiyue.”

Following the path of Hekatia’s flight, Wubie chased after her.

Along the way, the building debris destroyed by his own strength and Hekatia’s body would not cause any obstacles under Shuiyue’s skills.

The spider-like figure moved among the rubble and caught up with Hekatia in less than a moment.

But as a belligerent, he would not be the one to be beaten.

“Moon”Lunatic Impact”!”

Hecatia, flying in the air, found an opportunity to counterattack the moment Wubie approached. The moment she faced Wubie, the moon beside her flew directly towards Wubie, and its power was equivalent to a planetary collision.

At this moment, Wubie’s eyes flashed with rainbow light, and the world was instantly shrouded in death.

The world at this time seemed extremely fragile in his eyes, as if it could be destroyed with just a slight stroke, but it was a pity that there was no such thing on the moon.

There were only a few extremely faint points, but it was enough.

A simple-looking sword appeared in his hand. Although it was not a very handy weapon, it was enough.

“Flash Sheath·Eight Point Charge.”

The Seven Nights Assassination Technique is more suitable for short weapons, but the Convergence Master can also use long weapons to perform it, but the amplitude is relatively larger.

Flash Sheath·Eight Point Charge, a small-amplitude extremely fast slash, became a smaller-amplitude extremely fast slash here with Wubie. It looks like just a light stroke, but the speed has exceeded ten times the speed of sound.

It hit the point on the moon with incredible precision. Under the rule power of the Death Eyes and the skill of the Eight Point Charge, the moon was bounced away, and the Yama Sword in his hand was also bounced away.

The impact force of a planetary collision is not so easy to resolve, at least the power Wubie just showed was not enough.

After he knocked the moon away, Hecatia behind the moon was ready.

“Non-ideal barrage of the other world”Hell”」!”

The same barrage of bullets flew out as at the beginning, but the density was so high that it was impossible to dodge it by physical skills, unless you passed through it. Being in the air, there was no place to build a base nearby, so the only option was to dodge.


For the sake of magic, the bullets flew through his body into the air and finally landed on the ground, creating deep pits.

A moment of respite allowed Hekatia to get rid of the passive situation.

“The Devil’s Moment」”

With her magic, dusk appeared in the hell without the alternation of sun and moon, and Hekatia’s ability was greatly enhanced.

During the Demonic Hour, because Hekatia’s magic spread throughout the hell, Wubie, as an alien, was forced to cancel his spirit transformation.

“Hahaha, now you have no way to dodge, come on, let me see your true strength, Traveler!”

Looking at Wubie’s forced figure, Hecatia also smiled triumphantly, but did not stop the action in her hands.

“Hell’s Rain of Hatred」”

Feeling the surge of magic power, Wubie looked up at the sky. Over the hell, a rainstorm full of destructive meaning was brewing.

He looked at Hecatia again with an expressionless face. She was looking at him fanatically, wanting to see how he would deal with this crisis. However, Wubie stayed on her and looked at Shiki Yingji not far away.

Now she is trying to save the people trapped under the rubble.

After taking a look, Wubie also noticed how much damage he and Hecatia had caused.

(It seems that power cannot be abused.)

But he didn’t think he had done anything wrong. If he hadn’t stopped it, hell would have been damaged even more seriously.

At the same time, Wubie didn’t think that if he didn’t come, he would change anything. Since he has appeared in this world, it is only a matter of time before Hecatia notices him, so this is bound to happen.

Since it is not his fault and there is no way to stop it, then he should use other methods to better deal with the situation here.

“Phew, since we are responsible for the protection, we should do our best. However, we should try to affect the whole hell.”

After figuring out everything, Wubie closed his eyes, raised his right hand, and the magic power in his body began to surge, as if he was preparing for something.

Looking at his actions, Hecatia put away her smile. Of course, she heard Wubie’s mumbling, but she didn’t know what he was going to do.

But it is certain that everything that comes next will affect the whole hell.

And Wubie’s preparation did not take long. When the rain of hell was about to fall, he suddenly opened his eyes.

“This is the pure land, this is the dreamland; accept everything, reject everything, this is – illusion, flowers in the mirror, moon in the water”


At the moment when Wubie’s words fell, the whole hell fell into silence, with only the sound of a drop of water falling in everyone’s ears.

As the sound of water drops sounded, it was followed by the sound of water waves, and at the same time, it felt like a blue wave was coming, but when people stretched out their hands to block it, there was nothing.

Just as they were puzzled, they also noticed that the dark clouds in the sky disappeared, and at the same time, the two terrifying auras disappeared.

Moreover, the Non-Quzhi Hall, which had obviously become a ruin, returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

At the same time, it absorbed the magic power of the entire hell and began to guide their thinking. The disaster that had just happened became blurred in their memories.

Everything seemed to have not happened, but it seemed to have happened, just like……

“”Were we dreaming just now?”

This question appeared in many people’s minds at the same time. However, what they didn’t know was that in an unknown world, the goddess of the other world asked a question to

“Who are you?”

“Just a traveler passing through.”

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