Chapter 59 Sisters of One Mind.

In the courtyard, Wubie carried Kaguya and sat down in the courtyard.

Kaguya, sitting in Wubie’s arms, gently rubbed his chest.

From time to time, she would raise her head and kiss Wubie’s lips, while plundering his sweetness.

But each time it would not last too long. After letting go, she would bury herself in his arms again and not raise her head.

But every time she would inadvertently let out a silver bell-like laugh.

Wubie shook his head helplessly.

After a long while, seeing that Kaguya was still enjoying it, Wubie had to take the initiative to hold the softness in her mouth.

After forcing her to stop, Wubie asked

“How is it? Are you relieved now?

Wubie asked, rubbing her face.

Kaguya nodded, then grabbed Wubie’s finger and put it in her mouth, muttering

“It’s because my father clearly understands my feelings, but he doesn’t respond, which makes me so worried.”

Feeling the touch of his fingertips, Wubie said with a smile

“So it’s my fault.”

“Of course, it’s all your fault, otherwise how could I be so embarrassed like I was just now, ah!”

He bit Wubie’s finger lightly, which was equivalent to revenge.

Wubie smiled and said

“I naturally couldn’t bring up this kind of thing. Didn’t Kaguya hide it very well herself? Haha.”

Kaguya blushed when she heard Wubie’s laughter.

In the final analysis, it was because she had concealed her feelings.

Wubie just followed her heart and didn’t say it clearly.

After all, the parties involved chose to conceal it. Speaking it out directly would probably only have the opposite effect.

And then Wubie said

“Besides, I didn’t even say it directly to Qin Xin and Men Lingqi. They are much more frank than Kaguya.”


When she thought about it, Kaguya pouted. After thinking about it carefully, she found that she really had no good way to refute it, so she had to say

“Humph! It’s all father’s fault.”

Looking at Kaguya’s arrogant look, Wubie also smiled and nodded.

“Yes, yes, it’s all my fault.”

Although she knew Wubie was just trying to fool her, Kaguya still smiled triumphantly. However, the topic was about Qin Xin and Men Lingqi, so Kaguya asked curiously

“Father, since you know the feelings of sister Qin Xin and sister Men Lingqi, why don’t you respond?”

She remembered that Wubie was not the kind of person who would keep other people’s feelings hanging.

As for not liking him, if it hadn’t happened just now, maybe Kaguya would still doubt it, but not now. There is no need to worry about her appearance and figure. She is a top-notch beauty, and Wubie can even accept Suika, so why worry about this?


“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but remember to apologize to Suika.”

“I know, I know, I will apologize.”

Just after she complained, she saw Wubie’s knife hand still there, so Kaguya had to nod and agree.

Wubie also put down his hand, and then said

“How should I put it? Actually, it doesn’t matter if I respond to them now, but I couldn’t respond in the past few years.

Qin Xin is still better, but Menreiki’s mind was not mature at that time. What do you think she will do after I respond?”

Kaguya tried to imagine that scene, and then thought of Menreiki’s room and her appearance when facing Wubie.


When Kaguya thought of that result, she couldn’t help but shudder.

Seeing Kaguya’s frightened look, Wubie smiled and said,

“It seems that you have thought that if I agreed at that time, we might face considerable trouble.

Even if we don’t handle it properly, our family might fall apart.”

Speaking of this, Wubie also sighed.

Mian Lingqi is indeed very attached to Wubie, and listens to him very much.

It can be said that she regards Wubie as her only one, and Wubie is her motivation to live.

But this is not a good thing.

This will not only limit Mian Lingqi’s life, but also make her feelings go on the wrong path.

So Wubie spent decades to correct Mian Lingqi’s character a little bit.

Correct this distorted emotion.

But this is only part of the problem. Another problem is that Mian Lingqi’s possessiveness and jealousy are too strong.

Because the creator’s competitive spirit is inherently contained in the body of Mian Lingqi.

Even if Wubie used his blessings to cover it up, it did not eradicate it. Instead, he transferred the competitive spirit towards Qin Xin to himself.

He will compete with anyone who is close to Wubie, and wants everyone to know that Wubie belongs to her alone.

Her little competitive spirit is a bit ridiculous to Zi and the others.

They naturally don’t care after experiencing so much with Wubie.

It’s just that everyone knows that this kind of thing can’t be tolerated all the time, otherwise this family can’t last forever.

“So at that time I did not respond to Menreiki’s twisted feelings, and the same went for Qin Xin, after all, the two were sisters.

And Qin Xin would not lie. If Menreiki knew that she was being treated differently, then things would only get worse.

So I let the two who were already able to take care of themselves leave the bamboo house and live in the human village, in order to hone Menreiki’s character and emotions.”

Speaking of this, Wubie also smiled with relief.

Because this was undoubtedly the right decision, to have more contact with emotionally rich humans, and at the same time live with Qin Xin, who was once a rival.

Over the years, Menreiki’s state of mind has become more and more mature, and Wubie no longer needs to worry about it.

Kaguya also recalled Menreiki’s current personality.

Although she is still very clingy to Wubie, she can control herself when there are outsiders around, or when Zi and the others are intimate with Wubie.

So Wubie would say that if it were now, it wouldn’t matter.

It’s just……

“So why didn’t my father accept it?”

“that is because……”

“That’s because we are waiting for you.”

At some point, Men Lingqi and Qin Xin came back.

They were looking at Kaguya unhappily.

Seeing them suddenly appear, Kaguya was surprised and more embarrassed.

Because she heard what Men Lingqi said just now.

The two of them did not confirm their relationship with Wubie just to wait for her.

However, now she and Wubie are almost at the last step. If they hadn’t come, it would definitely be like this.

So she completely stabbed the two of them in the back.

And Wubie certainly couldn’t help at this time, so Kaguya could only rely on herself.

And in order to calm the resentment of Men Lingqi and Qin Xin, the first step is naturally to get down from Wubie’s arms.

But Kaguya didn’t want this to happen. She had just expressed her feelings today, and it would be a loss to leave Wubie’s arms like this.

Quickly going over the whole thing in her mind, Kaguya also came up with a brilliant idea.

“Sister Qin Xin, Sister Mian Lingqi, please stop being angry. I have a very good idea. You should listen to it. She waved to the two of them with a sly smile.


Qin Xin and Mian Lingqi looked at Kaguya in confusion, not knowing what she was thinking of.

But they still came closer out of curiosity, and the three of them began to whisper. Although they were very close, Wubie himself had no habit of eavesdropping, so he consciously blocked their conversation.

However, just after he did this, his own alarm bells suddenly rang.

As a high-level creature, his instinct reminded himself that someone was plotting against him.

Then he subconsciously looked at the three people who were whispering.

Not knowing what Kaguya was talking about, as she described, Qin Xin and Mian Lingqi’s eyes gradually began to reflect light.

Then they looked at themselves together.

Looking at the eyes of these three people, Wubie also felt goose bumps all over his body, like a prey being stared at.

The next moment, the three people attacked at the same time.

Not long after, Wubie’s helpless voice was heard in the courtyard.

“You three, stop tearing my clothes, and go back to your room!”

While Zi and the others were not at home, Huiye, Qin Xin, and Men Lingqi completed the final sprint.

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