Chapter 60 The Arrival of Gods.

A few days later, in the bamboo house.

After being busy outside for a few days, everyone returned to the bamboo house one after another. They just went downstairs to arrange things.

Although the matter itself is not a trivial matter, there is no need to do it personally to pass on the message.

And there are other things to arrange at home, so everyone came back after they were done.

But this time there were a few more special guests at home.

After explaining a few words to Zi and the others, Wubie went to entertain the guests.

The center of the marriage proposal is still Kaguya, so she will arrange everything.

Seeing Wubie coming over, Hecatia also greeted him and hugged his arm.

Wubie also reached out and pinched Hecatia’s face, and then walked towards these special guests together.

Seeing the interaction between Wubie and Hecatia, they all smiled with relief, and then greeted Wubie.

“Long time no see, bye”

“Long time no see, Mr.”

“Yahoo, I brought Mengzi here to play again.”

“Hello, Master Wubie.

Wubie nodded and said with a smile.

“Long time no see, Long Shen, Chun Hu and Shen Qi, well, Miss Meng Zi, you have been taking care of Shen Qi and it has been hard work.”

In addition to greeting the above three, she also specially greeted a maid present.

However, the woman named Shen Qi said unhappily

“”Well~ I’m not a trouble.”

Our lovely Lord of the Demon Realm pouted and came closer to protest.

Wubie, however, put his hand on Shenqi’s head like a child and held her in place.

Shenqi, whose head was held down, had no way to move forward, so she pouted and looked at Wubie pitifully.

Seeing this, the maid named Mengzi chuckled and said

“It’s not hard. Taking care of Shenqi is my job.”

“That’s why I said you’ve worked hard. This should be work, not your life.”

She shook her head helplessly, but it was also Mengzi’s own choice.

So Mengzi just smiled and didn’t answer the question.

After greeting Mengzi, Wubie rubbed Shenqi’s head, ignored her gaze, looked at Longshen and Chunhu, and said with a smile

“Thank you for coming this time.”

Chun Hu shook his head and said

“As a friend, it is natural to care about Kaguya. She said that it is your child, and she is one of the few Moon People that I do not hate.”

Looking at Kaguya who was arranging work for everyone in the distance, Chunhu smiled.

Hating the house and the dog, the fact that Chunhu who hated Yuedu liked her could only mean that Kaguya had not been corrupted by Yuedu.

Wubie smiled and nodded, then looked at the Dragon God.

The Dragon God, the supreme god of this world, was even higher than Hekatia. He was the most powerful person in the world except Wubie.

However, at this moment, the Dragon God was just a cute loli with a dragon tail.

“Why did you transform into this appearance? I thought you would prefer a big sister with a good figure.”

Wubie looked at the Dragon God with surprise in his eyes.

The Dragon God shook his tail and said

“It’s nothing, it’s just convenient.”

She turned her head to prevent Wubie from looking at her face.

But if Wubie saw it, he would definitely notice the subtle redness on her fair cheeks.

(It’s all because of you. The first time I saw me, I brought Qin Xin. The second time I saw me, I brought Inaba Di, and then it was Suixiang.

It’s all your fault. I misunderstood.)

Looking at the scene of beautiful women behind Wubie, Longshen was a little angry.

Most of those people were mature women with iconic figures, and then there were cute and energetic girls.

There were only two lolis like Suixiang and Di.

Even Qin Xin was not a loli, but more of a girl.

Because of these reasons, Longshen misunderstood Wubie as a loli control.

【Ahem, although it is not a misunderstanding.

So the Dragon God chose a loli when he transformed himself.

It was not to please Wubie, but because she herself had no idea.

So she had to decide based on other people’s preferences.

However, monsters and gods only have one chance to transform, so there is no way to change it.

Even if it can be transformed into another appearance, it is just a change, not your own appearance.

After hearing what the Dragon God said, Wubie didn’t think too much.

He just nodded, then Wubie looked at Chunhu and said

“During this period of time, I will leave Kaguya in your care. There is no one else here who knows more about this kind of thing than you.”

Chunhu smiled and nodded.

“Well, leave it to me. But I never thought that you would choose this method to retaliate.”

“We were originally going to fight back directly, but Kaguya herself felt that it was a little too light, so we chose this method.”

Wubie shrugged helplessly.

After all, normally, we would never think of using this method. It can only be said that Kaguya’s imagination is too big.

Seeing this, Chunhu smiled softly.

“Haha, I’m afraid you’re the only one who agrees with her nonsense.”

“I can’t help it. After all, she is my child. But I am afraid I won’t be able to treat her as a child in the future.”After all, she was pushed by three people last night. I will definitely not be able to treat her with the same feelings as before in the future.

Hekatia covered her mouth and smiled.

“I didn’t expect Kaguya to be so bold. She was talking about proposing marriage yesterday.”

When Kaguya and the other two came out this morning, their walking posture was different from before.

How could such a small detail fool them?


Although everyone present understood Kaguya’s feelings for Mube, they didn’t expect it to burst out at this time.

However, seeing Kaguya’s happiness, everyone smiled with relief.

Lovers finally get married, this is what they all want to see.

Junko also nodded and said

“If you want to pursue your own feelings, you should be bolder. And you are even bolder than others.”

Chunhu crossed her arms and looked at her best friend with a smile.

Hearing Chunhu say this, Shenqi and Longshen also looked at her jokingly.

Hecatia’s emotional experience is an enduring topic among the supreme gods.

After so many years, everyone still hasn’t let her go.

But it was also thanks to Hecatia that Wubie was able to meet them.

The Lord of the Demon Realm, Shenqi


The Lord of the World, Dragon God.

After getting to know them, Wubie was completely sure of some things.

At the same time, after getting to know Dragon God and Shenqi, Wubie also reached some agreements with them, and today he invited them for that agreement.

After taking a look at the living room, everyone started to work in an orderly manner under Kaguya’s arrangement, and Wubie was relieved.

Then he looked at Dragon God and Shenqi, and they looked over together.

The three of them nodded together.

Then Wubie, Dragon God, Shenqi, Hecateia, Mengzi, a group of five people left the bamboo house and went to the bamboo forest.

On the way, Wubie said

“I’m sorry, my family has been busy recently, so I can’t discuss the next things at home. Please bear with me.”

“It doesn’t matter. What we are going to discuss next should not be known to too many people. The bamboo forest is still the safest place.”

Looking at the bamboo forest covered with thick fog, the Dragon God nodded.

Even she had no way to see through the fog before using her ability.

Shenqi on the side also looked at the fog curiously, wanting to know what kind of magic formula was contained in it.

Unfortunately, no matter how she tried, she could not find any trace of the magic formula.

This is also normal, because these mists are not magic, but treasures belonging to heroic spirits.

There was no conversation along the way. After walking for an unknown period of time, everyone came to a small house deep in the bamboo forest.

This place is on the edge of the bamboo forest and closer to Gensokyo.

However, few residents of Gensokyo come to the Lost Bamboo Forest, so this place is very secretive and safe.

After everyone arrived at the cabin, they sat down one after another, and Mengzi also made tea for them.

After getting ready together, Wubie spoke

“Fifty years have passed since the promise was made, and it is time to make a final decision on the issue of Gensokyo.”


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