“Teacher, I’m back!”

Hua Shan, who was leading two little white rabbits, pushed open the fence and said loudly.

Di, who was beside her, looked at the rabbits in her hands and said speechlessly

“I say, although we rabbits don’t mind, do we need to catch rabbits and eat them?”

Hua Shan said with a smile.

“You said you don’t care, and besides, you are still selling rabbits in the Human World.”

It’s funny.

Although Di has been living with Wubie for these years, he occasionally goes out to play by himself.

For example, he reclaimed the old farmland deep in the bamboo forest, or started his own business in the Human World.

And the business in the Human World is selling rabbits.

With the advantage of being a rabbit monster, wild rabbits will not run away, he sells rabbits.

Many people have expressed doubts about this matter. After all, it is a bit weird for a rabbit monster to sell rabbits.

But Di said indifferently

“Rabbits in the wild eat their own kind when they are hungry, and rabbit monsters and rabbits are not the same species.”

Then she ate a rabbit leg in front of everyone.

Yes, she not only sells rabbits, but also eats them.

“Such a cute rabbit should be grilled.”

No one complained about her after that.

But after that, she started to complain about herself.

After all, she was just a rabbit who couldn’t sit still.

When Wubie heard Huashan and Di chatting, he came out from the kitchen and said with a smile.

“I’m back. Everyone else hasn’t come back yet. You guys can sit in the living room and play some games first.”

He walked over to Hua Shan, took the rabbit from her hand, and went back to the kitchen.

He was the only one cooking at home today, and he was quite busy, so there was no time to chat.

Looking at Wu Bie leaving in an apron, Hua Shan couldn’t help but sigh.

“Who would have thought that the legendary immortal would be like this at home?”

The emperor beside him also nodded in agreement.

“Yes, he was so scary when we first met, but he turned out to be so gentle at home, capable of housework, and delicious.

I don’t know who will be blessed with such a good man in the future.

Although he said so, Hua Shan could still clearly hear the meaning of boasting.

Then he couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

(Who can be blessed with it? It will be us.)

He shook his head and didn’t delve into it.

“Let’s go, don’t disturb the teacher, let’s go play”

“”Okay, I will definitely not lose today.”

The two of them walked to the living room, where there were many current games.

Although they were stand-alone games, they were also very complete.

Wubie did not restrict them from playing games, as long as they were not addicted. At present, few people were addicted.

After all, everyone still had a lot of things to do and would not indulge in the virtual world.

Not long after the two left, the door was pushed open again.

“Husband! Here we come!”

“Lord Hecatia, change your shoes.”

“”Oh, I’m not wearing shoes, what’s there to worry about? Besides, I’m going back to my own home. Yingji is just nagging. People won’t like you if you’re too nagging.”

Hekatia said with a smile.

Then she floated in the opposite direction of the kitchen. Yingji, who didn’t fall into self-doubt at all,

“People who talk too much will not be liked by others……”

Yingji muttered to herself, doubting her life.

This made Komachi, who was following behind them, speechless.

But she didn’t plan to say much, it wasn’t the first time anyway.

Ever since the time when Yingji was explaining things to Kaguya, Kaguya complained that she was long-winded and said that her father would never like long-winded people.

Whenever she heard someone say to her that no one likes long-winded people, she would be like this. Although Wubie asked

Kaguya to apologize at that time. He even found time to discuss the hell law issues with Yingji for a whole night, it didn’t get better.

He thought that Wubie was accommodating him.

In the end, Wubie really had no choice but to go along with her.

Fortunately, she was just a little autistic, and she would be fine after a while.

If she still can’t get better, as long as Wubie hugs her, everything will be fine, and they can also take the opportunity to communicate their feelings.

Is this also a way to communicate with your lover?

Komachi shook her head and walked past Yingji to the kitchen, and then she heard movement in the kitchen.

“Husband, what delicious food are you making?”

“Chinese cuisine is just a cuisine from a few hundred years ago. Well, Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is good.”

“I want to eat too, um~”

Then there was a lewd sound coming from the kitchen. Komachi knew without even looking that it was definitely not a normal meal.

Sure enough, after a while, Wubie said

“”Okay, if you want to eat, go eat it yourself, don’t come to my mouth to snatch the food.”

He reluctantly stepped aside Hekatia to avoid her coming close.

Although he didn’t hate this kind of thing, it was easy to waste time, and the current task was still very heavy.

Hekatia also laughed and didn’t resist.

At this time, Komachi also walked into the kitchen, and Wubie saw it and said

“Komachi, you’re back. Have you been busy in hell lately?”

“I’m not really busy. After all, the war is over and not many people died. Things were dealt with early. Otherwise, Lady Yingji wouldn’t have agreed to come.”

Komachi stuck out her tongue and couldn’t help but say something bad about Yingji.

It can’t be said that it’s bad, it can only be said that Yingji is too responsible.

Wubie nodded and asked

“I see. That’s good. I’m not busy. But what about Yingji?”

“Because of what Lady Hecatia said just now, I am now shutting myself in the doorway, as usual.╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭”

Komachi said helplessly.

Wubie also opened his mouth and closed it. If it was that case, there was really no good way.

So he said helplessly

“Okay, let Yingji take her time.���, and you should take Hekatia to the living room to play. If you keep going like this, you won’t be able to have dinner tonight.”

Looking at Hekatia coming closer again, Wubie was helpless.

Komachi nodded, but she walked towards Wubie step by step, and then said

“My dear husband, before that, I also need to eat, jiu~”

After a long while, after plundering the delicious food in Wubie’s mouth, he left with Hecateia contentedly.

After the two left, Wubie continued to prepare dinner.

Not long after, there was movement outside the door again.

“Huh? Why is this preachy Yama standing here?”


“I don’t know. Could it be that I was punished by the guy because I was too talkative?”


Yugi and Suika commented one after another, causing a lot of damage to Yingji, who was already autistic, and she couldn’t get up again.

However, Yugi and Suika had only known Yingji for a short time, so they didn’t understand the reason, so they shrugged and walked in.

“We brought you some wine.”

“No problem, here we come”

“Suika and Yugi, um, you guys go to the living room first, Huashan is there, by the way, don’t drink before dinner”

“Got it.”

After a simple greeting, Yugi and Suika went to the living room.

Then the door became quiet.

Not long after, Kaguya, Qin Xin and Men Lingqi, who had been busy in the human world for a day, also came back.

With them came Aqiu


Pushing the door open, Kaguya, who was about to shout at Wubie, stopped abruptly when she saw the person at the door.

The other three were also startled by Yingji.

Qin Xin and Menreiki were also Wubie’s children, so they were naturally taught a lot by Yingji.

As for Ah Qiu, humans are naturally afraid of Yan Mo, so of course he was afraid of being taught a lesson by Yingji.

Being nagged by Yingji is a terrible thing.

So the four of them tiptoed past Yingji, and then said hello to Wubie and went directly to the living room to play.

Towards evening, the last five people also came back.

Zi, Youyouzi, Yaodaoji, Lan, and Tianmo were traveling together.

Because there happened to be something to discuss at the Monster Mountain, Zi, Lan and Yaodaoji went to the Monster Mountain.

Then they picked up Youyouzi and came back with Tianmo.

After they entered the door, they also saw Yingji kneeling on the ground, and immediately understood what was going on.

Then they smiled and didn’t say anything.

After all, they were not the best candidates to solve this matter, so they walked directly into the house.

Wubie, who had been busy all afternoon, was also serving dishes of time-stopping dishes.

Hecate was helping, but just by looking at Wubie’s rosy lips, she knew she had been eating a lot.


A soft voice sounded, and Wu Bie knew who it was without saying anything.

Soon there was another person behind him, very light and soft.

“Welcome back, Youyouzi.”

Feeling the softness on his back, Wubie turned his head, and then his lips were taken by Youyouzi.

Everyone was used to it, so they didn’t say much, just watched with a smile.

After Youyouzi let go, Wubie also greeted Zi and the others, of course, with his mouth.

After greeting, Wubie said

“Okay, dinner is ready, let’s call everyone to eat.”


The excited Youyouzi was the first to rush out of the restaurant to call for help.

Zi walked to Wubie and helped him straighten his collar while saying

“Husband, there is someone at the door who needs you to pick up.”

“Uh, Yingji hasn’t recovered yet?”

“Well, it’s worse than before, the whole person is gray”

“I see. I’ll go over and take a look. Lan, please help me.”

“”Okay, Master Wubie.”

Lan also went to help Hekatia carry the plate quickly. Wubie nodded and walked to the door.

Sure enough, Yingji was standing at the door like a statue.

Seeing Yingji in this state, Wubie sighed helplessly.

But he didn’t plan to comfort her, after all, he had done everything he could at that time.

So he just needed to use the simplest and most effective way.


Yingji was suddenly lifted up horizontally, and she also screamed.

When she reacted, she found that Wubie was looking at her with a smile, and she was being held up by him like a princess.

“It’s getting late, it’s time to have dinner, we can’t keep our family waiting for too long.”

He then carried Yingji to the restaurant. After hearing Wubie’s words, Yingji nodded gently.


The voice was very soft, but at this moment, all the worries disappeared.

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