“Okay, I’ll take you here. The rest of the way is up to you. I don’t want to go to the Non-Corruption Office, or I’ll be scolded.”

Komachi scratched her head a little embarrassedly.

As a friend, she still wanted to go with Wubie to see it. Of course, it was more to watch the fun, after all, she couldn’t help much there.

But if she went to the Non-Corruption Office at this time, it would be leaving her post without permission, which was a serious crime. She didn’t want to be scolded by Yingji.

“Haha, I see. By the way, here’s the money for crossing the river.”

He took out a gold ingot and handed it to Komachi. Of course, it didn’t cost so much money to cross the river, but it didn’t cost anything else, so he didn’t mind giving more.

Although Komachi was the ferryman of the Sanzu River and a civil servant of hell, her only source of income was actually from crossing the river.

This is why the death gods on the Sanzu River often cheated people out of their money. Who doesn’t want to make more money?

“Hehe, thank you very much.”

Even though I just said that I would not cheat Wubie’s money, since he offered it to me, what reason did I have to refuse?

And Komachi had a premonition that she would be short of money in the future, so she should save money now.

At the same time, because of this feeling, she always felt that she would lose out if she didn’t take Wubie’s money, so as long as Wubie gave it to her, she would not refuse.

After paying the money, Wubie left. She would probably come to hell often in the future, so there was no need to say goodbye.

“Wubie, be careful when you go to the Hall of Injustice, and don’t fight with Lady Hecateia. I don’t want Hell to disappear.”

Komachi waved her hands and shouted to Wubie, not knowing whether she was worried about Wubie or Hell.

“Got it, don’t worry, I won’t do it easily.”

After waving to Komachi, Wubie turned and left Sanzu River.

Watching Wubie’s back, Komachi slowly put down his hand and placed it in front of his chest to bless him.

“I hope your wish will come true.”

With Komachi’s blessing, Wubie disappeared into the depths of hell, but Komachi did not leave. She wanted to wait for Wubie here to make sure he was safe.

The scene came to Wubie.

After saying goodbye to Komachi, he also moved straight towards the direction of Feiquzhi Hall. He was very fast along the way.

Every time he tapped the ground with his toes, he would appear hundreds of meters away.

Hell is very big, even larger than the area on the ground. It may be so big to accommodate all the lives in the world.

Fortunately, Feiquzhi Hall is not far from Sanzu River, and Wubie was unimpeded along the way, and no one came to stop him.

Now Wubie is a guest of Yanma, and these ghosts in hell will naturally not stop him. Of course, they are more afraid.

When he came for the first time, Wubie showed no mercy.

Anyway, there were almost no dead people in hell that day, and there were almost no people who could stand and walk. Did you ask Yingji if Looking for trouble with Wubie? They started it first, okay? Besides, Wubie is a traveler, isn’t it okay for a traveler to travel in hell?

Anyway, Wubie himself didn’t commit any crime. Although everyone was knocked down, no one was seriously injured. And because they started it first, Wubie’s coming to hell didn’t violate the rules of the world.

And although Wubie is a living person, he also has a legal identity in hell, so he is just following the rules.

In summary, Yingji finally judged Wubie not guilty.

Instead, those who started it were severely punished. This is one of the reasons why there are rumors in hell that Wubie and Yingji are related.

However, those who are familiar with Yingji know that Yingji just made a fair judgment. After all, she is the Yama who judges right and wrong.

The topic has gone too far. Now Wubie has arrived at the Hall of Right and Wrong.

It’s just that before he knocked on the door, the people inside the door had already welcomed him – barrage

“Non-ideal barrage of the other world”Hell”」!”

“Isn’t there still a fantasy village? Why are they using barrages?”

Looking at the colorful barrages, Wubie also subconsciously complained.

But even if he complained, he still had to take this attack seriously.

“True name released──Avalon! (Avalon)”

Across the world, humans who resonate with the root have obtained the world’s strongest defense, and the golden scabbard is now on Wubie. The golden light blocks the front, colorful, and each barrage with the power of an intercontinental missile disappears.

“Oh, a world outside this world, and not in the category of another world, is not affected by my power. How interesting.

As Yingji said, he is a very interesting and powerful person.

However, the first thing he did was to defend instead of counterattack. He wanted to protect this place. It is also a good character not to cause trouble to others.

But can you really do it? Then give it a try, be careful,”The moon is falling!」”


Along with the laughter, there was a loud noise.

After hearing what was said, Wubie had a new understanding of this god of fun, and continued to complain.

“Although I know that this guy likes to fight, but isn’t it a bit too much? Hell is nominally her territory, isn’t she afraid of destroying it?”

Wu Bie looked up at the sky, and a bright moon appeared in Hell where it shouldn’t have appeared, and was descending rapidly.

Although it is not the real moon, it is also a part of the moon.

Wu Bie didn’t care much about such an attack, but…

(As the lord of the Moon City, he can’t completely control the moon. Emmmm, I guess Yue Yejian is angry now.) Wu

Bie thought so while looking at the bright moon in the sky.

But facing such an attack, he is probably the only one who can be so calm, at least the other people in Hell have gone crazy.

Even the always calm Yan Mo, Shiki Yingji, looked at the moon in the sky with a desperate expression, and said to Hecatia with fear on his face

“Lord Hekatia, if you continue like this, hell will be destroyed.”

But Hekatia looked unconcerned and waved her hand nonchalantly.

“It doesn’t matter. Doesn’t that kid want to protect hell? Then I’ll give him a chance. After all, if hell is destroyed, then his idea will not be realized, so he will try his best, right?

So, mysterious man, unknown traveler, let me see who you are, and you must have such powerful power.”

Hekatia’s eyes sparkled, and she smiled happily at the same time.

As one of the supreme gods of the world, Hekatia has long been tired of this boring world, so when such an unknown figure suddenly appeared, she naturally had to play with him.

Looking at Hekatia’s smile, Yingji knew that no matter what she said, she couldn’t stop her, so she could only look at Wubie outside the Feiquzhi Hall.

(Lord Wubie, hell, I’ll leave it to you.)

On the other side, beside the Sanzu River, Komachi, who was waiting for Wubie to come back, was also looking at the bright moon in the sky in horror.

“Hey, hey, hey, I know that with Hekatia’s personality, she will fight, but don’t be so exaggerated.”

Komachi, who has never seen such a scene before, doesn’t know how to express her feelings at the moment. This is not something she can face at all.

She is helpless and can only pray to the only hope like Yingji.

(No, you must win!)

And Hekatia’s behavior also caused changes in the outside world

“Grandpa Yaoji, it’s dark.”

“Well, it’s a night without clouds, but it’s also a night without a moon. This is not a good sign.”

Looking at the dark sky, Yao Ji frowned, with a bad feeling in his heart, and this matter is related to Wubie.

People always have a spiritual connection with the people they care about. Youyouzi also noticed it, and his expression was also worried.

“”Grandpa Yaoji, Brother Wubie hasn’t come back yet, I’m a little worried.”

A hand firmly grasped the hem of Yaoji’s clothes. The young Youyouzi didn’t know what to do at this moment. She could only rely on the people around her.

Seeing Youyouzi’s worried look, Yaoji gently patted her head.

“Don’t worry, Wubie is not a special person. He can even control his own life, so how could he get into trouble because of such a small matter? I believe he will be back soon. After all, he promised to go home early.”

Yaoji, who has lived a normal life, would not have made such a promise, because no one can be sure whether an accident will happen.

But seeing Youyouzi’s worried look, he couldn’t create pressure on her. Wubie is too important to her now.

And Yaoji was not just comforting her, because that person would really bring a miracle, and that was a miracle that even he had to believe in.

With Yaoji’s comfort, Youyouzi was also slightly relieved.

But judging from her appearance, she should not be ready to go in. If Wubie didn’t come back, she might not go back to the room tonight. Seeing

Youyouzi’s plan, Yaoji did not stop her.

Because he was also prepared Keep waiting, waiting for the person who has become part of this family to come back, waiting for him to return with a smile as usual.

This disaster caused by Hecatia naturally attracted more than just the attention of these people. People all over the world have already looked up at the sky.

The disappearance of the moon has caused chaos in many parts of the world. Rumors of the destruction of the world are also spreading in the world. Many places have begun to offer sacrifices, hoping to appease the angry gods in this way.

This kind of thing is happening in various parts of the world.

What’s the use? This is just the ignorance of ordinary people.

But this can’t be blamed on them. After all, they have encountered such a god with a funny personality. All���They would all feel fear and helplessness.

Wubie was also very helpless. He scratched his head in annoyance, and then looked at Hecatia with an unhappy face.

“So, what I hate most is you guys who are just for fun, just wait, I will make you pay after I finish dealing with you!”

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